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Game Strategy Lore Voice
This page is a Voice stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
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Notes: Missing JP transcriptions for: A few lines for EM Perk Lvl Up in #General and #Holidays.
Missing ENG translations for: A few lines for EM Perk Lvl Up in #General and #Holidays.
Missing .mp3 files for: Many lines in #General and all lines in #Holidays.


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit メーデー、兄弟。また会えて嬉しいよ。少し君たちの船に乗せてもらってもいいかい?お礼に何だって力になるよ。 Mayday! Glad to see you again, Captain. Would it be alright for me to join you on the Grandcypher for a bit? In exchange, I'll help out with anything.
Home Screen やあ、兄弟。僕が力になれる事はあるかい?何だってダクトにこなしてみせるよ。恩返ししなきゃだ。空の民と、君たちにもね。 Hey there, Captain. Is there anything I could help with? I'll handle it like the handy-dandy engineer I am. I've got to return the kindness that you and other Skydwellers have shown.
この間、相棒のレイベリィから通信が来たよ。月で元気にしてるってさ。縁起でもない切り出しだったから、最初は驚いた。 I received a transmission from my buddy Raybury the other day. He said he's doing well on the moon. I was surprised at first, since he started by saying something ominous.
色々あって、妹のグウィンとは結構年が離れてるんだ。親切で優しい子だろう?仲良くしてやってくれたら嬉しいよ、兄弟。 A lot of stuff happened, so my younger sister Gwynne and I are quite a few years apart in age. She's considerate and kind, isn't she? I'll really appreciate it if you got along well with her, Captain.
Add to Party エンジニアがご入り用? Are you in need of an engineer?
オーケー!僕も手伝うよ! Okay! I'll help!
ははは……荒事は得意じゃないけどね……。 Hahaha... fighting isn't my specialty though...
Uncap ブレークスルーってやつさ!最高だね! Now this is what you call a breakthrough! Incredible!
Journal メーデー、兄弟。また会えて嬉しいよ。少し君たちの船に乗せてもらってもいいかい?お礼に何だって力になるよ。 Mayday! Glad to see you again, Captain. Would it be alright for me to join you on the Grandcypher for a bit? In exchange, I'll help out with anything. Same as Recruit.
空も星も月も、仲良くやれればいいのにね…。 If only Skydwellers, Astrals, and Moondwellers would just all get along...
メーデー!お困りです?なら僕に任せてくださいよ! Mayday! Are you having trouble with something? You can leave it to me!
EM Lvl Up 素敵なプレゼントをありがとう、兄弟。 Thanks for the wonderful gift, Captain.
EM Perk Lvl Up よりダクトにね! Now I'm even more handy-dandy!
バージョンアップだ! Oh, an upgrade!
恩に報いるよ。 I owe you one.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack ふっ! Hah!
そこっ! Right there!
えい! Hey!
Enemy Defeated すまないね…。 Sorry about this...
Skill 1 こ、こ、こっちに来ないでくれ! D-d-don't come near me!
Skill 2 プラズマなら…! If it's plasma, then...!
Skill 3 こいつは事だね! This one means trouble!
C.A. Ready こりゃ厄介だな……! This one's a tough one...!
Charge Attack パルス最大!一か八かだ!ダクティ・エクスカベイション! Intensity of my blade is at max level! It's all or nothing! Handy-Dandy Excavation!
Skip Charge Attack ダクティ・エクスカベイション! Handy-Dandy Excavation!
Damage Taken うわっ! Oof!
Red HP ああ、まいった……! Well, I'm beat...!
Knocked Out やばっ、防護服が……。 Oh no, my hazard suit...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
T-this can't be good...!
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
O-oh no, my suit's life support system...!
Healed ああ、ありがとう。 Thanks!
Join Battle 戦うのは専門外だけど……! Fighting isn't within my areas of expertise, though...!
Victory お、終わった…。あはは、こう見えて怖がりでね…。 I-it's finally over. Ahaha, I may not look like it but I'm easily intimidated...
Turn Start やるしかないか。ダクトにね! Looks like I've got no choice but to do this. I'm a handy-dandy engineer, after all!
MC Defeats Enemy さすがだね、兄弟! Good job, Captain!
MC C.A. Ready さあ、派手に行っちゃってくれ! Go all out and show them what you've got!
MC Red HP マンダウンだ!誰か手当を…! Captain's hurt! Medical care, please!
MC Knocked Out …!まずい事になった…。 Things have taken a turn for the worse...

Chain Burst

Chain Burst Voice Lines
Applicable Characters Zeta
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Cassius (Event)
Any version
Zeta and Vaseraga (Halloween)IsaacGwynne
Chain StartThis line only plays when the game language is set to Japanese. Japanese English Notes Play
ここかっ…! Right here!
Element Chain Japanese English Notes Play
Fire 2 レッドデトネーション! Red Detonation!
3 紅蓮のコラプション! Crimson Corruption!
4 プロミネンスフレア! Prominence Flare!
Water 2 ブルーデトネーション! Blue Detonation!
3 霧氷のイルミネート! Ice Illumination!
4 アブソリュート・ゼロ! Absolute Zero!
Earth 2 アースデトネーション! Earth Detonation!
3 地絶のパルヴァライズ! Quaking Pulverization!
4 ディアストロフィズム! Diastrofism!
Wind 2 エアロデトネーション! Air Detonation!
3 乱壊のテンペスト! Tempest!
4 バーストゲイル! Galeburst!
Light 2 アークデトネーション! Light Detonation!
3 雷電のエラディケート! Lightnic Eradication!
4 アセンション! Ascension!
Dark 2 カオスデトネーション! Chaos Detonation!
3 奈落のフォールダウン! Oblivion Fall!
4 ケイオスタイド! Tide of Chaos!

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 アイザック「ちょっと実験だ!」
Isaac: I'm gonna try experimenting a bit.
Beatrix: You sure like complicated things...
Skill 2 アイザック「僕も前に出た方がいいかな?」
Isaac: Should I take the initiative and step forward too?
Beatrix: Hmm? Decided to follow my example?
Skill 3 アイザック「何事も挑戦だね!」
Isaac: I've gotta challenge myself in all sorts of things!
Beatrix: You've got that right! Let's do this, Isaac!
C.A. Ready アイザック「よし!切り札の準備出来たよ!」
Isaac: Alright! Got the ace up my sleeve all ready!
Beatrix: Ooh! Go all out with a bang!!
Red HP アイザック「やっぱりこうなっちゃうか……」
Isaac: Of course... it'd... turn out like this...
Beatrix: Hey! This guy's an engineer! Don't be mean to him!
Knocked Out アイザック「こ、これはキツイな……!」
Isaac: T-this... is rough...
Beatrix: H-hey! Hang in there, Isaac!
Join Battle アイザック「やあ、ウズラちゃん!僕も参加するよ!」
Isaac: Hey, Little Quail! I'll be joining the fray!
Beatrix: Why are you calling me Little Quail?
Victory ベアトリクス「へへん!どうだ?まだ私をウズラちゃんって呼ぶかぁ?」
Beatrix: Hehe! How was that? Still gonna call me Little Quail?
Isaac: Let me correct myself. You're a full-fledged hawk!


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 アイザック「見えた!兄弟、あそこだ!」
Isaac: Got it! Cousin, right there!
Cassius: Understood. I'll aim my attacks on that spot.
Skill 2 アイザック「僕も縮こまってばかりいられないよ。」
Isaac: I can't just sit around and do nothing.
Cassius: I'm counting on you.
Skill 3 アイザック「ええと、相手の素材は…。」
Isaac: Hmm... let's see what our opponent's made of...
Cassius: Engineer, I'll be counting on you for your expertise.
C.A. Ready アイザック「これ以上長引かせられないな…。」
Isaac: We shouldn't let this fight go on any further.
Cassius: I'll draw the opponent's attention. Focus and attack.
Red HP アイザック「痛ってぇ……っ!僕のギアで防ぎきれないって……」
Isaac: Ouch, that hurt!! There's no way my gear could fully defend against that...
Cassius: You're as delicate as tofu. Hurry and get yourself some medical care.
Knocked Out アイザック「くっ……ご、ごめんよ……」
Isaac: Ugh... I-I'm sorry...
Cassius: I'll secure an escape route for you. Hurry.
Join Battle アイザック「だ、大丈夫かい!?兄弟!」
Isaac: Y-you alright, Cousin?
Cassius: I'd like to request for some repairs.
Victory アイザック「た、助かったぁ…。兄弟に感謝だよ。」
Isaac: W-we survived... All thanks to you, Cousin.
Cassius: Hmph, I'll just have a bit of your side dish in return.


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 ユーステス「援護を」
Eustace: Provide cover.
Isaac: Understood! I'll do everything I can!
Skill 2 アイザック「僕、足引っ張ってないかい?」
Isaac: I'm not dragging you down, am I?
Eustace: If that was the case, then I wouldn't have let you come along.
Skill 3 アイザック「フラメクを見せてくれ!」
Isaac: Let me have a look at Flamek!
Eustace: Don't attempt anything funny.
C.A. Ready アイザック「僕も仕掛けるか……!」
Isaac: I'll prepare for an attack too...!
Eustace: Don't get too carried away.
Red HP アイザック「こいつは骨が折れるなぁ……」
Isaac: This one's really tough...
Eustace: Prepare to retreat.
Knocked Out アイザック「すまないね……下がるよ……」
Isaac: Sorry... I'll have to retreat...
Eustace: Understood. Leave the rest to me.
Join Battle アイザック「データ取ってる場合じゃなさそうだな……」
Isaac: Doesn't seem like a good time for me to be collecting data, huh...
Eustace: Go provide combat service support instead.
Victory アイザック「はあ……君たちはいつもこんな戦いをしてるのかい?」
Isaac: Whew... Do you guys always fight like this?
Eustace: We've only just begun. Let's proceed.


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 アイザック「プラズマを直視しないようにね」
Skill 2 アイザック「これが終わったら、ランチにしたいね」
Skill 3 アイザック「グウィンがいるなら、多少の無理は効くかな…」
C.A. Ready アイザック「グウィン、少し派手に行くよ?」
Red HP アイザック「こりゃ…思ったより事だな…」
Knocked Out アイザック「あぁ、ダメか…!」
Join Battle アイザック「おまたせ。僕も手伝うよ」
Victory アイザック「お…終わったかい?」


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 アイザック「よし、これでどうかな!」
Isaac: Alright, how about this!
Ilsa: I see. Who would've thought of that?
Skill 2 イルザ「エンジニア、頼む!」
Ilsa: Engineer, go for it!
Isaac: Sure! No problem!
Skill 3 アイザック「工具を調整させてもらうよ」
Isaac: I'll be making modifications to my tools.
Ilsa: Hmm... I'm looking forward to seeing what this will bring.
C.A. Ready アイザック「よし、ひらめいた!」
Isaac: Oh! A good idea just struck me!
Ilsa: Hmph, I have high expectations of that idea of yours.
Red HP アイザック「いてて……き、君にケガは?」
Isaac: O-ouch... Are you hurt?
Ilsa: Worry about yourself first!
Knocked Out アイザック「す、すまないね……下がるよ……」
Isaac: S-sorry... I'll have to... retreat....
Ilsa: Understood. Rest up.
Join Battle アイザック「メーデー、エンジニアがご入り用?」
Isaac: Mayday! In need of an engineer?
Ilsa: Indeed I am. I expect you to perform well like the handy-dandy engineer you are.
Victory アイザック「こりゃ徹夜するよりハードだね……」
Isaac: This is way tougher than pulling an all-nighter...
Ilsa: Oh? Shall I have you join the training I put my subordinates through?


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 アイザック「援護するよ!あ、足引っ張ってないかい……?」
Isaac: I'll provide assistance! Ah... I'm not dragging you down, am I?
Vaseraga: Not at all. I'm counting on you.
Skill 2 バザラガ「援護を頼む。」
Vaseraga: Counting on you for assistance.
Isaac: Of course! I'll play my part!
Skill 3 アイザック「やばい時こそ冷静に……!」
Isaac: One has to stay calm, especially during trying times like this one.
Vaseraga: That sure hits home...
C.A. Ready アイザック「僕のとっておきをお見舞いするよ!」
Isaac: I'll show our opponent what I have up my sleeve!
Vaseraga: I'll provide cover. Don't hold back.
Red HP アイザック「出しゃばりすぎたなぁ……」
Isaac: I guess I got too assertive...
Vaseraga: I'll put a stop to our opponent right now!
Knocked Out アイザック「いてて……不甲斐ないよ……。」
Isaac: Ouch... how pathetic of me...
Vaseraga: I'll have our opponent regret having not target me first.
Join Battle アイザック「こりゃ鉄火場ってやつかい?」
Isaac: So this is what a battlefield is like...
Vaseraga: Stay behind me as much as possible.
Victory アイザック「グロウノス、調子よさそうだね!」
Isaac: Grynoth seems to be in a pretty good shape.
Vaseraga: Yeah, one way or another, it's cooperating.


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 アイザック「よし。なんか掴めてきた!」
Isaac: Alright, looks like I'm on the right track!
Zeta: Oh, you're getting really into it!
Skill 2 アイザック「んああ、しぶとい相手だな。」
Isaac: Ugh, the opponent sure is tough!
Zeta: There's nothing more troublesome than this!
Skill 3 アイザック「ちょっと調整するよ。」
Isaac: I'll be making some adjustments.
Zeta: Sure, go ahead!
C.A. Ready アイザック「奥の手と行こうかな。」
Isaac: I guess it's time for me to use the ace up my sleeve...
Zeta: Oh, counting on you!
Red HP アイザック「ハードな現場だな…。」
Isaac: It sure is tough out here...
Zeta: Gotta agree.
Knocked Out アイザック「やば、動力が…!」
Isaac: Oh no, I'm out of power!
Zeta: I'll make sure they'll have a taste of their own medicine.
Join Battle アイザック「少しデータを取らせてくれ。」
Isaac: Let me gather some data.
Zeta: Roger! Stay out of harm's way, though.
Victory アイザック「頼りになるなぁ、ヒヨコちゃんは。」
Isaac: You sure are reliable, Ducky.
Zeta: Um, can you call me something else?


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
誕生日おめでとう、兄弟 Happy birthday, Captain.
ハッピーバースデー! Happy birthday!
君の誕生日に一緒に居られるなんて嬉しいよ。共に喜べってご先祖様も言ってたしね I'm glad I get to spend time together with you on your birthday. After all, my ancestors did say that birthdays are to be celebrated!!

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーホワイトデー。 Happy White Day.
今日は何を贈ろうか迷うね。きちんと感謝が伝わるように、喜んでもらえるものを用意しなきゃだ。 I'm at a loss as to what to gift today. I've gotta prepare something that will both convey my feelings of gratitude and make its recipient happy.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play


This character does not have any outfits.