Diablo Showdown

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Normal Showdowns | Xeno Clashes | Exo Crucibles
Ifrit Showdown | Cocytus Showdown | Vohu Manah Showdown | Sagittarius Showdown | Corow Showdown | Diablo Showdown

Diablo Showdown is one of the Normal Showdowns. It awards items to trade for the Diablo summon.

For New Players

Diablo Showdown can be farmed on Hard or Very Hard rather easily for newer players, allowing them to easily accumulate event items. For newer Dark players, unless you happened to draw a good Dark ATK summon, getting a copy of Diablo to use as your main summon is acceptable until you get something better. For all players, Diablo has a available and has favorable stats and a good call, so it is worth getting him anyway, though it might be smarter to just collect the uncap materials and hope to get 4 copies from drops rather than buying from the shop.

None of the event weapons are worth spending resources on, so you can use them if you happen to get them, but don't use items to buy them or spend fodder skilling them up. Diablo Bow may be worth keeping for much later as some advanced Dark builds do use it, but do not spend resources buying it. As with all showdowns, you can buy 5 Half Elixirs per month, one per day, and you should be able to get enough materials to buy all 5 each month while using less than 375 AP, so it's worth spending the time to farm this showdown.

Simplified drop table

This section is still being written; it may be wildly inaccurate or missing significant data.
If you can help please feel free to edit it but please write edit summaries, preferably with sources.
Fight Cloth Sliver Jewel Anima Omega Anima Bow Summon Urn
Hard 0~2 0~3 - 0~1 0~1 - - -
Very Hard 1~3 4~6 - 0~2 0~2 - -
Extreme 2~7 4~10 1~2 2~5 1~2 -
Maniac 6~15 6~14 1~5 3~10 1~5


Found in Quests > Special

Lvl 20 Diablo
Cost to Host: 15 AP Unlock: Normal Showdowns
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Wave 1 Unholy Envoy 10 9,500 ◇◇ No
Shade 10 11,188 ◇◇ No
Dark Gremlin 10 13,850 No
Boss Diablo 20 240,000 ◇◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Dungeon of Darkness
Dark damage to all allies. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered
and DEF DownDEF is lowered
  • Nightmare's Decent
Inflict CollapsedCharge bar is lowered on every turn
Duration: 3 turns
on all allies. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
  • Only Diablo must be defeated to complete the battle.
The Jaus Codex 20 80,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Grim Ode
  • Oblivion's Flame
3-hit Dark damage to random allies. Last hit inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
  • Damaging The Jaus Codex affects Diablo's mode bar.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Wooden Silver Gold

Lvl 30 Diablo
Cost to Host: 20 AP Unlock: Normal Showdowns
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Wave 1 Unholy Envoy 15 15,188 ◇◇ No
Shade 15 25,000 ◇◇ No
Dark Gremlin 15 37,000 No
Boss Diablo 20 570,000 ◇◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Dungeon of Darkness
Dark damage to all allies. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered
and DEF DownDEF is lowered
  • Nightmare's Decent
Inflict CollapsedCharge bar is lowered on every turn
Duration: 3 turns
on all allies. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
  • Only Diablo must be defeated to complete the battle.
The Jaus Codex 20 190,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Grim Ode
  • Oblivion's Flame
3-hit Dark damage to random allies. Last hit inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
  • Damaging The Jaus Codex affects Diablo's mode bar.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Wooden Silver Gold

Lvl 50 Diablo
Cost to Host: 30 AP Unlock: Normal Showdowns
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Wave 1 Unholy Envoy 20 32,653 ◇◇ No
Shade 20 55,000 ◇◇ No
Dark Gremlin 20 78,000 No
Wave 2 Ebon Dragon 20 277,200 ◇◇◇ Yes
Boss Diablo 50 1,300,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Dungeon of Darkness
Dark damage to all allies. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered
and DEF DownDEF is lowered
  • Nightmare's Descent
Inflict CollapsedCharge bar is lowered on every turn
Duration: 3 turns
on all allies. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
  • Only Diablo must be defeated to complete the battle.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Nightmare's Descent. Causes the Jaus Codex to cast Grim Ode.
The Jaus Codex 50 420,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Grim Ode
Inflict SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
Takes 25% more damage
and ZombifiedReceives DMG if healed
on all allies.
  • Oblivion's Flame
3-hit Dark damage to random allies. Last hit inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
  • Damaging The Jaus Codex affects Diablo's mode bar.
  • The Jaus Codex drops up to 3 more chests when defeated first before defeating Diablo.Verification needed.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Oblivion's Flame
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Wooden Silver Gold

Lvl 75 Diablo
Cost to Host: 30 AP, 1/day Unlock: Normal Showdowns
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Wave 1 Terror Moth 30 387,000 No
Anouschka 30 363,000 ◇◇◇ No
Ghast 30 426,000 ◇◇ No
Wave 2 Dullahan 50 3,000,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Wave 3 Ghost 40 880,000 No
Pho Mantis 40 1,260,000 ◇◇◇◇ No
Boss Diablo 75 7,000,000 ◇◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Dungeon of Darkness TR
Dark damage to all allies. Inflict ATK DownATK is lowered
and DEF DownDEF is lowered
  • Nightmare's Decent
Inflict CollapsedCharge bar is lowered on every turn
Duration: 3 turns
on all allies. Gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
  • Trial of Shadows
Dark damage to random allies. Inflict BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: need to be checked
Verification needed.
on one ally.
  • Immune to PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
  • Only Diablo must be defeated to complete the battle.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Dungeon of Darkness.
The Jaus Codex 75 5,000,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Grim Ode
Dark damage to all allies. Inflicts PutrefiedHP is lowered on every turn
and ZombifiedReceives DMG if healed
  • Oblivion's Flame
3-hit Dark damage to random allies. Inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
  • Immune to PetrifiedStops enemy's charge diamonds from filling.
  • Damaging The Jaus Codex affects Diablo's mode bar.
  • On Diablo's 50% Trigger
Casts Grim Ode.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Wooden Silver Gold

Event Shop

The event shop sells the Diablo summon and Dark weapons. Items restock with higher costs when sold out.

Item Step Limit Material 1Material 2Material 3

1 1 Diablo Anima ×20 Shadow Sliver ×30 Diablo Omega Anima ×10
2 1 Diablo Anima ×40 Shadow Sliver ×80 Diablo Omega Anima ×30
3 1 Diablo Anima ×60 Shadow Sliver ×120 Diablo Omega Anima ×50
1/month Diablo Anima ×80 Shadow Sliver ×150 Diablo Omega Anima ×70

Diablo Bow
1 1 Diablo Anima ×15 Shadow Sliver ×20 Diablo Omega Anima ×5
2 1 Diablo Anima ×30 Shadow Sliver ×50 Diablo Omega Anima ×20
3 1 Diablo Anima ×50 Shadow Sliver ×80 Diablo Omega Anima ×40
1/month Diablo Anima ×75 Shadow Sliver ×100 Diablo Omega Anima ×60

Diablo Scepter
1 1 Twilight Cloth Strip ×10 Diablo Anima ×5 Shadow Sliver ×3
2 1 Twilight Cloth Strip ×50 Diablo Anima ×15 Shadow Sliver ×10
3 1 Twilight Cloth Strip ×80 Diablo Anima ×20 Shadow Sliver ×20
1/month Twilight Cloth Strip ×100 Diablo Anima ×25 Shadow Sliver ×30

Diablo Dagger
1 1 Twilight Cloth Strip ×10 Diablo Anima ×5 Shadow Sliver ×3
2 1 Twilight Cloth Strip ×50 Diablo Anima ×15 Shadow Sliver ×10
3 1 Twilight Cloth Strip ×80 Diablo Anima ×20 Shadow Sliver ×20
1/month Twilight Cloth Strip ×100 Diablo Anima ×25 Shadow Sliver ×30

Angel Queen
1 5 Twilight Cloth Strip ×10--
2 10 Twilight Cloth Strip ×20 Shadow Sliver ×5-

Half Elixir
5/month Twilight Cloth Strip ×5 Shadow Sliver ×5-

CP ×10
1 20 Twilight Cloth Strip ×10 Shadow Sliver ×3-
2 10 Twilight Cloth Strip ×20 Shadow Sliver ×5-
10/month Twilight Cloth Strip ×30 Shadow Sliver ×10-

Champion Merit
1 3 Twilight Cloth Strip ×30 Shadow Sliver ×15 Diablo Omega Anima ×5
2 3 Twilight Cloth Strip ×60 Shadow Sliver ×30 Diablo Omega Anima ×10
3/month Twilight Cloth Strip ×100 Shadow Sliver ×50 Diablo Omega Anima ×15

Supreme Merit
1 3 Diablo Anima ×50 Shadow Sliver ×60 Diablo Omega Anima ×20
3/month Diablo Anima ×100 Shadow Sliver ×120 Diablo Omega Anima ×40

Skill Shard
3/month Twilight Cloth Strip ×20 Shadow Sliver ×20 Diablo Omega Anima ×3

Skill Jewel
1/month Diablo Anima ×30 Shadow Sliver ×50 Diablo Omega Anima ×10
