Scenario:Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 4

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Happy New Year! 2022 - New Year, New Crew - Episode 4

Justin: So, where's the punk who called us?
Athena: Happy New Year. Aren't you Aoidos's bandmates?
Justin: Name's Justin. Bass player for Vicious Three. We came here to talk about a gig.
Athena: ...
Justin: What gives? Got trash stuck on my face?
Valentin: You can call us trash if you want.
Athena: Uh... forgive me. I did not mean to imply such a thing.
Athena: It's, just, I thought you were both looking a bit pallid. Have you been eating enough?
Justin: Eating? Does it look like we're starving to death to you? We eat after night fall.
Athena: After night fall?
Justin: Yep.
Athena: What of breakfast and lunch?
Justin: Pains in the ass.
Athena: Hm. Mortals must consume regular nutrition to function. It's not good to neglect your meals.
Athena: Come, follow me. Aoidos is already feasting upon the osechi I prepared. You will join him.
Justin: Huh? S-sure...
Justin and Valentin are pushed into the mess hall.
A bountiful feast of New Year's delights stretches before them.
The Two: ...
Athena: Osechi was originally cooked to be an offering to the year spirit.
Athena: After much time passed, it became a New Year's tradition for the commonfolk to prepare such dishes.
Athena: The stacked containers and the food within became associated with good fortune and well wishes.
Justin: Hold up. Why are you revealing your vast knowledge to us?
Athena: This year I was charged with protecting the health of the crew. And as friends of the crew, you are naturally under my care.
Athena: I thought only to confer the traditional blessings upon you, but perhaps I was long-winded.
Justin: Ah, thanks for that.
Justin: Blessings aside, we're not the type to refuse a free bite. C'mon, Valentin. Pig out.
A grateful Athena stands watch over the feast as Justin and Valentin begin helping themselves.
Valentin: Hehe... Like lying on a bed of needles. I can get into it.
Athena: Huh?
Justin: He means he likes it. Only thing, this room is too bright. Feels worse than clear skies in here.
Justin: So where is the punk who called us anyway? He better show himself before I cut open the skies themselves.
Aoidos: Ah. Glad to see you could make it, Justin, Valentin.
Justin: You say that like we're someone else's problem. After all we've been through together, I could puke.
Valentin: Hehe. Have you forgotten us already?
Aoidos: Never. Not even while I was washing the dishes. I was merely searching for things we have to do at the next gig.
Aoidos: But seeing you here has cleared my confusion. All I wanted was to see you two enjoying some osechi.
Aoidos: Such a grand perversion of the natural order... I must take it to the extreme! From fortissimo to fortississimo!
Aoidos: "The goddess grants her blessing to all. But the wretches who live in darkness, they shun her mighty caaaaall!"
Aoidos: It's done... Our new song concept! Quickly, we must give it flesh and bones!
Aoidos: Justin, Valentin! After you've finished eating, join me in my quarters!
Aoidos's Voice: Aaaaah!
Justin: Wait, are we supposed to be the wretches? Eh, I guess it's fitting enough. If he ever loses his way, I'll just kill him.
Valentin: Hehe! Judged and shamed... Can't say I mind it!