Scenario:Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 2: Strife in Castile - Episode 1

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Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 2: Strife in Castile - Episode 1

The reading goes well thanks to imagination tuning. The Harvins discuss their favorite characters so far—a sight that moves Lunalu to tears—before continuing.

The Harvins employ the art of imagination tuning to read Popol Saga.
Having a decent grasp on the setting after finishing the first chapter, they decide to take a break after sticking in a bookmark.
Melissabelle: ...
Lunalu: Well, Melissa? How did imagination tuning go for you?
Melissabelle: It was incredible!
Melissabelle: Thanks to your advice, reading it was such a breeze.
Mahira: Yeah, it went a lot smoother than usual for me too. I had no problem picturing Popol and Lopop moving around as if they were real people.
Milleore: Strange how our minds can fill in the gaps to cover any details not written in the text.
Sahli Lao: It's no wonder you're so creative, Lunalu. You have this technique down pat!
Lunalu: Th-thanks... I don't think it's all that special though...
Lunalu: Part of it is that you're all fantastic at your roles. Makes immersion that much easier.
Melissabelle: Yeah, especially you, Sierokarte. You're a real pro.
Sierokarte: Why, thank you. Though I must say Milly and Lao are quite talented as well.
Milleore: Well, to be fair, we have prior experience thanks to that romantic storybook.
Mahira: *Check the book fair episode to read about this prior experience!
Sahli Lao: Ahaha! Spoken like an editor's note.
Lunalu: So, um... Can you tell me what you think about the story so far?
Lunalu: I'm genuinely curious since your thoughts could help me with the impressions piece...
Melissabelle: Sure, I don't mind.
Lunalu: Oh, and feel free to be honest! I'm happy enough just to be able to share my hobby with friends—
Melissabelle: I like it so far. I think the brothers have a beautiful relationship.
Lunalu: ...!
Mahira: I know what you mean. Their bond is stronger than that of a typical family. I just hope it stays that way...
Milleore: I'm curious about their father, Emperor Polo, too. I see his name on books about warfare all over. He was supposedly a legendary strategist.
Sahli Lao: As someone who reads up on history, I'm particularly curious about Osanne.
Sahli Lao: To Castile, he's—oh, wait, this could be a spoiler if you're unfamiliar with the actual history.
Sierokarte: Hm... Sounds like we're each stanning different characters.
Milleore: S-stanning? Wait, that's not what I meant. I mean, Polo isn't the kind of person you'd—
Sierokarte: By the by, did you know Polo's character archetype is a staple in romantic illustrated storybooks?
Milleore: Really? He already seems hopelessly evil from the get-go though.
Mahira: Girls are more complicated than an airship engine. Still though, I'd prefer reading a little more before deciding who I want to stan for.
Sahli Lao: Agreed! We can think about that along with our impressions as we continue.
Melissabelle: More incentive to keep reading is always good.
Sierokarte: Teehee! What do you think, Lunalu?
Lunalu: ...
Sahli Lao: Lunalu? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?
Sahli Lao: Wait, you're crying?
Lunalu: Ah!
Lunalu: I'm sorry, it's nothing!
Lunalu: I'm just really glad you guys are enjoying it. Should we move on with our imagination tuning?
Melissabelle: I'm more interested in you now than the story. Why were you crying?
Lunalu: Erm...
Lunalu: Really, it's nothing... Hearing everyone's thoughts about Popol Saga really touched me...
Lunalu: And I choked up.
Mahira: Choked up?
Lunalu: Seeing you guys talk about my favorite piece of literature, its characters, its lore...
Lunalu: All right in front of me... It's like a dream come true.
Sierokarte: Aw, Lunalu...
Milleore: You're moved to tears already after just the first few pages?
Sahli Lao: Haha! We're ready to continue on whenever you are!
Melissabelle: Can I try reading the narration this time? Maybe you can sit by me to see if I'm doing it right as I go along.
Lunalu: Sure thing, Melissa! Go for it.
Melissabelle: Okay. What page did we leave the bookmark at...