Vajra (Summer)/Voice

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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen
Add to Party
EM Lvl Up
EM Perk Lvl Up
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack
Enemy Defeated
Skill 1
Skill 2
Skill 3
C.A. Ready
Charge Attack
Skip Charge Attack
Damage Taken
Red HP
Knocked Out
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle
Turn Start
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out

Chain Burst

Chain Burst Voice Lines
Applicable Characters Anila
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
All versions except Catura (Event)
Chain StartThis line only plays when the game language is set to Japanese. Japanese English Notes Play
Element Chain Japanese English Notes Play
Fire 2 レッドデトネーション! Red Detonation!
3 紅蓮のコラプション! Crimson Corruption!
4 プロミネンスフレア! Prominence Flare!
Water 2 ブルーデトネーション! Blue Detonation!
3 霧氷のイルミネート! Ice Illumination!
4 アブソリュート・ゼロ! Absolute Zero!
Earth 2 アースデトネーション! Earth Detonation!
3 地絶のパルヴァライズ! Quaking Pulverization!
4 ディアストロフィズム! Diastrofism!
Wind 2 エアロデトネーション! Air Detonation!
3 乱壊のテンペスト! Tempest!
4 バーストゲイル! Galeburst!
Light 2 アークデトネーション! Light Detonation!
3 雷電のエラディケート! Lightnic Eradication!
4 アセンション! Ascension!
Dark 2 カオスデトネーション! Chaos Detonation!
3 奈落のフォールダウン! Oblivion Fall!
4 ケイオスタイド! Tide of Chaos!

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 マキラ「お手並み、拝見してもいい?」
ヴァジラ「もっちろん! はりきって行くぞ~っ!」
Skill 2 ヴァジラ「マキ、どう思う?」
マキラ「今がチャンス! ……たぶん」
Skill 3 ヴァジラ「ガル、今だ!」
C.A. Ready ヴァジラ「ふぅ……行ける!」
Red HP ヴァジラ「あたた……まずいかも……」
Knocked Out ヴァジラ「うぅ……マキ、無理するな……! 逃げろ……!」
マキラ「だいじょぶ! この敵は許さないから!」
Join Battle ヴァジラ「マキ、おっまたせ~!」
Victory ヴァジラ「やったな! ガル、マキ!」


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 ヴァジラ「どんどん行くぞ~!」 クビラ「調子よさそうだね!」 Vajra: Let's go go go!
Kumbhira: We're looking good!
Skill 2 ヴァジラ「わしに任せてくれ!」
Vajra: Leave it to me!
Kumbhira: Right!
Skill 3 ヴァジラ「ガル、そこだ!」
Vajra: Gar, there!
Kumbhira: You're so perfectly in sync!
C.A. Ready ヴァジラ「よ~し、お見舞いするぞ~!」
Vajra: Okay, we're going in!
Kumbhira: Do it!
Red HP クビラ「私が前に出る! 少し休んで!」
Kumbhira: I'll lead! Take a quick rest!
Vajra: Ugh... Thanks...
Knocked Out ヴァジラ「まだ……戦えるぞ……!」
Vajra: I... I can still fight!
Kumbhira: It's okay... Leave the rest to me!
Join Battle ヴァジラ「助太刀するぞ、クビラ姉!」
クビラ「ありがと! ヴァジラちゃん!」
Vajra: We're here to help, Kumbhira:
Kumbhira: Thanks, Vajra!
Vajra: Let's wrap this up quickly so we can go for a walk!
Kumbhira: Okay, but... Are you taking this seriously?
Victory クビラ「さすが闘神! 大活躍だったね!」
ヴァジラ「ふへへ♪ ナデナデしてくれるか?」
Kumbhira: Just what you'd expect from a war deity!
Vajra: Heeheehee! Can I get some headpats?
ヴァジラ「終わったな! よし、散歩に行こう!」

クビラ「ふふっ! ウリボウとガルジャナも一緒?」

ヴァジラ「もちろんだ! ほら、みんな行くぞ~!」
Vajra: Done! Now, walkies!

Kumbhira: Haha! The piglets and Garjana, too?

Vajra: Of course! Come on, everyone, let's gooo!


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
誕生日おめでとう! Happy birthday!
ハッピーバースデー! Happy birthday!

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
団長、まだそんな格好してるのか? わしと一緒に仮装の準備をしよう! やるからには、全力で楽しむぞー!

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play


Breezy Sundress

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen なぁなぁ、どうだ?この新しい服!
Hey, hey, whaddya think? These are new clothes!
Ahaha... I actually don't wear a lot of stuff like this.
It's kind of embarrassing...
Hey, Eka, I told you not to mooove! All of you are going to get dressed up too!
Huh? Where's Tri? Come on, we have to go soon!
Yeah! The weather's great.
Sniff sniff... It smells so green now that I want to take a short walk...
Ah, we should do it! Okay! Let's go, Captain!
Add to Party お出掛けだな! We're about to leave!
よし、早く行こう! Okay, let's go soon!
ふふっ、待ち切れないぞ! Haha, I've been waiting for you!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack ふっ! Fu!
えい! Ei!
くらえ! Take this!
Enemy Defeated じゃあなっ! Later!
Skill 1 これでどうだ! How's this!
Skill 2 がおーーっ! Grrrr!
Skill 3 悪戯すると、お仕置きだぞ! If you're naughty, you get punished!
C.A. Ready 一気に決めてやる! Let's finish this all at once!
Charge Attack お前たち、乗り遅れるなよ!犬衣無縫!! You guys, don't get left behind! Barksplosion! A pun. 天真爛漫 (ten'imuhou) means perfect beauty. The character 天 (heaven, here pronounced ten) is replaced with the similar character 犬 (dog, here pronounced ken).
Skip Charge Attack 犬衣無縫!! Barksplosion!
Damage Taken くそっ、やるな… Shoot! Don't do that...
Red HP 負けてたまるか…! Think I'm just gonna take this?
Knocked Out うぐぐ…ちょっと、休憩しよう… Urggh... I'm just gonna take a quick break.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed ふっかぁーつ! Here we gooo!
Join Battle じゃーん!待たせたな! Tadah! Kept ya waiting!
Victory おしまい、っと!んじゃ、散歩の続きでもするか! The end! Well, now we can continue our walk!
Turn Start 大丈夫!わしがついてるぞ! We're fine! I'm right behind you!
MC Defeats Enemy やったな! Yay!
MC C.A. Ready 行こう! Let's go!
MC Red HP 気をつけろ! Watch out!
MC Knocked Out 団長! Captain!

Ritual Robes

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 団長!せっかくだからひと差し舞わせてくれ。この船のみんなと、団長の無病息災を祈願したいんだ! Captain! You're finally here, so do one dance with me! Everyone on this ship wants to pray for your health!
年越しの儀はガルも一緒にやるんだ。二人で息を合わせて舞ってこそ、犬神宮の年越しの儀になるからな! I also do the New Year's Eve ceremony with Gar. It's only when we match our breathing and dance together that it's New Year's Eve at the Canine Temple!
この服装で戦えるのかって?当ったり前だろ!何なら今からわしと鍛錬するか? "Can I fight in these clothes?" You bet I can! You want to train with me from now on?
Add to Party おし!準備は万端だ! 'Kay! Everything's ready!
ガルも一緒に舞おうな Let's dance with Gar, too!
ひと差し舞おう Let's have one dance.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack いまだ! Now!
舞うぞ Dance!
見切った! I saw it all!
Enemy Defeated さあ、もうひと差し! Okay, one more dance!
Skill 1 大人しく見てろ Just watch quietly!
Skill 2 儀式の最中に騒ぐ奴は・・・おしおきだぁ! Anyone who makes a fuss in the middle of the ceremony... gets punished!
Skill 3 祈りの邪魔は感心しないな There's nothing good about getting in the way of prayers!
C.A. Ready 犬神宮秘伝の剣舞、見るがいい! Behold, the secret sword dance of the Canine Temple!
Charge Attack 天地神明、我が祈願の舞を見よ!金牙神然! Gods of heaven and earth, behold my dance of prayer! Gilded Heaven Strike!
Skip Charge Attack 金牙神然! Gilded Heaven Strike!
Damage Taken 服に傷が… There's a rip in the clothes...
Red HP さいごまで…舞わねば… I have to keep dancing... until the end...
Knocked Out うぅん…うまくきまらなかった… Ugh... That wasn't very good...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Gar, don't come!
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 元気になった。ありがとな! I'm feeling great. Thanks!
Join Battle ガル、準備はいいか? Gar, is everything ready?
Victory っへへっ、ガルも上手に舞えてたぞ! Heh heh, Gar could dance well too!
Turn Start いざ舞ワン! Now dance, woof!
MC Defeats Enemy まだまだ、こんなもんじゃないだろ? Not yet! Not like that!
MC C.A. Ready 団長も一緒に舞ってみるか? Captain, would you like to dance with me?
MC Red HP っ…ガル!団長を守ってくれ! Gar! Keep Captain safe!
MC Knocked Out しっかりしろ!団長! Stay with me! Captain!

Soul Channeler

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen ヴァジラ「バサラ兄の事、早く団長達に紹介したいなぁ!」
Vajra: Brosara, I want to introduce you to Captain and everyone else soon!
Basara: Um, it's nice of you to take me on this journey and everything, won't everyone be surprised that I'm just a spirit?
Vajra: Well, the crew also has ghosts and primal beasts and stuff, so I'm pretty sure it'll be okay!
Basara: What? A crew like that, with all sorts of... There certainly are a lot of very strange people these days.
Vajra: Brosara, are you not a dog person?
Basara: Of course I am. Have you forgotten that I am a direct ancestor of yours?
Vajra: Oh, that's right. So why do you shake so much when Gar licks you?
Basara: Ah, you see... Well, it's been a rather long time since I've experienced the sensations of having living flesh and, well, I was simply a bit overwhelmed. But now I'd welcome it very much, yes? So would you lend me your body again?
Vajra: Brosara, is there a way for someone to do soul channeling without letting someone into their heart? How?
Basara: Yes, if you do it so that it feels as though you are maintaining a solid, dignified pose while entrusting your body.
Vajra: Dignified... entrusting? I just don't get what you're saying, Brosara.
Basara: I don't want to hear that kind of thing from you!
Add to Party さぁ…ひと暴れと行くか Now... Shall we let loose for a bit?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack くらえ! Take this!
どりゃあ! Doryaa!
でぇい! Deei!
Enemy Defeated 弱いな
Skill 1 お前達は下がっていろ Weak!
Skill 2 怯むな、行けぇ! Don't hesitate, go!
Skill 3 さぁ…ひと暴れといくか Now... Shall we let loose for a bit?
Skill 4
C.A. Ready 引導を渡してやろう I'll be sure to give you your last rites.
Charge Attack 闘神の舞、その身に刻む…犬真爛漫! Behold the dance of the war deity--etch it into your mind! Dogged Innocence!
Skip Charge Attack 犬真爛漫! Dogged Innocence!
Damage Taken なんだと… What the--
Red HP この俺が劣勢だと…! That I should be losing--!
Knocked Out まさか…この程度の相手に… Impossible... To an enemy such as this...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
I cannot swing my sword!
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed よい働きだ Well done!
Join Battle 手を焼かせるな! Don't burn your hand!
Victory ふん、お見逸れしたろう? Hmph, did you not recognize me?
Turn Start お前達は下がっていろ You shall fall.
MC Defeats Enemy よい働きだ Well done.
MC C.A. Ready 怯むな、行けぇ! Don't hesitate, go!
MC Knocked Out ……