Cinderella Fantasy ~Girls Keep on Dreaming~

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Event Story

Event duration: 19:00 JST, October 14, 2016 - 17:00 JST, October 24, 2016
03:00 PDT, October 14, 2016 - 01:00 PDT, October 24, 2016

Cinderella Fantasy ~Girls Keep on Dreaming~ is a collaboration event with the The IDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls mobile game. This is the 5th IDOLM@STER collaboration.

Cinderella Fantasy ~Snowy Mountain Story~, the 6th collaboration, is also available during the October 2016 iteration of this event.

This event is part of the series of Idolmaster collabs. Listed in order of premiere:

For new players

Collaboration events are home to the highly-coveted Unknown Attack SSR weapons. Even if they are not in your element, it can be worth it to fully uncap each one completely simply because you never know when a particular collab will be run again.

Aside from that, there are numerous characters to recruit, including ones requiring you to play another game. There are other rewards to obtain in addition to characters, so it is worth your time to participate in the cross-game promotion if you can. You can even start playing the game before the event begins and get a head start. In this case, the iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls game is already part of a Cross Promotion, so you can simply work on those rewards first, as well as any associated with other IM@S collab events.

One thing of note is that every iDOLM@STER character has a Friendship bar that works just like loyalty. Filling up the Friendship bar gives the character additional stats, making them stronger than typical event characters. This makes them very worth using if you are short on characters in certain elements.

This event sells the Brunnhilde summon, which is used to earn trophies for another summon, [Skybound] Ranko Kanzaki. Introduced with the 6th collab, Cinderella Fantasy ~Snowy Mountain Story~, the Ranko summon stone now has a 4★ uncap which leads to recruiting a "hidden" character, Ranko Kanzaki. She can be recruited outside the event provided you have all the characters and materials necessary, so you may want to buy Brunnhilde so that you are not reliant on other players to make trophy progress. Refer to her character page for details.

Note that from the shop, you can access the event shop for Cinderella Fantasy ~Girls on a Quest~, which also sells Brunnhilde and other items but uses the same event drops as this event. This is an additional source of Half Elixirs, but most importantly you can buy 4 copies of Brunnhilde by buying 2 from each shop instead of all from the same shop.

As usual, you will want to complete every story quest and, if possible, every boss encounter for the completion Crystals. There are many staple consumables available for purchase from the event shop, notably Half Elixirs, so farm the items needed for those turn-ins in addition to any characters and Unknown weapons you want in the shop. It can also be worth farming specific quests for the offchance of getting rare drops from the boss in addition to event drops.


Found in Quests > Special > Event, or from the Special button on the event page.

  • 15 AP, 500 RP, 570 EXP, 15 Loyalty
  • Battle 1
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 10 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 10 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 10 Earth, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Boss Battle
    • Piña Colata, Lvl 20 Fire, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
  • 20 AP, 665 RP, 735 EXP, 20 Loyalty
  • Battle 1
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 15 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 15 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 15 Wind, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Boss Battle
    • Piña Colata, Lvl 30 Fire, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
  • 30 AP, 1220 RP, 1320 EXP, 30 Loyalty
  • Battle 1
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Fire/Earth, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Fire/Earth/Wind, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Battle 2
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Water/Wind, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Fire/Water/Wind, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Boss Battle
    • Piña Colata, Lvl 50 Fire, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
  • Can be attempted 2 times per day
  • 40 AP, 2260 RP, 2393 EXP, 40 Loyalty
  • Battle 1
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 30 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 30 Wind, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 30 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Battle 2
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 30 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 30 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Battle 3
    • Black Creature, Lvl 50 Water, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
    • Charge Attacks: Left Hook - medium Water damage to one ally and inflict ParalysisCan't attack
  • Boss Battle
    • Piña Colata, Lvl 75 Fire, 3 Charge Diamonds (unleashed: 2), Mode Bar
    • Charge Attacks: Piñañaa - big Water damage to all allies and inflict a random debuff.
  • 20 AP, 890 RP, 965 EXP, 20 Loyalty
  • Battle 1
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Fire, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Battle 2
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Boss Battle
    • Black Creature, Lvl 30 Water, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
    • Charge Attacks: Left Hook - medium Water damage to one ally and inflict ParalysisCan't attack
  • 30 AP, 1160-1390 RP, 1230-1475 EXP, 30 Loyalty
  • Battle 1
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Water/Earth/Wind, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 20 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Battle 2
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 25 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 25 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Rare Monster
    • May appear in battle 2, replacing all other enemies
    • Treasure Chest Mimic, Lvl 30 Light, 1 Charge Diamond
  • Boss Battle
    • Black Creature, Lvl 50 Water, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
    • Charge Attacks
      • Left Hook - big Water damage to one ally and inflict ParalysisCan't attack
      • Right Straight - big Water damage to one ally and inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered
  • Can be attempted 2 times per day
  • 40 AP, 2020 RP, 2132 EXP, 40 Loyalty
  • Battle 1
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 30 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 30 Earth/Wind, 2 Charge Diamonds
    • Mysterious Creature, Lvl 30 Water, 2 Charge Diamonds
  • Battle 2
    • Piña Colata, Lvl 50 Water, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
    • Charge Attacks: Piñañaa - big Water damage to all allies and inflict a random debuff.
  • Boss Battle
    • Black Creature, Lvl 75 Water, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
    • Charge Attack: Explosive Fist - numerous Water damage attacks to random allies and inflict BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
      . Can be used in Overdrive. Also used as a trigger under 50% HP.

Nightmare battles randomly appear after completing Extreme or Maniac difficulty quests. They cost 0 AP and come in 3 levels of difficulty, higher levels are unlocked by defeating the previous level. Each difficulty of Nightmare awards 1 Blue Sky Crystal the first time it is completed. These Nightmare battles only have the boss, no other enemies.

All levels of Nightmare have a small chance to drop Gold Brick.

All levels award 850 RP, 1275 EXP, 0 Loyalty
Level 60

  • Piña Colata, Lvl 60 Fire, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
    • High chance of double attacks

All levels award 850 RP, 1275 EXP, 0 Loyalty
Level 60

  • Black Creature, Lvl 60 Water, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
  • Charge Attack
    • Left Hook - medium Water damage to one ally and inflict ParalysisCan't attack

Level 90

  • Black Creature, Lvl 90 Water, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
  • Skills: Right Straight - 9,999,999 damage to one ally. Used at 50% HP. Consumes all charge diamonds.
  • Charge Attacks
    • Left Hook - medium Water damage to one ally and inflict ParalysisCan't attack
    • Explosive Fist - numerous Water damage attacks to random allies and inflict BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
      . Can be used in Overdrive.

Level 120

  • Black Creature, Lvl 90 Water, 3 Charge Diamonds, Mode Bar
  • Skills: Under 50% HP, Black Creature uses the following skills in order:
    • Turn 1: Uses Instill Power into Right Arm. Does not attack. Gains a massive Damage Cut, no expiration time.
    • Turn 2: Uses Right Straight - 99,999,999 damage to one ally.
    • Turn 3: Uses Right Straight - 99,999,999 damage to one ally.
    • After the second Right Straight, Black Creature's Damage Cut expires.
  • Charge Attacks
    • Explosive Fist - numerous Water damage attacks to random allies and inflict BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
      . Can be used in Overdrive.

Event Rewards


Rin Shibuya temporarily joins when the event starts and requires 1000 loyalty to stay after the event ends.

Mio Honda joins after completing the event story.

Uzuki Shimamura is recruited by attaining level 20 in the Cinderella Girls cross-game promotion.

Airi Totoki is recruited by attaining level 39 in the Cinderella Girls cross-game promotion.

Sachiko Koshimizu is recruited by exchanging event treasures.

All characters gain bonus stats by earning 500 Friendship points. These points can be gained at any time, even after the event ends, by having the character in your party, just like loyalty.

Event-Limited Items

  • Sombre Axe, Fire Axe, Unknown big boost to Fire Attack
  • Sombre Gauntlet, Earth Melee, Unknown medium boost to Earth HP
  • Sombre Knife, Dark Dagger, Unknown medium boost to Dark Attack
  • Mysterious Wand, Wind Staff, Unknown big boost to Wind HP
  • Mysterious Needle, Water Spear, Unknown medium boost to Water Attack
  • Mysterious Hammer, Earth Axe, Unknown medium boost to Earth HP

Cross-Game Promotion

By playing The IDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls mobile game, additional rewards can be earned in Granblue Fantasy. Cross-game rewards can be earned in Cinderella Girls and claimed in Granblue Fantasy until 16:59 October 29, 2016 (JST). From News > Updates, select the Cinderella Fantasy Tie-In Loot Pick-up Period Extended post to access the tie-in redemption page.

  • Get a level 6 Puchi - 100 Crystals
    • This is not the same as character level. Click on the orange button along the top bar (with the bird), then click on the pink musical note button at the top, finally choose one of the options on the left side. Repeat until level 6.
  • Attain Level 20 - Uzuki Shimamura
    • The challenge battle requires Uzuki in your party, so it will be locked until you have recruited her.
  • Attain Level 39 - Airi Totoki
  • Attain Level 40 - Premium Draw Ticket
  • Give 10 other Puchi pages a thumbs up - 3 Full Elixirs
    • On the Puchi page, click on the blue button of a person opening a door, click the left button to be sent to a random player, and give them a thumbs up. Repeat 10 times.


Silver Piña Colata Drops from Mysterious Creatures.
Gold Piña Colata Drops from Mysterious Creatures.
Hell's Road Crown Drops from Piña Colata (green).
Hell's Road Dress Drops from Piña Colata (green).
Obsidian Statue Drops from Black Creature.
Purple Jewel Drops from the Treasure Chest Mimic rare encounter, and from Maniac and Nightmare. Belle Sylphid increases appearance rate of Treasure Chest Mimics.
Shining Star Drops from Nightmare only.
Sombre Axe Flip chest from Black Creature, higher difficulty has higher drop rate.
Mysterious Wand Flip chest from Piña Colata (green), higher difficulty has higher drop rate.
Brunnhilde Flip chest from Piña Colata (green), higher difficulty has higher drop rate.

Event Shop

All weapons from the shop are Unknown weapons.

Item Step Limit Material 1Material 2Material 3

Sachiko Koshimizu
1 1 Purple Jewel ×20 Obsidian Statue ×20 Silver Piña Colata ×50

1 1 Hell's Road Crown ×20 Gold Piña Colata ×30 Hell's Road Dress ×10
2 1 Hell's Road Crown ×40 Gold Piña Colata ×80 Hell's Road Dress ×30
3 1 Hell's Road Crown ×60 Gold Piña Colata ×120 Hell's Road Dress ×50
4 1 Hell's Road Crown ×80 Gold Piña Colata ×150 Hell's Road Dress ×70

Sombre Axe
1 1 Silver Piña Colata ×20 Gold Piña Colata ×20 Obsidian Statue ×5
2 1 Silver Piña Colata ×40 Gold Piña Colata ×40 Obsidian Statue ×20
3 1 Silver Piña Colata ×70 Gold Piña Colata ×70 Obsidian Statue ×40
4 1 Silver Piña Colata ×100 Gold Piña Colata ×100 Obsidian Statue ×80

Sombre Gauntlet
1 1 Silver Piña Colata ×10 Obsidian Statue ×5-
2 1 Silver Piña Colata ×50 Obsidian Statue ×20-
3 1 Silver Piña Colata ×80 Obsidian Statue ×40-
4 1 Silver Piña Colata ×100 Obsidian Statue ×80-

Sombre Knife
1 1 Silver Piña Colata ×10 Obsidian Statue ×5-
2 1 Silver Piña Colata ×50 Obsidian Statue ×20-
3 1 Silver Piña Colata ×80 Obsidian Statue ×40-
4 1 Silver Piña Colata ×100 Obsidian Statue ×80-

Mysterious Wand
1 1 Hell's Road Crown ×15 Gold Piña Colata ×20 Hell's Road Dress ×5
2 1 Hell's Road Crown ×30 Gold Piña Colata ×50 Hell's Road Dress ×20
3 1 Hell's Road Crown ×50 Gold Piña Colata ×80 Hell's Road Dress ×40
4 1 Hell's Road Crown ×75 Gold Piña Colata ×100 Hell's Road Dress ×60

Mysterious Needle
1 1 Silver Piña Colata ×10 Hell's Road Crown ×5 Gold Piña Colata ×3
2 1 Silver Piña Colata ×50 Hell's Road Crown ×15 Gold Piña Colata ×10
3 1 Silver Piña Colata ×80 Hell's Road Crown ×20 Gold Piña Colata ×20
4 1 Silver Piña Colata ×100 Hell's Road Crown ×25 Gold Piña Colata ×30

Mysterious Hammer
1 1 Silver Piña Colata ×10 Hell's Road Crown ×5 Gold Piña Colata ×3
2 1 Silver Piña Colata ×50 Hell's Road Crown ×15 Gold Piña Colata ×10
3 1 Silver Piña Colata ×80 Hell's Road Crown ×20 Gold Piña Colata ×20
4 1 Silver Piña Colata ×100 Hell's Road Crown ×25 Gold Piña Colata ×30

Champion Merit
1 1 Silver Piña Colata ×30 Gold Piña Colata ×15 Obsidian Statue ×5
2 1 Silver Piña Colata ×60 Gold Piña Colata ×30 Obsidian Statue ×10

Champion Merit
1 1 Silver Piña Colata ×30 Gold Piña Colata ×15 Hell's Road Dress ×5
2 1 Silver Piña Colata ×60 Gold Piña Colata ×30 Hell's Road Dress ×10
3 1 Silver Piña Colata ×100 Gold Piña Colata ×50 Hell's Road Dress ×15

Supreme Merit
1 1 Gold Piña Colata ×60 Obsidian Statue ×20 Purple Jewel ×10
2 1 Gold Piña Colata ×120 Obsidian Statue ×40 Purple Jewel ×20

Supreme Merit
1 1 Hell's Road Crown ×50 Gold Piña Colata ×60 Hell's Road Dress ×10

Half Elixir
1 2/day
20 total
Silver Piña Colata ×5 Gold Piña Colata ×5-

Angel Queen
1 5 Silver Piña Colata ×10--

CP ×10
1 20 Silver Piña Colata ×10 Gold Piña Colata ×3-
2 20 Silver Piña Colata ×20 Gold Piña Colata ×5-
3 20 Silver Piña Colata ×20 Gold Piña Colata ×10-

Rupies ×10,000
1 10 Purple Jewel ×10--

Challenge Battle: "Cinderella Fantasy"

Required Characters: Rin Shibuya, Uzuki Shimamura, and Mio Honda
Completion reward: Blue Sky Crystal

  • The required characters do not need to be in the front line, so you can bring your preferred team. The enemy is a single Piña Colata at around Very Hard difficulty.
  • If you just started recently, bring two strong Water units with the idols and you should have little problem even if the idols get knocked out.
  • If you don't have Water characters, try to get the third skill for each idol and use them together with a Grand Order support summon. Make sure your main hand weapon is Water as well.

Challenge Battle: "The Ties That Bind Us"

Required Characters: Airi Totoki and Sachiko Koshimizu
Completion reward: Blue Sky Crystal

  • The hardest task may be leveling to 39 in Cinderella Girls to unlock Airi.
  • Airi is Earth so her Charm should land easily and Sachiko can deal with the gimmick of this fight.
  • The enemy is a single Black Creature around Very Hard difficulty, but you'll want to try to kill it from 51+% HP in one turn.
  • If it takes a turn at low enough health, it'll start by casting Instill Power into Right Arm, a 99% Damage Cut. Its next 3 attacks will deal 99,999,999 damage to a single target. Have Sachiko cast Full Spark followed by Wings Alight to hopefully tank the hits.
    • If you have a party-wide RepelReflects DMG
      Damage Cut reducing damage taken and reflecting attacks.
      Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
      (or a single RepelReflects DMG
      Damage Cut reducing damage taken and reflecting attacks.
      Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
      and enough luck for the boss to hit it), cast it and watch the Black Creature kill itself.
  • After the three attacks, the damage cut expires and you can defeat it normally.
