Scenario:A Tale of Kindled Bonds - Chapter 1: Clipped Wings - Episode 3

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A Tale of Kindled Bonds - Chapter 1: Clipped Wings - Episode 3

Shinsha, desperate to save an animal that was experimented on, learns from Nectar on how to share her mana. The researchers, observing this, pair Shinsha with other experiments to test the extent of her abilities. In this way, Shinsha meets and befriends Kushina, Kusuki, and Ugusu. Together, the group share in their pain and suffering, but dream of one day escaping to the Peach Spring Valley from Shinsha's tales.

Once upon a time, in a not too distant past...
A girl who was locked away met a fellow captive—an injured monkey.
Shinsha: Nectar... Nectar! She's really hurt!
The monkey in her arms struggled to breathe, soaked to the bone and weakening with every passing second.
Shinsha: She's going to die if we don't do something!
Shinsha: Help me, Nectar!
Nectar: Shinsha. I don't believe I can do what I did for you a second time.
Shinsha: Are you sure?
Nectar: Yes, Shinsha. I'm sorry that I cannot fulfill your request.
Shinsha: No, I'm the one that should be sorry... You must have pushed yourself greatly to save me before...
Shinsha: But... this little one...
The girl cried as she held the fading monkey. But her friend kindly offered an alternative.
Nectar: Shinsha. If you are willing to bear the burden of what this will cost you, then there might be a way to save this experiment.
Nectar: Channel your mana into her body, and her life could be prolonged... To live past this trial.
Shinsha: If I...
Shinsha: I'll do it! Teach me how!
Nectar: Very well, Shinsha. Place your hand here.
???: ...
Researcher 1: Restored through the raw mana the specimen summoned... Or perhaps... replaced using elements of a different origin.
Researcher 1: In any event, I never dreamed the specimen would have been capable of such a feat.
Researcher 2: It may not be a stretch to think the specimen was also responsible for stimulating a response from the failed primal beast.
Researcher 1: We need to see if the phenomenon repeats itself. There must be other instances of similar revivals.
Researcher 2: The research from our predecessors should contain methods for extracting mana. Let us perform tests with new specimens.
The girl's next meeting was with a dog bound in chains.
???: ...
Shinsha: ...
Shinsha: Um, what...
Researcher 2: Commencing activation of the test: begin the mana charge!
???: Woof!
Shinsha: Ah!
The dog opened his mouth wide and swallowed the girl's mana whole. Then his tail began to wag, and he pounced on her.
???: Woof, woof!
Shinsha: Hehe... Ahaha, that tickles.
???: Awo?
Shinsha: There's a good boy.
Researcher 2: ...
She gained another companion, though her days of suffering were far from over.
So long as she had her friends, she could endure anything necessary to protect the skies—because doing so, in turn, would also keep her friends safe.
Shinsha: And of course, the latest addition to our family is a lovely bird you know quite well.
Ugusu: Me! That's me! Ugusu! Right?
Shinsha: Hehe, exactly so. You are our newest friend.
Ugusu: Hehehe, yes! Love you lots! And your stories too!
Shinsha: What should I tell next?
Ugusu: Umm, how about... The Peach Spring Valley! I like that one!
Shinsha: All right. Hehe, you really do love it, don't you?
Ugusu: It's a fun place with lots of good food! Really pretty too!
Shinsha: It is. Nothing painful or bad ever happens there.
Ugusu: Sigh... Must be nice... I wanna grow up already!
Ugusu: Then I'll be big enough to carry you and Kushina and Nectar and fly us to it!
Shinsha: Wouldn't that be something!
Shinsha: But... What about Kusuki?
Ugusu: Maybe if he was still a small puppy. Now he's way too big and heavy!
Shinsha: Hehe, we'll just have to have you grow up even bigger then.
Shinsha: Nectar, you, Kushina, and Kusuki... I'd be sad if we weren't all there together.
Ugusu: Weeell, if it really makes you sad, then I'll grow a hundred times bigger! Just you wait!
Shinsha: I'll be looking forward to it!
Shinsha: Speaking of which... it's taking the others a while to return...
Shinsha: The experiments must be extra long today... I hope they're not too painful...