Lulou Holou (NPC)

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Lulou Holou
RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game.
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Female
Voice Actor Hisako Tōjō
NameJP ルロウホロウ
Voice ActorJP 東城日沙子
ID 3993366000
Release Date 2023-12-28
Tyra's Bizarre Misadventure
The president of DinoSmile, Inc. Also known as Lulou, she's a hedonist who's only ever sought to do things that entertain her. Generally judges things based only on whether they're amusing or not. She is bizarrely lucky, and her whimsical self-indulgence has somehow led to her accumulating a massive fortune. As she is aware of how incompetent she is, she leaves all the actual work to her brilliant employees, providing no value but her investment. As she provides plenty of funds while not interfering in anyone's work, and moreover doesn't get angry if a project fails so long as it does so entertainingly, most of the company is rather fond of her. Recent events have caused her to reflect on her behavior and cede the presidency to Tyra, and she's now investing heavily into the creation of Tyranno Park. That said, someone should probably remind her that she said she would turn herself in, as she's currently living Tyra's mansion.