Scenario:Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies - The Astral Artifacts - Chapter 3: Heart of Sorrow - Episode 2

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Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies - The Astral Artifacts - Chapter 3: Heart of Sorrow - Episode 2

According to Lucifer, Tiamat's power has increased ever since she bestowed her divine protection onto Port Breeze itself. This news gives Cosmos an idea, and she presents this idea to Luminiera's pactbearer while he's dreaming. By having Luminiera form a pact with the island instead of a person, her power can still be utilized by the Lord Commander, thus ending the need to sacrifice lives.

Lucifer: Change is transpiring in Port Breeze Archipelago.
Cosmos: You mean the islands where Tiamat resides?
Lucifer: Yes. The islanders have embraced Tiamat's vow to bestow Port Breeze with her divine protection.
Lucifer: Her power is growing, so much so that the wind element is reacting wildly.
Cosmos: Will it be an issue?
Lucifer: No, it will not upset the balance as you fear.
Lucifer: Areas of concentrated elemental power crop up from time to time in the Sky Realm.
Lucifer: These fluctuations and irregularities are considered natural in this world.
Lucifer: Diversity drives evolution.
Cosmos: Hm... Evolution is irrelevant to Astrals.
Lucifer: But isn't that intriguing? Evolution is such a key part of the Sky Realm...
Lucifer: That it has gone so far as to capture the curiosity of those very same Astrals.
Lucifer: Why else do you think we were created?
Cosmos: You are not wrong.
Cosmos: It does surprise me that Tiamat's power increased after offering divine protection to the island.
Lucifer: Like a sort of pact, if you will.
Lucifer: Perhaps this could be a good way to stabilize a primal's overwhelming power.
Cosmos: Yes, perhaps...
New Pactbearer: Take a look around, Luminiera.
Luminiera: ...
New Pactbearer: Can you hear the laughter of Albion's people? In times of peace, the streets are filled with smiling faces.
New Pactbearer: And the reason why we have peace is because your power shields us.
New Pactbearer: Thank you, Luminiera.
Luminiera: ...
New Pactbearer: Ah, right—because of the both of us. I stand corrected.
Cosmos: Is this the world you dream of?
New Pactbearer: Huh?
Cosmos: Is it worth having your body rot away in order to secure peace for your home and brethren?
Cosmos: Surely you must feel a little anxious and fearful.
New Pactbearer: Well...
New Pactbearer: I do... Hell, of course I do!
New Pactbearer: I don't want to die! I'm scared out of my mind!
New Pactbearer: It was hard to accept at first. I prayed like crazy for someone else to come along and take my place!
New Pactbearer: But...
New Pactbearer: You know what's stronger than the fear of death? My desire to keep my friends, family, and all of Albion safe.
Cosmos: ...
New Pactbearer: Every second that ticks by is one I'll never get back. It's frightening to think I'll eventually run out of them.
New Pactbearer: Thing is...
Luminiera: ...
New Pactbearer: I've grown attached to Luminiera too.
New Pactbearer: She's not some magical fountain of power for us to bleed dry. She wants to help us succeed.
New Pactbearer: When I think about it that way, it takes some of the edge off death.
Cosmos: Even so, as your remains return to the soil, the world will continue to move on.
Cosmos: Your successor will take up the same mantle of fear and pain you wear now.
Cosmos: Is that acceptable?
New Pactbearer: I don't know if it's up to me to say whether that's acceptable or not.
New Pactbearer: There's no way to predict what kind of successors are coming down the line.
New Pactbearer: But whoever they are, Luminiera will accept their hopes and dreams.
New Pactbearer: And the next pactbearer will come to understand Luminiera's heart.
Cosmos: Hm... Her heart, you say...
Cosmos: There are many kinds of people in this world; not all will share your vision of cooperation with a primal.
Cosmos: The pain and anguish from being forced to enter into a pact can distort a relationship. People are not puppets.
Cosmos: Be they skydweller or primal beast...
Cosmos: Each side has dreams or duties they wish to fulfill. The corruption of those hopes...
Cosmos: Must not be allowed to happen.
New Pactbearer: What are you suggesting? That there's another way?
Cosmos: There is.
New Pactbearer: Huh?
Cosmos: Another way exists.
More time passes.
Albion Citizen 1: All hail the Lord Commander!
Albion Citizen 2: Long live the Lord Commander!
Cheers erupt for Albion's newest dignitary.
Albion Authority: It never occurred to me that a primal beast could form a pact with the island itself.
Albion Authority: I'm pleased we no longer have to use people.
Albion Authority: Did you know Albion was the name of the first Astral to form a pact with Luminiera?
Attendant: Yes. The island was named in their honor.
Albion Authority: It's only fitting that Luminiera and Albion are reunited at last.
Attendant: This new pact changes everything.
Attendant: Luminiera can maintain a semi-permanent state while following orders from the Lord Commander.
Attendant: This is his legacy.
Albion Authority: Yes. The legacy of the final pactbearer of Albion.
Albion Authority: His contributions will never be forgotten.
Attendant: He loved Albion more than anyone else.
Albion Authority: That he did.