Category:Fire Majesty Skill Weapons

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Icon Name R El Type ATK HP Skills
Blade of Loyalty 2497 218
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Fire's Aegis: Small boost to fire allies' max HP
Bastion's Resolve: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain 20% Wind CutWind DMG is cut 20%
Strength: 20%Wind Damage Cut.
Blazing Mistral 3137 350
Purity of Nature: When main weapon (MC only):
When a foe uses a special attack and for every 3 skills used by Fire allies:
2-hit, 300% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~330,000 per hit) and remove 1 buff.
Inflict 10% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)ATK is lowered (Stackable)
Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Duration: 180 seconds
and 10% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)DEF is lowered (Stackable)
Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Duration: 180 seconds
Fine Wind, Clear Heart: When main weapon (MC only):
When a Fire ally removes a foe's buff:
2-hit, 500% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000 per hit).
Restore Fire allies' HP (Healing cap: 2000).
All Fire allies gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
Strength: 10%
Inferno's Majesty: Big boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Summer Cyclone Cleave: Unworldly Fire damage to a foe.
Remove 2 buffs.
Foe gains DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
4★: 2-turn cut to MC's skill cooldowns.
Caduceus 3259 435
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to Fire allies' ATK and max HP
Saving Grace II: When main weapon (MC only): Cut to skill cooldown every turn when HP is 75% or below
Hellfire's Garrison: Medium boost to Fire allies' DEF based on how low HP is
Staff of Grace: Massive Fire damage to a foe / 2-turn cut to skill cooldown
4★: 20%Verification needed. chance to reset all skill cooldowns (MC only).
Charming Broom 2450 380
Inferno's Majesty: Big boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Fire's Aegis: Small boost to fire allies' max HP
Magic of Happiness: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain Shield (1500)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
Strength: 1500Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
4★: All allies also gain VeilDebuffs will be nullified (1 time)
Duration: 0.5 turns"Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune."Applied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 0 turns remaining.
Cloudblazer's Broom 3079 251
Preemptive Fire Blade: Boost to fire allies' ATK for first 8 turns of battle
Scarlet Arts: Boost to fire allies' skill DMG cap
Hellfire's Majesty: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Crimson Storm: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
1-turn cut to MC's skill cooldowns.
All allies gain Fire ATK UpFire ATK is boosted
Verification needed.
4★: Raise all foes' SingedHP is lowered on every turn based on Singed lvl (Can't be removed)
Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds
lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Deirdre's Heart 2760 320
Inferno's Garrison: Big boost to fire allies' DEF based on how low HP is
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Heart's Upholder: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain 25% Fire ATK UpFire ATK is boosted
Strength: 25%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
4★: All allies also gain Shield (1000)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
Strength: 1000Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Draconic Harp 3240 399
Wilnas's Firestorm: Boost to Fire allies' ATK0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)Modifier: EX based on number of turns passed.
Four Orbs' Judgment: Emblem of the four orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons' Radiance: Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Hadron Blaze: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
(Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
Duration: Indefinite
5★: All allies also gain RefreshHP is restored on every turn
Strength: (Healing cap: 1500)Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Firestorm Scythe 3618 231
Inferno's Crux: Big supplemental boost to fire allies' C.A. DMG
Hellfire's Majesty: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Volcanic Chamber: Unworldly Fire damage to a foe.
Self-inflict Burned (1000)HP is lowered on every turn (Can't be removed)
Strength: 1000Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
4★: Also remove 1 buff from a foe and inflict DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
Flame Lit Curl 1732 150
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Clad in Flames: Big Fire damage to a foe.
Remove 1 buff.
Heat of The Sun 3524 244
Hierophant-Sun's Blessing: Massive boost to Fire allies' ATKModifier: EX.
Drain effect to Fire allies with multistrikeDouble StrikeAttacks twice each turn

Triple StrikeAttacks 3 times each turn

Quadruple StrikeAttacks 4 times each turn
effects (Healing cap: 1900).
Sephira Maxi-Fire: 20% boost to Fire allies' DMG Cap in Arcarum.
5% boost to Fire allies' DMG Cap.
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to Fire allies' ATK and max HP
Coronal Ejection: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
50% chance to gain Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn
Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
Remove 1 debuff from all allies.
5★: Upgraded to 100% chance to gain Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn
Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
Kerak 2952 364
Inferno's Progression: Big boost to fire allies' fire ATK based on number of turns passed
Hellfire's Majesty: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Scorched Paradise: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All Fire allies gain 15% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Strength: 15%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
4★: All Fire allies also gain RevitalizeRecover HP each turn. Boost to charge bar if HP is full.
Strength: 10% of max HP (Healing cap: 1000) or 10% charge barDuration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Kiss of The Devil 3098 327
Strength-Devil's Seduction: Massive boost to Fire allies' ATKModifier: EX. Supplement DMG to Fire allies against foes with Red HeatHP is lowered on every turn
(Damage cap: 50,000).
Sephira Maxi-Fire: 20% boost to Fire allies' DMG Cap in Arcarum.
5% boost to Fire allies' DMG Cap.
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to Fire allies' ATK and max HP
Hellfire: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
Gain 50% Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Strength: 50%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
and 200% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted
Strength: 200%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
4★: Effect increased to 60% Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Strength: 60%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
and 250% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted
Strength: 250%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
5★: Effect increased to 70% Skill DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of skill DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Strength: 70%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
and 300% Skill DMG UpSkill DMG is boosted
Strength: 300%Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
Lord of Flames 3350 285
Scarlet Convergence: When at least 4 weapons of the same weapon group are equipped: Boost to fire allies' ATK, DEF, and DMG cap
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Lohenweg: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
Bonus Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~800,000).
4★: Also raise foes' SingedHP is lowered on every turn based on Singed lvl (Can't be removed)
Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: Indefinite
lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Lulling Flambeau 2163 285
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Scarlet Arts: Boost to fire allies' skill DMG cap
Purge and Repent: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain 1 Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
Refrain of Blazing Vigor 3397 419
Wilnas's Firestorm: Boost to Fire allies' ATK0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)Modifier: EX based on number of turns passed.
Six Pillars' Judgment: Emblem of the six orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons' Radiance: Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Furious Blaze ++: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain Mirror Image (1 time)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
(Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
Duration: Indefinite
, RefreshHP is restored on every turn
Strength: (Healing cap: 1500)Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
, and Veil (1 time)Debuffs will be nullified (1 time)
Duration: 0.5 turns"Veil" is an unofficial name used by the wiki for this status effect. Its actual in-game name is "Immune."Applied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 0 turns remaining.
Scythe of Renunciation 3870 277
Ironflame's Majesty IV: Big boost to Fire allies' ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation: A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel: A symbol of evolution's holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum or chain.
Apocalyptic Ignition: Massive Fire damage to a foe. / All allies gain Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
Additional effect based on the pendulum.
Scythe of Repudiation 3870 277
Inferno's Majesty II: Big boost to Fire allies' ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation: A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel: A symbol of evolution's holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum or chain.
Apocalyptic Ignition: Massive Fire damage to a foe. / All allies gain Hellfire CrestFire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
Additional effect based on the pendulum.
Strawberry Slasher 3263 217
Inferno's Majesty: Big boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Fire's Aegis: Small boost to fire allies' max HP
Berry Merry Serration: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
Restore all allies' HP (Healing cap: 2000).
All allies gain Shield (1000)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
Strength: 1000Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
4★: Also remove 1 buff from a foe.
Sword of Michael (SSR) 2465 206
Michael's Blessing II: Amplify Fire allies' damage against Wind foes by 20%.
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Iudicium Wildfire: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain 10% Fire ATK UpFire ATK is boosted
Strength: 10%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
Sword of Valorblaze 2980 250
Michael's Blessing III: Amplify Fire allies' damage against Wind foes by 23%.
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Arkhangelsky Sobor: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain 20% Fire ATK UpFire ATK is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
and 20% Wind DMG LoweredWind DMG is lowered
Strength: 20%Duration: 3.5 turnsWind DEF Up. Not a Damage Cut.
Reduces Wind damage taken on a multiplier
separate from Damage Cuts.Applied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
Ullikummi 3371 349
Inferno's Heed: Small boost to Fire allies' double attack rate / Slight chance to dodge and counter (Big DMG)
Vogue Hymn II: When main weapon (MC only): Cooldown cut to all skills with over 5-turn cooldown.
All allies gain 30% Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Strength: 30%Duration: 3 turns
and a random buff when using first ability.
Fire's Majesty: Small boost to Fire allies' ATK and max HP
Titan's Song: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain High Voltage (ATK Up)ATK is boosted
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
and High Voltage (DEF Up)DEF is boosted
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
4★: Restore 110 + 10% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 3000).
All allies also gain Debuff Success BoostedDebuff success rate is boosted
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Vivid Verdure 3236 224
Hellfire's Majesty: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Hellfire's Healing: Medium boost to fire allies' healing cap
Blade's Wrath: Boost to ATK, max HP, and multiattack rate based on how many katanas are equipped
Beachside Samurai: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain Shield (1000)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
Strength: 1000Duration: Indefinite
4★: All allies also gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
Strength: 10%
Wamdus Santa 2714 324
Hellfire's Glory: Medium boost to fire allies' C.A. specs and chain burst specs
Hellfire's Majesty: Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and max HP
Torrential Triumph: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All Fire allies gain Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
Strength: 10%
4★: All Fire allies also gain DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Wrathfire Militis 2486 172
Ironflame's Majesty III: Big boost to Fire allies' ATK and max HP
Fortified Blade: Boost to DEF based on how many katanas are equipped
Sectio Repetere: Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
and DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
. (Activates twice in Arcarum.)