Scenario:Cinderella Fantasy: Piña Hazard - Piña Hazard - Episode 3

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Cinderella Fantasy: Piña Hazard - Piña Hazard - Episode 3

Shiki—now the boss of this secret base—and Minami share a joyous reunion. Just as Shiki begins to explain the whole piñombie phenomenon, an intense young man snaps at her.

Brave Young Man: Hey, boss! I brought some promising new recruits!
The young man opens the door. The boss awaits inside, facing away from the crew.
???: Excellent. Well done.
???: Oh? Sniff, sniff... That fragrance...
Minami: Sh-Shiki-chan! But why are you—
Shiki: Minami-chan! I missed you!
Unable to contain her excitement, Shiki glomps Minami.
Minami: Oh, thank goodness! I'm so glad you're okay...
Shiki: Sniff, sniff... Such a lovely aroma...
Shiki: Huh? Minami-chan, are you crying? Because of me?
Minami: I was just so worried...
Shiki: Oh... Well, thanks. I'm glad too, you know! I'm thrilled that you came to see me.
Minami and Shiki are overjoyed by their reunion.
Once they settle down a bit, (Captain) and company introduce themselves again.
Shiki: So I have you guys to thank for keeping Minami-chan safe, huh?
Shiki: Sniff, sniff... You know, you have quite a stimulating scent yourself!
Shiki clings to (Captain) as she sniffs all around the captain.
Shiki: Uh-huh... That smell of yours is exactly the same as my assistant's.
Lyria: Yikes! What do you think you're doing, Shiki-san?
Vyrn: Geez... Not only is she dressed like a monster, she kinda acts like one too.
Shiki: Excuse me? Don't you know style when you see it?
Minami: Haha... Don't mind her. Shiki-chan is always like this.
After somehow peeling Shiki off, (Captain) asks her about the strange affliction affecting the villagers.
Shiki gives the crew a quick summary of what has happened to her since she came to this world, and then she gets to the point.
Shiki: Ahem... So you're telling me you guys saw those villagers too, right?
Vyrn: Yeah, they seemed kinda zoned out. They gave me the willies.
Shiki: Right, the ones who've forgotten who they are and wander around like sleepwalkers, muttering piña, piña as they go...
Shiki: We've been calling them piñombies.
Minami: Piñombies... Is there any way to turn them back to normal, Shiki-chan?
Shiki: Of course there is.
Lyria: And you know what it is? That's amazing, Shiki-san!
Minami: Okay, so what do we have to do?
Shiki: I'll explain inside, so follow me.
Suddenly an intense young man who has been listening from a corner of the room walks up.
Intense Young Man: So you've decided to let even more outsiders in, huh?
Intense Young Man: What's with you, Shiki-san? You're way too soft!
Brave Young Man: You! I see you didn't learn your lesson about antagonizing the boss!
Intense Young Man: Listen here! We need to focus on destroying the piñombies as quickly as possible!
Intense Young Man: The longer we let them do as they please, the more damage they'll do. You know I'm right.
Shiki: Yeah, you definitely have a point, but you're asking us to risk too much.
Shiki: If you wait just a little longer, I'll be able to come up with an elixir to restore the piñombified villagers.
Intense Young Man: I'm sick of waiting! I'm gonna end this my way!
Brave Young Man: If you insist on threatening our peace, get out of here!
Intense Young Man: Shut your trap! Grow a spine if you wanna be heard!
Brave Young Man: Urgh!
Shiki: Sigh... Can we stop it with the bickering, please? It wears me out. Let's just talk, okay?
Intense Young Man: Shiki... I've had it with you making a big joke out of everything!
Shiki: Well, that's just too bad. All I wanna do is focus on my research without dogs barking at me. What's your problem?
Intense Young Man: That's it! You'll be crying by the time I'm done with you!
Minami: (Captain)! Shiki-chan's in danger!
Vyrn: Yeah! We gotta stop that guy!

Cinderella Fantasy: Piña Hazard - Piña Hazard - Episode 3: Scene 2

As Shiki describes the kitami herb needed to complete the Amibo elixir, the intense young man charges into the forest in pursuit of the piñombies.

Intense Young Man: Damn... But this doesn't mean you're right!
Brave Young Man: Get lost! And never come back!
Shiki: Now, now... Enough with the quarreling, kiddies.
Brave Young Man: But he—
Shiki: Keep an eye on him for me, will you? Something tells me he could be heading for trouble.
Brave Young Man: Huh? Oh, okay.
Minami: You okay, Shiki-chan?
Shiki: I am now... Thanks.
Shiki: But we've got bigger fish to fry! Come, I'll show you to my laboratory.
Shiki's laboratory, which has been set up deep in the secret base, is loaded with unfamiliar instruments and chemicals.
Minami: Wow...
Shiki: If my hypothesis is correct, piñombification is caused by a certain smell!
Minami: A smell?
Shiki: Right. And the source of the smell is a pink wisp-like manifestation. Maybe you guys have seen it?
Vyrn: Yeah! We actually saw one for a second on the way here!
Lyria: Wait... You don't think we're infected, do you?
Shiki: Probably not. As long as you keep your distance from it, you should be fine.
Lyria: Oh... Thank goodness.
Shiki: Still, the infection appears to be transmitted from person to person, which could be a problem.
Shiki: I suspect that it's a type of pheromone.
Shiki: You know, sort of like the way a queen ant uses her pheromones to control the workers in her colony.
Shiki: I've been trying to come up with a fragrance that can neutralize the piñombification pheromone, and I think I'm close!
Shiki: All I need to do now is add the right chemicals to perfect my elixir. I call it Amibo.
Intense Young Man: Damn... I'll show them! I'll show them all just what I'm made of!
???: Piña...
The young man pursues the piñombies into the forest.