Fall of the Dragon

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Event Story

Fall of the Dragon is a side story.

A young girl born of noble blood
extends her hand to a dragon shunned.

She knows she must leave
the confines of her ancient kingdom in
order to relieve he dragon's pain.

Carrying hidden secrets within
her heart, she steps off the island
for the first time in her life.

For new players

Notable Rewards

White Rabbit

White Rabbit was available in the initial run of this event, but was removed when added to side stories. It is an extremely useful SR summon that increases item drop rate and EXP gained. It is obtained by trading Happiness Carrots dropped by the Rare Monster White Rabbit, which had a chance to appear in:

  • Episode 3-1 (Battle 1)
  • Episode 4-2 (Battle 2)
  • Episode 5-2 (Battle 1)

New Character

Malinda (Event) joins you after completing chapter 4 and feeding her one Dragon Fruit. She joins as a style Fledgling version and can be matured into a more powerful Adult version of herself after clearing the side-story.

The side-story page tracks three values for Malinda: Spirit, Vitality, and Temper. She will mature once any of the three traits reach 200 points or higher and you feed her 3 Dragon Fruits.
Since the tutorial has you feeding her a Dragon Fruit, she'll join with 30 points in each trait. You can reset her to her default form an unlimited amount of times after you have matured her, resetting her traits back to 0 and restarting the process. She'll maintain her levels, Plus Bonuses, Extended Mastery Perks, and Extended Mastery Points.
The foods tradable in the side-story shop add 10 points to a trait and remove 10 of another, except for the Dragon Fruit which adds 30 to each trait. A trait cannot go below 0 or above 300.

Red Nut: +10 Spirit and -10 Temper.
Green Herb: +10 Vitality and -10 Spirit.
Indigo Fruit: +10 Temper and -10 Vitality.
Dragon Fruit: +30 Spirit, +30 Temper, and +30 Vitality.

Element and Style

Malinda's immature form is always .

Her element upon maturing is defined by her highest and lowest traits. You can tell what element she will become by using the following table:

Spirit Vitality Temper
Highest Lowest
Lowest Highest
Highest Lowest
Lowest Highest
Highest Lowest
Lowest Highest

If the highest trait is over twice the value of the lowest trait, Malinda will become style.
If the highest trait is equal twice the value of the lowest trait or less, Malinda will become style.
If there are two traits tied as highest or lowest, they will be chosen at random between the tied traits.
If all three traits are equal, both element affinity and style will be chosen at random.

style Malinda skills are  Whiplash200%-250% Dark damage to a foe., and  Growing PainsForms into adult.
Gain 20% ATK UpATK is boosted according to form
Strength: 20%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 9 turns
and 20% DEF UpDEF is boosted according to form
Strength: 20%Duration: 9 turns
(Consumes 50% of charge bar.)
. In Adult form she gains enhanced damage on Charge Attack. Her max HP/ATK is 860/3900.
style Malinda skills become  Dragon ImpactElemental damage to all foes.
Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
(Skill cooldown reduced by 2 turns when not in adult form.)
,  Growing PainsForms into adult.
Gain 30% ATK UpATK is boosted according to form
Strength: 30%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 9 turns
, JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is
Strength: 10%-30%Duration: 9 turns
and 15% DEF UpDEF is boosted according to form
Strength: 15%Duration: 9 turns
(Consumes 50% of charge bar.)
,  Iln MarionElemental damage to a foe.
All allies gain 10% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Strength: 10%Duration: 3 turns
. In Adult form she gains enhanced damage on Charge Attack. Her max HP/ATK becomes 860/4980.
style Malinda skills become  Dragon ShroudGain SubstituteReceives foe attack in place of an ally
(Excludes all-foe all-ally attacks)
Duration: 1 turn
and Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
(Skill cooldown reduced by 2 turns when not in adult form.)
,  Growing PainsForms into adult.
Gain 25% DEF UpDEF is boosted according to form
Strength: 25%Duration: 9 turns
and Dodge-and-Counter (3 times)Overrides one-foe one-ally attack and strikes foe according to form
Strength: 100%Duration: 9 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.
(Consumes 50% of charge bar.)
,  Durnir's ForgeRestore all allies' HP (Healing cap: 1000).. In Adult form she gains ShieldNext ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
on Charge Attack. Her max HP/ATK becomes 1100/4000.

The following table includes all possible combinations of element and style, as well as the order and amount of food required to achieve them from 30 / 30 / 30.[1][2]

Element Fruit Path Fruit Path
200 / 090 / 000 Dragon Fruit11× Red Nut 200 / 110 / 100 Red Nut Indigo Fruit Dragon Fruit
000 / 200 / 090 Dragon Fruit11× Green Herb 100 / 200 / 110 Green Herb Red Nut Dragon Fruit
200 / 070 / 080 11× Red Nut Indigo Fruit Dragon Fruit 200 / 100 / 110 Red Nut Indigo Fruit Dragon Fruit
090 / 000 / 200 Dragon Fruit11× Indigo Fruit 110 / 100 / 200 Indigo Fruit Green Herb Dragon Fruit
080 / 200 / 070 11× Green Herb Red Nut Dragon Fruit 110 / 200 / 100 Green Herb Red Nut Dragon Fruit
070 / 080 / 200 11× Indigo Fruit Green Herb Dragon Fruit 100 / 110 / 200 Indigo Fruit Green Herb Dragon Fruit.

The following table includes all possible combinations of element and style, as well as the order and amount of food required to achieve them from 0 / 0 / 0, the value after a reset.[1]

Element Fruit Path Fruit Path
200 / 090 / 000 Dragon Fruit11× Red Nut 200 / 110 / 100 Green Herb11× Red Nut Indigo Fruit Dragon Fruit
000 / 200 / 090 Dragon Fruit11× Green Herb 100 / 200 / 110 Indigo Fruit11× Green Herb Red Nut Dragon Fruit
200 / 090 / 100 11× Red Nut Indigo Fruit Dragon Fruit 200 / 100 / 110 Green Herb11× Red Nut Indigo Fruit Dragon Fruit.
090 / 000 / 200 Dragon Fruit11× Indigo Fruit 110 / 100 / 200 Red Nut11× Indigo Fruit Green Herb Dragon Fruit
100 / 200 / 090 11× Green Herb Red Nut Dragon Fruit 110 / 200 / 100 Red Nut11× Indigo Fruit Green Herb Dragon Fruit
090 / 100 / 200 11× Indigo Fruit Green Herb Dragon Fruit 100 / 110 / 200 Red Nut11× Indigo Fruit Green Herb Dragon Fruit

If Malinda's growth has been reset you can also add Dragon Fruit to the start of the sequence to fill the traits to 30 / 30 / 30.

Event Battles

Story Battles

Occurrences Notes
Ch. 1, Ep. 3
Ch. 2, Ep. 1
Ch. 2, Ep. 4
Ch. 3, Ep. 1
Ch. 3, Ep. 4
Ch. 4, Ep. 2
Ch. 5, Ep. 2
Ch. 6, Ep. 2
Ch. 6, Ep. 3
Ch. 6, Ep. 4

Solo Battles

Veselago Showdown
Cost to Host: 20 AP Unlock: Clear Clay Golem Showdown
Start QuestNetwork Errors will appear if the hosting conditions are not met.
(AP, Host Materials, Daily Limit)
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Veselago 25 890,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Imitate
  • Mirror Dispersia
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50, L1Z4RDRewards
Crystal ×50
, Veselago (3★)
Every clear: Honor ×75,000
Wooden Silver Gold

Challenge Battles

A Girl of Dragon's Rising

Party: Main Character and Guests: Vania, Malinda (Defense)
Completion reward: Blue Sky Crystal

Veselago is immune to Gravity and only has 1 Charge Diamond. Use Malinda's substitute to tank normal attacks. When ready to unleash Charge Attacks, use Vania's Charm Throb to gain the extra damage against Charmed enemies. Veselago's Darkstar Charge Attack distributes damage across all party members, so do not use Substitute to tank it.

Event Rewards

Event Shop

Item Step Limit Notes

Red Nut
1 21Raises Spirit
Lowers Temper

Green Herb
1 21Raises Vitality
Lowers Spirit

Indigo Fruit
1 21Raises Temper
Lowers Vitality

Noble Silk Dress (Vania)
1 13020Replaced by Crystal ×10,000 if the
Noble Silk Dress outfit was obtained prior to the event.

1 13015
2 16050
3 19075
4 1120100

Veselago Piton
1 1155
2 13020
3 15040
4 17560

Veselago Saber
1 15-
2 115-
3 120-
4 125-

Veselago Harp
1 15-
2 115-
3 120-
4 125-

Premium Draw Ticket
1 115-
2 1205
3 13010

Angel Queen
1 303-

Half Elixir
1 20-2

Soul Berry
1 50-1

CP ×10
1 2031
2 1052
3 1083

Champion Merit
1 3155
2 33010
3 35015

Supreme Merit
1 35020
2 310040

Skill Shard
1 5203

Skill Jewel
1 33010


  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Expedition Leader 古島の調査隊 ★☆☆ Get 100,000 honors in Fall of the Dragon Crystal ×10
Rule Bender 掟破り ★★☆ Get 500,000 honors in Fall of the Dragon Crystal ×30
Fall of the Dragon フォール・オブ・ドラゴン ★★★ Get 1,000,000 honors in Fall of the Dragon Crystal ×50
Lonely at the Top 孤独な偶像 Complete chapter 3 of Fall of the Dragon Crystal ×10
In Both Light and Shadows 光在るところ影在り Complete chapter 6 of Fall of the Dragon Crystal ×10
By Your Side けんぞくぅ Clear the challenge quest A Girl of Dragon's Rising Crystal ×10
Pink and Chubby ピンクのおでぶちゃん Make Malinda a full-fledged dragon Crystal ×10
Veselago Crusher ヴェセラゴバスター ★☆☆ Defeat Clay Golem or Veselago a total of 5 times in Fall of the Dragon free quest Crystal ×10
Veselago Slayer ヴェセラゴスレイヤー ★★☆ Defeat Clay Golem or Veselago a total of 50 times in Fall of the Dragon free quest Crystal ×30
Veselago Vanquisher ヴェセラゴジェノサイダー ★★★ Defeat Clay Golem or Veselago a total of 200 times in Fall of the Dragon free quest Crystal ×50
L1Z4RD TKG Clear the free quest Veselago Showdown Crystal ×50


See: Fall of the Dragon/History

Voiced Trailer


Feeding Malinda