Percival (Grand)/Voice

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This page is a Voice stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 今はまだ遠くとも俺は俺の理想を必ず叶える。王道を歩む者として、気高い精神を忘れずに。 I will achieve my ideals no matter how long this journey takes. I mustn't forget to remain dignified as I walk down the path of chivalry.
Home Screen
Add to Party フッ、良い気晴らしになりそうだ。 Hmph, this will make for a nice change of pace.
執務続きであっても、鍛錬を怠る理由にはならん。 Even if I have official duties to commit to, it's not an excuse to forgo training.
理想を叶えるためにも、立ち止まってなどいられない。 I can't just stand still if I want my ideals to become a reality.
Uncap 果てない道であろうとも、一歩ずつ着実に歩むことこそが重要だ。 Even if this journey will be a long one, it's important to take things step-by-step.
Journal 今はまだ遠くとも俺は俺の理想を必ず叶える。王道を歩む者として、気高い精神を忘れずに。 I will achieve my ideals no matter how long this journey takes. I mustn't forget to remain dignified as I walk down the path of chivalry. Same as Recruit.
一部とはいえ国を統治する者として、慎重に事を進めなければ。統治者の采配一つで民の命運は決まってしまうのだから…。 I must be careful in how I do things regardless of the size of the land I'm in charge of. The fate of a country's citizens is in their ruler's hands.
如何なる困難も己の信念を貫き歩み続けて行けば必ず乗り越えられると、団長は幾度となくその身で証明して見せた。今度は俺が団長に示す番だ。俺の理想を実現するという形で。 No matter what challenge awaits, I'll be able to pull through as long as I remain true to my convictions. That is something you've shown and proven to me countless times, Captain. Now it's my turn to take the lead in order to turn my ideals into reality.
EM Lvl Up
EM Perk Lvl Up 力が燃え滾るようだ。 I feel the power inside me burn like strong flames.
俺が胸に抱くのは、いずれお前と目指す理想の景色だ。 My wish is to be able to have you see my ideals come to fruition.
施策の効果が出たようだ。 Looks like the policies I've put in place are showing good results.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はぁっ! Hah!
甘い! Don't get ahead of yourself!
うぉぉ! Haaah!
Enemy Defeated 俺の敵ではない。 The likes of you are no match for me.
Skill 1 骨も残さん! I'll burn you into ashes.
Skill 2 頭を垂れろ Be ashamed of yourself!
Skill 3 皆の者、付いて来い! Everyone, follow me!
C.A. Ready 身の程を知れ。 Know your place.
Charge Attack 仲間とともに俺は行く、理想へと続く果てなき道を……。紅炎よ、我が王道を照らせ! シュトルツ・フランメ! I shall walk with my comrades down this winding road in order to achieve my ideals...! O' crimson flames, be the light that shines upon my path to chivalry! Stolze Flamme! This single voice line is split into 3 files.
Skip Charge Attack シュトルツ・フランメ! Stolze Flamme!
Damage Taken
Red HP
Knocked Out 歩みを止めるわけには…。 I can't... put a stop... to my ideals... just yet...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed よくやった。 You're doing great.
Join Battle
Victory 我が理想は決して揺るがない。 My ideals will never waver.
Turn Start 燃やし尽くしてくれる! I'll burn you to a crisp!
MC Defeats Enemy この程度、お前の敵ではないな。 They're no match for you at all.
MC C.A. Ready お前の力を見せつけてやれ。 Show them what you've got.
MC Knocked Out 塵も残さず消してくれる…! I'll be sure to burn them till nothing is left behind!

Chain Burst

Chain Burst Voice Lines
Applicable Characters Lancelot
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Lancelot and Vane
Any version
Arthur and MordredAglovale and Tor
Chain StartThis line only plays when the game language is set to Japanese. Japanese English Notes Play
Element Chain Japanese English Notes Play
Fire 2 レッドデトネーション! Red Detonation!
3 紅蓮のコラプション! Crimson Corruption!
4 プロミネンスフレア! Prominence Flare!
Water 2 ブルーデトネーション! Blue Detonation!
3 霧氷のイルミネート! Ice Illumination!
4 アブソリュート・ゼロ! Absolute Zero!
Earth 2 アースデトネーション! Earth Detonation!
3 地絶のパルヴァライズ! Quaking Pulverization!
4 ディアストロフィズム! Diastrofism!
Wind 2 エアロデトネーション! Air Detonation!
3 乱壊のテンペスト! Tempest!
4 バーストゲイル! Galeburst!
Light 2 アークデトネーション! Light Detonation!
3 雷電のエラディケート! Lightnic Eradication!
4 アセンション! Ascension!
Dark 2 カオスデトネーション! Chaos Detonation!
3 奈落のフォールダウン! Oblivion Fall!
4 ケイオスタイド! Tide of Chaos!

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 パーシヴァル「これが炎帝の力だ」
Skill 2 パーシヴァル「炎帝の威光の前にひれ伏せ」
Skill 3 パーシヴァル「巻き込まれるなよ、ヴェイン」
C.A. Ready パーシヴァル「どいていろ、俺が決める」
Red HP パーシヴァル「くそっ…不覚をとったか」
Knocked Out パーシヴァル「くっ…俺としたことが」
Join Battle ヴェイン「おっパーさん!待ってたぜぇ」
パーシヴァル「フン 俺がこの場を立て直す。戦況を教えろ、ヴェイン」
Victory パーシヴァル「ふん。駄犬の割には、中々やるではないか」


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 パーシヴァル「炎帝の刃は防げまい!」
Skill 2 パーシヴァル「巻き込まれたくなければ、下がっていろ」
Skill 3 ランスロット「パーシヴァル、チャンスだ!」
C.A. Ready パーシヴァル「ランスロット、フォローに回れ!」
Red HP ランスロット「どうしたパーシヴァル。辛くなったら、俺が手を貸してやるぞ」
Knocked Out パーシヴァル「ううっ…ランスロット…」
Join Battle ランスロット「腕は鈍っていないだろうな、パーシヴァル」
Victory パーシヴァル「油断せず、次に備えるぞ」
Percival: Let's not be sloppy and prepare for the next one.
Lancelot: Indeed, let's prepare ourselves.




Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 パーシヴァル「炎帝の刃思い知るがいい」
Skill 2 ジークフリート「いけるか?」
Skill 3 パーシヴァル「俺の剣にもお前と同じ誇りが宿っている」
C.A. Ready ジークフリート「いけるな?パーシヴァル」
Red HP ジークフリート「どうした?もう終わりか?」
Knocked Out パーシヴァル「しまった…!」
Join Battle パーシヴァル「ジークフリート!俺達で片を付けるぞ!」
Victory ジークフリート「腕を上げたな、パーシヴァル」


Siegfried: Alright, let's prepare for the next one.

Percival: Ahh, understood. In that case.... ah, nevermind....
Siegfried: Hm? What happened?

Percival: I just remembered something from long ago.... that's all.


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 パーシヴァル「消し炭にしてやる!」
Percival: I'll turn you into ashes!
Aglovale: Your flames are beautiful...
Skill 2 パーシヴァル「貴様など我らの敵ではない!」
Percival: The likes of you are no match for us!
Aglovale: Of course. Let's finish things right away.
Skill 3 パーシヴァル「ウェールズ家の名に懸けて!」
Percival: In the name of Wales, you shall be punished!
Aglovale: Percival, be sure not to put our family name to shame.
C.A. Ready パーシヴァル「俺にお任せください!」
Percival: Please leave this to me!
Aglovale: Oh? Then show me you haven't fallen behind in your training.
Percival: I'll have you learn that we're leagues above you!
Aglovale: Haha, such enthusiasm.
Red HP パーシヴァル「ぐぁ……!己……!」
Percival: Ugh...! How dare you!
Aglovale: Stand behind me.
Aglovale: Retreat while you can, Percival!
Percival: I refuse. I can still put up a fight!
Knocked Out パーシヴァル「兄上、申し訳ありません……。」
Percival: I apologize... brother....
Aglovale: You shall pay with your life for such insolence towards my brother!
Aglovale: Worry not. It is my job as an older brother to protect his younger sibling.
Percival: Please be careful, brother.
Join Battle パーシヴァル「兄上、ご無事ですか?」
Percival: Brother, are you all right?
Aglovale: I'm not one to be defeated easily, Percival.
Percival: I'll assist!
Aglovale: Hmph, don't disappoint me.
Victory パーシヴァル「共に戦えた事を嬉しく思います。」
Percival: I'm honored to have been able to fight alongside you.
Aglovale: Yes, I couldn't agree more.


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
誕生日、おめでとう。 Happy Birthday

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
明けましておめでとう Happy New Year
国造りにはまだまだ有能な家臣が必要だな… 団長、今年も引き続き仲間探しを手伝ってくれるな? I'm still short on vassals... (Captain), will you continue to accompany me on my journey to find more? Same line as his 1st year special cutscene for the New Year

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーバレンタイン Happy Valentine's.
今日はバレンタインか……悪いが俺は甘いものが苦手でな。ん……なっ!そ、そんな悲しい顔をするな……わかった……お前のだけは特別にもらってやる。 So today is Valentine's... Too bad I don't care for chocolate. Wait. Stop! Don't look at me like that. Fine, I'll take yours... But only this once, okay? Official translation taken from 1st Valentine's Day cutscene.
甘いものが苦手だというのに、この時期は沢山チョコレートが届いたな……かといって、捨てるのもしのびないので、代わりに騎士団の仲間に食べてもらっていた Even though I said I don't like sweet things, I received lots of chocolates this season... But still, it'd be a waste to throw them away, so I gave them to my fellow knights to eat.

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Happy white day.
Hm? Why do you look surprised? It's true I have no interest in sweet things, but that doesn't mean I forgot, here, take it.
Why do you look distressed? The same presents as others you say? Don't be foolish Captain, I'm grateful to have you, this is special.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーハロウィン Happy Halloween
トリック・オア・トリート Trick or Treat
なっ…お、俺に仮装をさせるだと!?やっ…やめろ!恥ずかしい!わ、わかった!この耳だけはつけてやるから!それで譲歩しろ! Hold on... You can't force me to wear a costume! Hey, quit it! This is embarrassing! All right, all right! I'll wear the ears, but that's it! You have to compromise with me here! This line is the same one on his 1st year Halloween cutscene

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
メリークリスマス Merry Christmas
Would you look at that... I haven't seen this many people out on the town since my days with the Dragon Knights. Heh. I suppose it doesn't hurt to enjoy yourself every once in a while. This is the same one as his 1st year Happy Holidays cutscene


Abend Stil

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen どうした?聖夜の外出に、これくらいの身だしなみ当然だろう?さあ、準備ができたなら出かけるぞ。街は混んでいるから、俺から決して離れるなよ? What is it? Isn't it only natural to dress up a little when you're going out on Christmas Eve? If you're ready to go, let us depart. The town will likely be crowded, so always stay close to me, alright?
聖夜は、キャンドルの静かな灯火を眺めているのも一興だ。炎は獰猛で攻撃的なものだが、時に美しく、華麗な姿を見せる。ふっ、お喋りはこのくらいにして、共に静寂を楽しもうではないか One small pastime on Christmas Eve is to watch the candles quietly burning. Even fierce, aggressive flames can also take a beautiful, magnificent form once in a while. Heh, why don't we leave it at that and enjoy the stillness together for a little while, shall we?
冷えるな…ホットワインでも買ってくるとするか。ふっ、心配しなくてもお前にも温かい葡萄ジュースを買ってやる。一人で凍えられても困るからな It's getting cold... Perhaps I should buy some hot wine. Heh, don't worry; I'll be sure to buy some warm cider for you as well. It wouldn't do to leave you freezing in the cold.
剣の装束が気になるか?ん?戦う時に燃えないか心配だと?はっ、団長は時々妙な所に気がつく。心配せずとも、この装束は俺の炎で燃えない特別性だ。 Have the ornaments on my sword caught your interest? Hm? You're worried about them catching fire during battle? Sigh, you really notice the smallest things sometimes. There's no need to worry; this ornament is specially made to resist my flames.
Add to Party 時は有限だ。店に急ぐぞ We don't have much time. Let's hurry to the shops.
至高の聖夜を約束しよう I promise to give you the best Christmas Eve you've ever had.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はっ Haaa!
散れ Perish.
そこだ That's it!
Enemy Defeated 騒ぎを起こした罰だ This is your punishment for disturbing the peace.
Skill 1 業火の恐怖に戦け Tremble in fear of my hellish flames.
Skill 2 散りゆく覚悟はいいか Are you prepared to fall in battle?
Skill 3 炎帝の力を見せてやろう I shall show you the power of the Lord of Flames.
C.A. Ready 逃げるなら今のうちだぞ Escape now, while you still can!
Charge Attack 爆ぜろ! 聖夜を彩る焔となれ! ローエン・ヴォルフ! Blaze up! Become the flames that adorn this holy night! Lohenwolf!
Skip Charge Attack ローエン・ヴォルフ! Lohenwolf!
Damage Taken
Red HP 貴様如きに、やれるものか As if I could be be killed by the likes of you.
Knocked Out こんな大事な日に… 騎士の名折れだ On such an important day... What a disgraceful knight I am.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle 静寂を破る者には消えてもらおう I'll have anyone who would break this silence disappear.
Victory さて、聖夜の街へ共に参ろう Well then, let us take a Christmas Eve stroll through town, shall we?
Turn Start
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out

Boss of My Heart

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen ん……? 俺が背負っているガキか? たまたま道で出会った迷子でな。泣きわめいて面倒だったから仕方なくこうして……。 おい、何だその顔は?何がおかしい!? Hm....? This kid I'm carrying? It just so happens that I met this lost kid on the street. The bawling was getting annoying, so I had to.... Hey, what's with that face? What's so funny!?
ああ? なんだそのツラは?今日からお前は俺の舎弟ってことだ
I've been seeing you around a lot lately, huh. I've made up my mind! I'll keep an eye on you.
Huh? What's with that look? I'm saying you're gonna be my underling from here on out.
ふん、カシラ同士のくだらん抗争など… 俺が終わらせる
One of these days, I'll be the guy calling the shots for the whole team.
Heh, let me handle any trivial disputes with the other heads.
Add to Party 安心しろ、お前には指一本触れさせん Don't worry, I won't let anybody lay a finger on you.
カチコミだッ! This is a raid!
喧嘩上等だ! Bring it on!

Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack オラァッ! Oraa!
Enemy Defeated もう終わりか? That all you got?
Skill 1 ぶっ潰す I'll crush 'em!
Skill 2 俺の舎弟に手出しはさせん! I won't let anyone lay a finger on my underlings!
Skill 3 オトシマエは俺がつける! I'll settle the score!
C.A. Ready トサカに来たぞ…! Now I'm really pissed...!
Charge Attack 喧嘩上等、夜露死苦! 狼炎暴琉怖! Bring it on, nice to beat ya! Lohenwolf!
Skip Charge Attack 喧嘩上等、夜露死苦! Bring it on, nice to beat ya!
Damage Taken 痛ェぞコラァッ!! That hurt, ya punk!!
Red HP つけ上がるなよ…! Don't get cocky...!
Knocked Out くそぉッ!お前達を守れなかった…! Dammit!! I couldn't protect you all...!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:

Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Even if it kills me...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:

Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed フッ… お前が舎弟で良かった Hmph... I'm glad you're my underling.
Join Battle
Victory 帰ってカシラに伝えろ、今すぐ降伏しろとな! Now run back home and tell your boss--give it up, or else!
Turn Start 売られた喧嘩は買うのが礼儀だ If someone's sellin' a fight, it's just good manners to buy it!
MC Defeats Enemy やるな! Not bad!
MC C.A. Ready 侠気見せろッ! Show 'em your chivalry!
MC Red HP 随分と可愛がってくれたようだな Looks like they got pretty rough with you.
MC Knocked Out お前の筋は俺が通してやる! I'll keep going in your stead!

The Dragon Knights

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen どうした。そう堅苦しく考えて緊張することもない。今宵のお前のパートナーは俺だ。俺の傍に居ればいいだけの事だからな。 What's wrong? There's no need to be nervous about formalities. I will be your partner for tonight. You'll be alright if you stay by my side.
まさに駄犬にも衣装、といったところだな。ん?ああ、ヴェインの話だ。 So even the mongrel is all dressed up... Hm? Ah, I'm talking about Vane.
この衣装を仕立てる時に、ランスロットがやたらとしつこくサイズを聞いてきたが、何だったんだ?あいつは昔から時々、全く理解できん行動をとる事がある。 When this costume was being tailored, Lancelot kept pestering me with questions about my sizes. What was that all about? Even as long as I've known him, sometimes he just does incomprehensible things.
昔からそうだが、ジークフリートは自分の格好に頓着が無さ過ぎる。それなりの立場にいた事もあるというのに。あいつは全く… He's always been like this, but Siegfried never pays attention to his appearance at all. Even though he has his own circumstances, that guy really...
ダンス…?それくらい、いくらでも教えてやる。まずは手をこっちへ。ふっ、おい。もう少し近づけ。転ぶぞ。 A dance...? I can teach you even that much. First, place your hands here. Heh, hey, come a bit closer. You'll trip.
Add to Party 当然だな It's only natural.
ああ、お前のパートナーは、俺に決まっている Yes, it's already settled--I will be your partner tonight.
ふっ、俺以上にお前を楽しませられる者がいるとも思えんからな Heh, there's no one who can entertain you better than I can.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack てぇっ!
食らえ! Take this!
どけ! Step aside!
Enemy Defeated 口ほどにもない Can't even talk the talk.
Skill 1 身を焼く炎に恐怖しろ! Beware these flames!
Skill 2 どうやら痛い目を見たいらしいな Seems like you're looking for trouble.
Skill 3 道を開けてもらうぞ I'd like you to pave the way for me.
C.A. Ready もう待ってはやれんぞ I won't wait any longer.
Charge Attack 炎帝の刃、跪いて受けるがいい!ローエン・ヴォルフ!
Best to bow down and accept the Lord of Flames' blade! Lohenwolf!
I'll adorn your demise with flowers. You'd do well to appreciate it! Lohenwolf!
Skip Charge Attack ローエン・ヴォルフ! Lohenwolf!
Damage Taken ぐはぁ! Guh!
Red HP くはっ… いや、大した事は無い Ngh... No, this is nothing.
Knocked Out うぉっ...… 今は分が悪いか Guh... I'm at a disadvantage now, huh.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:

Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
A blunder on my part it seems...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:

Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 恩に着る I'm in your debt. Same as his regular line
Join Battle この俺の道を阻むとは… 覚悟はできているんだろうな To be getting in my way... I hope you've said your prayers.
Victory 相手を守るのは、エスコート役として当然だからな It's only natural for an escort to protect his partner.
Turn Start 時間が惜しい… さっさと終わらせるぞ Time is precious... Let's end this quickly!
MC Defeats Enemy さらばだ Farewell.
MC C.A. Ready 団長!畳みかけるぞ! Captain! Let's strike while the iron's hot! Same as his regular line
MC Red HP 恐れるな、俺に続け! Don't be afraid; just follow my lead! Same as his regular line
MC Knocked Out よくやった、あとは下がってろ You did well. Fall back for now. Same as his regular line