Scenario:A Ballad of Unbending Chivalry - Chapter 3: Differing Creeds - Episode 2

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A Ballad of Unbending Chivalry - Chapter 3: Differing Creeds - Episode 2

While out for a walk in town at night, Yuisis confides in (Captain) that she's unsure if she's fit to be a leader. Icas shows up and asks Yuisis to follow along with Elsine's wishes. When Yuisis learns that Icas was also a traitor during Arrogante's rebellion, Elea turns up to answer why.

(Captain) is well aware that a rift exists between Yuisis and Elsine.
Unable to sleep, (Captain) decides to take a stroll.
(Captain) spots Yuisis sitting alone on a bench in a far-flung part of town.
Yuisis: (Captain)?
  1. It's late...
  2. It's dangerous to be out by yourself.

Choose: It's late...

Yuisis: It's just that... I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go on a walk...
Yuisis exhibits the look of a lost child.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: It's dangerous to be out by yourself.

Yuisis: I appreciate your concern.
Yuisis: But I'm okay, really. Even if anyone were to come at me around here, it wouldn't be anyone that I would easily lose to.
Yuisis attempts to hide her anxiety with a smile.

Continue 1

Yuisis: Look who's talking, though. What are you doing out here?
Yuisis: What would you do if someone were to attack?
  1. I've been keeping proper watch.

Choose: I've been keeping proper watch.

Unable to sleep, (Captain) shares that an evening stroll was in order.
Yuisis: Gotcha... Same as me then. Won't you sit down next to me, (Captain)?
(Captain) nods and takes a seat next to Yuisis on the bench.
Yuisis: (Captain), you once told me that it's okay for me to rely on my family, yeah?
Yuisis: Can I rely on you now... for something?
  1. Of course.

Choose: Of course.

Yuisis moves closer and rests her head on (Captain)'s shoulder.
Yuisis: ...
  1. You can always talk to me.

Choose: You can always talk to me.

Yuisis: Thanks... But I'm not even sure myself what I want to say...
Yuisis: Let me think for a bit...
Yuisis: ...
Yuisis is overcome with anxiety and uncertainty.
That much is clear to (Captain).
In an effort to calm her nerves even a little, (Captain) begins to stroke the girl's head.
Yuisis: Um... (Captain)?
  1. I'll stop if it's bothering you.

Choose: I'll stop if it's bothering you.

Yuisis: N-no, it's not bothering me at all. I'm just a little surprised...
Yuisis: So please, k-keep it up as long as you like...
A wave of crimson flushes over Yuisis's face.
(Captain) nods and continues.
Yuisis: Thank you, (Captain).
Yuisis: You know, Mom and Dad would also pat my head when I was little...
Yuisis: They would tell me about what it meant to be part of the Ditoria family, and what it meant to be a leader...
Yuisis: ...
Yuisis: Can I ask you something, (Captain)?
Yuisis: Do you think I've got what it takes to be a boss?
Yuisis: Do I even stack up to the likes of you and dad?
Yuisis: ...
Yuisis: Sorry, ignore that.
Yuisis: It's been a long night and now I'm just babbling...
(Captain) can still sense that something is bothering the girl.
Without saying a word, (Captain) continues patting her head.
Time passes as the two sit on the bench in silence.
(Captain) feels the presence of another nearby and takes a cautious look around.
Yuisis: (Captain)?
Icas: It looks like I've been found out.
Icas: And here I was thinking that my stealth skills were second to none.
Icas emerges from the darkness. Upon noticing his figure, Yuisis struggles to hide her embarrassment.
Yuisis: I-Icas?
Icas: Sorry... Was I interrupting something? I bet you rarely get a chance such as this...
Icas bows awkwardly to Yuisis and (Captain).
Yuisis: ...!
Icas: But I must say...
Yuisis: What must you say?
Icas: I must say... It has been a while since I have seen you looking so content.
Icas: Lady Yuisis, you've really placed your full trust behind (Captain)...
Icas: Or perhaps I should say that you are really fond of (Captain).
Icas: Never in all of my years together with you have I ever witnessed such a face...
Yuisis: Icas... I presume that you're ready to pay the ultimate price for making fun of me?
Her face ruby-red, Yuisis reaches for the Ditoria blade at her waist.
Icas: Sorry, sorry! I'll say no more.
Yuisis: Sigh... So is there something you need?
Yuisis: You probably weren't trying to ensure our safety or anything like that.
Yuisis: You're El's trusted bodyguard though, so you wouldn't leave her side without a good reason.
Icas: That's correct. I've been meaning to get the chance to speak to you about something of the utmost importance, however.
Yuisis: Is this... about El?
Icas: Yes. Indeed, you appear to be shocked about El's change in demeanor.
Yuisis: I am... She's like an entirely different person.
Icas: El was betrayed by the very things and people that she placed her ultimate faith in. I would say that her reaction is natural.
Icas recalls the past with a troubled expression.
Icas: As it stands, El will stop at nothing to protect what is important to her.
Icas: She believes that if she does not adopt such a ruthless stance, then she won't be able to protect anything.
Icas: And there are plenty of things that she's determined... or rather, obsessed with protecting.
Icas: That includes you, Yuisis, and the Ditoria Knights.
Yuisis: Because she feels responsible for my parents' death and the fall of the family?
Icas: Exactly. She's always talking of her plans to revive the organization.
Icas: And about how it's her way of atoning for her transgression against you and your parents...
Yuisis: Icas, what are you trying to say?
Icas: Simply, I wish that you would not turn your back on El.
Icas: In fact, I wish for you to live up to her expectations.
Icas: I want to see her ambitions met... The revival of the Ditoria Knights.
Yuisis: ...
Yuisis: I'm sorry, I've got no response for you at the moment.
Icas: I see...
Yuisis: And can I ask you something? Do you agree with the way El sees things?
Icas: I care not about the means, only the end.
Yuisis: To tell you the truth, I've always wondered why you've clung so steadfastly to her side.
Yuisis: You consider yourself a brother to her... I've also thought that strange...
Icas: Ah, I suppose you wouldn't be aware of the reason for that.
Icas: As an orphan child, I was forced to perform dirty work for a certain gang. I can attribute my current skill set to that.
Icas: There was actually a time wherein I was targeting El... And I failed.
Icas: Despite aiming for her very life, El took me in and saved me from that wretched lifestyle.
Icas: That kindness that she showed me... Taking me in as a member of her family and allowing me to call myself her brother...
Yuisis: This is your way of repaying her for that, then?
Icas: That's not all...
Icas: During the rebellion, I sided with El's parents.
Yuisis: ...!
Icas: She ended up taking me back, however. Together with a certain promise I made.
Icas: That's when I decided to devote my life—my entire being—to El.
Yuisis: Not you too, Icas...
Yuisis: You knew how El felt! You lived and breathed the creed!
Yuisis: Why, Icas! Why did you—
Icas: I cannot answer that.
Yuisis: Icas!
???: Because if he didn't side with Arrogante at that time, then Elsine wouldn't even be alive today...
Elea: At least, that's what her parents and Arrogante told him.
Icas: ...!
Yuisis: Elea...
Elea: It's been a while, Yuisis, (Captain), Icas.
An unexpected voice interrupts their impassioned debate.
Elea emerges from the darkness, to the shock of everyone present.