Rainbow Lyre

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Rainbow Lyre
Can be uncapped to 4★
Level 1 45 365 ??
Level 100 275 2205 450%
Level 150 333 2665 500%
Character UnlockObtaining this weapon unlocks a character.
Drawing additional copies beyond the first will instead earn a Gold Moon.
Unlock Uncap
4★ Complete Cupitan Lvl 45 Fate Episode "A Bridge of Colorful Emotions"
ID 1040814200
JP Name 虹の琴
Release Date 2022-01-17
4★ Date 2022-07-20
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
A delicate lyre with strings that shimmer like a rainbow in the sky. Soft melodies ring out from this instrument, responding to people's emotions and gently healing the hearts of the wounded.
Charge Attack
Prism Melody Massive Water damage to a foe.
All allies gain 70% / 30% Critical Hit Rate UpAttacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG
Strength: 70% chance of dealing 30% more damage.Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain 30% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted
Strength: 30%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
and 10% Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Strength: 10%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
Weapon Skills
Hoarfrost's Verity Big boost to water allies' critical hit rate
Water's Might Small boost to water allies' ATK
▶ 120 Unlocks at level 120: Unlocks at level 120:
Cobalt Arts Boost to water allies' skill damage cap
4★ Uncap
Rupies ×10,000
Base Reduction Materials
This weapon should not be reduced or used as fodder.

Gameplay Notes

Cobalt Arts

Skill Level Skill DMG Cap Up
1 5.5%
10 10%
15 15%
20 20%
  • Boosts skill damage cap of Water allies' skills.
    • Stacks additively with other weapon skills that boost skill damage cap, up to a maximum of 100%.
    • Stacks additively with Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
