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Grand Weapons
Can be uncapped to 4★
Level 1 48 416 400%
Level 100 301 2445 450%
Level 150 364 2952 500%
Character UnlockObtaining this weapon unlocks a character.
Drawing additional copies beyond the first will instead earn a Gold Moon.
Unlock Uncap
4★ Complete Mugen Lvl 45 Fate Episode "Inspired by Fun"
ID 1040812000
JP Name ケラク
Release Date 2020-03-17
4★ Date 2020-03-17
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
KamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
This beautiful harp was spun from spindles of golden silk. Mere mortal hands didn't craft this instrument—no, a strange force is at work here, strumming notes that fall on deaf ears. But if someone who could hear its melody were to appear in this world, the harp will come to serve its true purpose.
Charge Attack
Scorched Paradise Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All Fire allies gain 15% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Strength: 15%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Additional effect at 4★:
All Fire allies also gain RevitalizeRecover HP each turn. Boost to charge bar if HP is full.
Strength: 10% of max HP (Healing cap: 1000) or 10% charge barDuration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Weapon Skills
Inferno's Progression Big boost to fire allies' fire ATK based on number of turns passed
▶ 150 Unlocks at level 150: Unlocks at level 150:
Hellfire's Majesty Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
4★ Uncap
Rupies ×100,000
Base Reduction Materials
This weapon should not be reduced or used as fodder.
Fire Grand Weapons

