Scenario:Haaselia and Katzelia - Conducting an Empire

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Conducting an Empire

Haaselia and (Captain) are invited to Emperor Katzelia's music festival. When Haaselia tries to suggest that Chairman Schlangehr was pardoned for her sake, Katze changes the subject and commends her instead. Their older sister Luvera joins and a warm moment between the siblings follows.

Some time has passed since Katzelia was throned the emperor of Galgenia.
He's holding a music festival today and the party is in full swing.
Vyrn: Hey, this looks fun! The whole hall is filled with music!
Lyria: It's so nice to see everyone enjoying themselves! And Katze makes a really cool conductor too!
Vyrn: You'd never think the government was in turmoil just a little while back.
Haaselia: It's a relief to see harmony being restored. I was worried for a moment there.
Having been invited to the music festival, (Captain) and friends wander the venue searching for Katzelia.
Schlangehr: Now for the next topic on our agenda. There are issues with river management in the northwest.
Katzelia: If we don't intervene, the rivers will flood at the first sign of a storm. Disaster prevention is of utmost urgency.
Lyria: Oh, there he is! Hey, Katze! Long time, no see!
Katzelia: Oh, (Captain)! So glad you could make it! I hope you're enjoying the festival?
Lyria: We are! Thank you for inviting us!
Katzelia: And Haase! How wonderful to see you looking so well! Come into my arms!
Katzelia opens his arms wide for a hug, but Haaselia shirks away from him.
Haaselia: The same goes for you. I was expecting to find you worn out from work, but you clearly have energy to spare.
Katzelia: I suppose I do! I've been looking forward to this music festival. It's been great to unwind from the stresses of everyday life.
Katzelia, arms still wide open, invites Haaselia in for a hug once again, but she responds with only a reluctant smile.
Schlangehr: You must be the crew who aided His Imperial Majesty. He speaks highly of you. And Haaselia—a pleasure as always.
Schlangehr: I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last time. I am Schlangehr Rela Gangnus, the chairman of this country.
Schlangehr shakes (Captain)'s hand and offers a few cordial words to break the ice.
Vyrn: Hey, Braidy Girl. Is it just me, or is this guy a totally different person from last time?
Haaselia: He's been forced to spend the rest of his days playing a good person.
Haaselia: He's keeping his promise by the looks of it, but this is just...creepy.
Schlangehr: What is it, Haase? Do I happen to have something on my face?
Haaselia: No...I was just thinking how unusually...friendly you are today.
Schlangehr: Oh, my. I almost forgot I have a meeting to attend!
Schlangehr: I must be off. Please excuse me.
Schlangehr walks out with a beaming smile on his face.
Katzelia: I did suggest he take the day off and enjoy the festival, but he's always keeping himself busy, that one.
Vyrn: You must be busy too, being the emperor and all. You could probably do with a day off yourself!
Katzelia: Well, you have a point there.
Katzelia: I held this music festival to ease the public's concerns about my enthronement and the changes happening in government.
Katzelia: I want this festival to demonstrate that the country's heading in a new direction.
Katzelia: But that's enough about politics! What did you think of my conducting out there, Haase?
Haaselia: What conducting?
Katzelia: Why, the concert I just performed in. I, the emperor, ascended the conductor's podium and led the orchestra into glorious harmony.
Katzelia: I informed you in the letter, did I not? What time I would be performing.
Haaselia: Oh, right. Now you mention it. I'm afraid it utterly slipped my mind.
Katzelia: No... I can't believe it!
Katzelia: You mean, you missed the show? Why, Haase? Why must you be so cruel? What have I done to deserve this?
Haaselia: I jest. (Captain) and I saw the whole thing.
Katzelia: You... You did?
Haaselia: I was just winding you up, Brother. I mean, how often does one get the chance to send the emperor into a spin?
Vyrn: Katze hasn't changed. Even as the emperor, he's still wrapped around her finger.
Lyria: Hehe! At least he's staying true to himself!
Katzelia: Ahem. It's been such a long time since I was reuinted with Haase, my excitement's getting the better of me.
Katzelia: It is undignified for the emperor to lose his composure in public. Please follow me to my room.
Katzelia: All right. We can speak in privacy here.
Once the group has entered the room, Katzelia turns to Haaselia and gives her a pat on the back.
Katzelia: You've lost weight. Are you eating properly?
Katzelia: The stress of me being away isn't getting to you, is it?
Haaselia: Relax, I'm fine. In fact, I'm actually very well.
Haaselia: And I thought I told you to stop smothering me.
Katzelia: I know. But that's just how I show my love. Hate me for it if you like, but I'll never change.
Katzelia: No matter how kind or cruel your words may be, I accept them all. That is the true meaning of love.
Vyrn: I know I said he hadn't changed, but I take it back. He's gotten worse.
Haaselia: He's beyond help at this point. My mean jibes don't even affect him anymore.
Haaselia: Maybe he wasn't the best person to come to about this...
Katzelia: See, I could tell there was something on your mind. Come on, let it all out. Big brother will make it better.
Haaselia: No. I just wanted you to take a look at this.
Haaselia pulls out a stack of parchment papers.
Haaselia: This is a proposal I wrote about the country's orphanage policies.
Haaselia: After seeing how orphanages are run in other countries, I have became aware of the issues in our own. It's all written in there.
Katzelia: This is what you've been up to?
Haaselia: I can't sit by idly while my brother is serving as the emperor.
Haaselia: It's not the perfect proposal, by any means. I feel that there's something missing.
Haaselia: That's why I came to see you. To get your opinion.
Haaselia: You've had a busy day, so you could look over it at a later date. Don't keep me waiting too long, though.
Katzelia: I didn't realize you were thinking about the country.
Katzelia: All right. But as much as I love you, Haase, I shan't go easy on your proposal. These policies concern the whole country.
Haaselia: Of course. Please don't, in fact. You'd get a wallop right to the face if you did.
Haaselia's smile fades and her voice quietens as Katzelia turns his eyes to the document.
Haaselia: There's one more thing.
Haaselia: It was quite a shock when you pardoned our big brother Schlangehr despite how much you hate him.
Haaselia: But now that I think about it, I realize you did it to divert the investigation away from me... after I killed the archduke and his lackeys...
Katzelia: Haase.
Katzelia, eyes still fixed on the documents, begins to speak without airs.
Katzelia: I think the present situation is the best outcome we could've asked for Galgenia.
Haaselia: ...
Katzelia: Perhaps it was an arbitrary judgement, but my main priority is to stabilize the country, and now Schlangehr is in agreement with that too.
Katzelia: I do not regret pardoning him of his crimes. And no one can argue that the pardon deviates from any laws or customs either.
Katzelia: In the past, conflicts resulted in casualties and survivors. But now we have the present.
Haaselia: What do you mean by that? You think things are better now?
Katzelia: Yes. Because you and I, Haase, have fought tooth and nail to reclaim Galgenia and make it so.
Haaselia: ...!
Katzelia: You avenged the people you wish you could've protected, and that was necessary for us to reform the country.
Katzelia: You fought bravely, Haase. You are a pride to the imperial family. It's thanks to you... that we have the present.
Haaselia: I'm honored, but...
As Katzelia raises his head to meet eyes with Haaselia, she turns her face away.
Haaselia: If you're going to read my proposal, then please hurry up and read it already!
Katzelia: R-right you are. Let us begin.
Lyria: Those two look like they're getting closer, don't you think?
Vyrn: That's what being open and honest about your feelings will do for ya!
Katzelia: Hm? Who is it?
Luvera: It's me. I'm coming in, Your Majesty.
Luvera: So there you are. I've been looking for you.
Luvera: You invite me to your party, then leave me out there on my own?
Katzelia: Sister, where have you been? I didn't think you were coming. I didn't see you at the music festival nor the party.
Luvera: I got so engrossed in my magic research that before I knew it, I'd forgotten about the festival.
Haaselia: How have you been, Sister? It's been a while.
Luvera: Good to see you. As you can see, I'm just full of beans!
Luvera: It sounds like you've been busy, Haase. I didn't mean to listen in, but I overheard your conversation earlier.
Luvera: You can't let her show you up, Katze! Remember, you succeeded the throne because I allowed you.
Luvera: If you don't conduct yourself like a suitable emperor, I might just come back and challenge you for the title!
Katzelia: Sigh... I suppose you're encouraging me, in your own way.
Katzelia: If I should ever stray from a noble path, then I ask you take me to the gallows.
Luvera: Good! Then there'd be a reason to put it to good use. Poor thing's just been sitting there since I had it constructed.
Luvera: Don't worry, Haase, I'll be here looking after Katze.
Luvera: You go and fulfill your duties, and return to our country someday holding your head high.
Luvera pulls Haase in for a gentle hug.
Haaselia: I will, Sister. I will keep forging ahead on my own path.
Katzelia: Wait... Why will Haase hug Luvera but not me? Why, why does she always reject the comfort of my arms!
Vyrn: Cool and collected as always, Emperor!
Katzelia's outburst breaks the tension in the room, causing a smile to crack onto everyone's face.
In this peaceful moment, the siblings are united in the feeling that they can build a bright future together.