Yatima (Summon)

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This article is about the summon stone. For the non-party character, see Yatima (NPC). For the recruitable character, see Yatima.

Providence Series
[Providence Series]
Can be uncapped to 4★

Can be displayed on the Home screen HP ATK
Level 1 138 327
Level 100 816 2022
Level 150 1155 2870
Obtain Premium Draw
Voice Actor Minori Suzuki
Home MusicThe BGM that plays when this summon's art is displayed on the Home Page.
Combo Call Name
First HalfUsed when this summon is called first in the combo. Thinking ofThis combo name cannot be seen in-game through normal means, but can be found within the game files.
Second HalfUsed when this summon is called second in the combo. Home
ID 2040417000
Summon ID 3327
NameJP ヤチマ
Voice ActorJP 鈴木みのり
Release Date 2022-12-31
4★ Date 2022-12-31
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
On a fateful starry night, a young boy crested a hill so that he may gaze at the luminous lunar body above, but he was not alone. A girl—her hair as crimson as a blood moon—made his acquaintance. He promised to help her seek the long road home, an innocuous pledge that would later come to have great consequences. Despite having been destroyed once before, she now lives on in her new form.
Main AuraThis aura is only available when equipped as a Main Summon. - Home Sweet Moon
0★This is the basic aura for this summon. Its level does not influence the aura. 100% boost to all Elemental ATK
3★This is the aura for the 3★ version of this summon. 120% boost to all Elemental ATK
4★This is the aura for the 4★ version of this summon. 140% boost to all Elemental ATK
Sub AuraThis aura is only available when equipped as a Sub Summon.
4★This is the aura for the 4★ version of this summon. Can call 2 summons per turn.
Call - Home at Last Cooldown
0★This is the basic call for this summon. Its level does not influence the call. 1-turn cut to all allies' skill cooldowns.
Activates the call effects of 1 equipped summon at random.
(Activated calls don't deal call damage. Excludes sub aura summons and one-use calls.)
12T12 turn cooldown.
3★This is the call for the 3★ version of this summon.9T9 turn cooldown.
4★This is the call for the 4★ version of this summon.1-turn cut to all allies' skill cooldowns.
Activates the call effects of 2 equipped summons at random.
(Activated calls don't deal call damage. Excludes sub aura summons and one-use calls.)
9T9-turn cooldown.
Can't be included in other players' combo calls.
4★ Uncap Materials
Rupie cost: 20,000

Reduction Materials
This summon should not be reduced or used as fodder.

Providence Series


Gameplay Notes

  • Only one copy of this summon can be equipped in a grid.
  • Can't be set as a support/friend summon.
  • Sunlight Stone can only uncap this summon up to 3★.
  • Providence Globe can be used to uncap this summon to 4★.

Sub Aura

Call - Home at Last

  • Yatima's call randomly activates equipped summon calls with the following rules:[1]
    1. Only main and sub summons can be randomly activated. Support/friend summons will not be activated.
    2. One-time summons will not be activated.
    3. Summons equipped in the sub aura slots will not be activated.
    4. Calls that don't have additional effects will not be activated (i.e., summon calls that only deal call damage will not be activated).
    5. If duplicate summons are equipped, only one of them is eligible to be activated.
    6. If only one summon is selectable after the above rules are applied, that summon will only activate once.
  • Summons that are on cooldown can still be activated by Yatima's call and will not be put on cooldown when their call is randomly used.
  • Although summons will not deal call damage with Yatima's call, additional effects that deal damage can still occur (e.g., Beelzebub's call can still deal Plain damage through its additional effect)
  • Summons that consume a status effect upon call will also consume it when activated by Yatima (e.g., Bonito's Final Uncap: BonitoGain all of Bonito's call effects upon summoning (1 time)
    Unofficial translation
    , Aphrodite's Heavenly GraceWill gain all Aphrodite's call effects (1 time)
    , etc.)
  • Summons are called in the order that they are equipped from left to right on the battle screen (e.g., If Death (SSR) is equipped before Zirnitra, the 4th position ally will be knocked out and then the incoming sub ally will receive Zirnitra's call effects. If Death (SSR) is equipped after Zirnitra, the 4th position ally will receive Zirnitra's call effects and then get knocked out.)


Voice Lines

JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen ヤチマ「アラン、空は変わらずだ。」
Yatima: Alan, the Sky Realm's the same as ever.
Raybury: Oh, was there a report?
Yatima: Yes, I did. Even now, the Sky Realm's still full of both life and strife.
Raybury: I wonder if Isaac's doing fine...
Yatima: Your friend has his family as well as the Captain and his crew by his side. He's probably fine.
Raybury: I sure hope so.
ヤチマ中枢セントラルアクシス より、出撃を要請された。ヤチマが応えよう。」
Yatima: Central Axis has called for a sortie. I'm heading out.
Raybury: Are those fog-like monsters on the move again? Just what in the world are they?
Yatima: They've been assaulting the moon before I was stranded in the Sky Realm, but their identities have yet to be figured out.
Raybury: How interesting... I'll tag along to observe.
Yatima: That's reassuring. Yatima of Omega-3, heading right out with Alan.
Yatima: Alan, is your perception of time that of the standard Skydweller's?
Raybury: Yes, it is. My perception of time isn't all that different from Isaac's.
Yatima: Time flows at a much slower pace here on the moon. Skydwellers would probably find it boring here.
Raybury: That's not necessarily the case. You'll get used to it. Home is where the heart is, after all.
Yatima: Heart? You mean my head?
Raybury: Well, you're not wrong. Home sweet home.
Call レイベリィ「ヤチマ、頼めるか?」
Raybury: Yatima, I'm counting on you.
Yatima: On it.


  • BGM changes to "Clair de lune" when displayed on the Home screen.
