Scenario:Jin and Leonora - Ninja vs Samurai

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Ninja vs Samurai

(Captain) and company accompany Jin as he heads out to answer a challenge from Leonora. Though the Harvin wishes for a duel between ninja and samurai, the crew turns it into a battle of words instead of weapons. Jin and Leonora end up forming a friendship over the experience.

It is a fine day on the Grandcypher. Having received a letter from a unknown sender, Jin sits with his head in his hands, perplexed.
Jin: Hrm, who would do such a thing...
Vyrn: Huh? You're not lookin' too swell, Jin. Everything okay?
Jin: Ah, Vyrn... I've received a letter of challenge, and I have no idea who it could have come from.
Lyria: What! A letter of challenge?
Jin: Indeed, here it is...
On it, in a childish scrawl, is a single line: “We shall wager our pride in a fight to the death!”
Vyrn: C'mon... this is a bunch of chicken scratch. You sure some kid didn't write this?
Jin: But... it seems like such a serious letter. There must be some meaning in it. I musn't be careless.
Lyria: W-wait, Jin... Are you really thinking of going to this dueling site?
Jin: Don't worry. All I need to do is clear up a little misunderstanding. Nothing bad will happen.
Lyria: B-but, Jin! You can't know that for sure!
Vyrn: Yeah! It could be a trap or something. We'll come with you, just to be safe!
Jin: I would be grateful... Perhaps you and your friends should come along, (Captain).
And so the party make their way to the site written in the letter.
Jin: Hrm... It seems we've arrived ahead of the mysterious challenger.
Vyrn: Yeesh... It was probably just some kid playing a prank, right?
Lyria: Hehe. But still... it's good that nothing happened.
Jin: Hehe. Indeed, Lyria. Shall we get back to the ship?
But just as they prepare to leave...
Leonora: Why, hullo there! If it isn't the great samurai Jin! Oh, how long I've waited for this day!
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Jin: What? Leonora... it was you who wrote the letter?
Leonora: Oh, for the love of... I could've sworn Jirokichi and I'd signed that darned thing...
Lyria: Um... Oh... There they are! It looks like two names, I think? But yup! They're right there!
Vyrn: Oh, geez... Didn't anyone ever teach you how to write?
Leonora: No need to worry! I've no need of a letter now that Jin has arrived!
Leonora: But wait... dear fellows! There must be a reason for you to have come with him...
Leonora: Perhaps you could bear witness to our battle?
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Jin: Gah... W-wait just one minute! Would you care to explain why we're fighting in the first place?
Leonora: Oh? I've my pride as a ninja and you've your own as a samurai, Jin... We must prove once and for all which is the strongest!
Jin: You wish to fight me for that? We need prove nothing... There's no need for our pride to turn to bloodshed.
Leonora: Don't you dare belittle my conviction! I'll not hear it! This is a pretty big deal to me, I'll have you know! Now unsheathe your sword and be quick about it!
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Jin: My goodness... (Is there no way I can get out of this?)
Lyria: Oh, this is bad... What should we do, (Captain)?
  1. A good thump ought to do it, Jin.
  2. How about you shout it out?

Choose: A good thump ought to do it, Jin.

Jin: What a thing to say, (Captain)! This is no time for japery!
Vyrn: Yeah! Why don't you just... um... give proclamations or something?
Jin: ...!
A battle of proclamations... That could be just the thing to pique Leonora's interest!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: How about you shout it out?

Jin: And neither of us would have to suffer any injury!

Continue 1

Vyrn: All righty! I'll take care of this!
Leonora: Well then? I do hope you're prepared, Jin!
Vyrn: Hold up! Jin'll give you a battle—one without weapons. Whaddya say? I think Jirokichi here knows what I'm talking about. Right?
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Leonora: Oh? A battle of proclamations, is it?
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Leonora: What's that, Jirokichi? You approve of Mr. Lizard's proposal?
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Leonora: I see... Then we shall wield our proclamations! The ninja versus the samurai!
Jin: Whew... (Vyrn... Jirokichi... I am in your debt!)
Leonora: And you lot... you shall serve as the judges!
And so the battle began, words flying like so many arrows.
Leonora: Hear, hear! Be prepared to feel the bite of my icy blade!
Leonora: I am Leonora... though I am known to many as Rabbit Girl! Now, Jin! What say you?
Jin: Hrm, I seem to be at a loss for words... I am Jin... the Roaming Ronin! Does that sound about right, (Captain)?
Leonora: Oh, criminy... What in blazes is that supposed to mean? And you could stand to look a bit more into it!
Jin: Apologies... I can't say I've ever given any thought to something like this, let alone done it...
Leonora: I see... I suppose we've gone and put the cart before the horse.
Jin: If you'd just give me a bit of time... I promise I'll work hard to become a worthy opponent...
Leonora: Hear, hear! In that case, I'll take you under my own wing!
Jin: Thank you... I would be honored, Leonora!
Leonora: You're in good hands, Jin! First thing's first! We must find a proclamation fit for you!
Jirokichi: Squeak!
And in a moment, a battle of words turns into a rather odd apprenticeship.
Jin: Jin... My name is Jin. By justice shall I live and by justice shall I die... A ronin wandering this transient world.
Jin: Though poor in gold, I am rich in spirit. For the sake of the world, for the sake of the people, I pledge to live a life of honor.
Leonora: Hear, hear! Be prepared to feel the bite of my icy blade!
Leonora: I am Leonora... Though I am known to some as Rabbit Girl!
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Lyria: You're amazing! Now you both have a proclamation! That's so cool!
Vyrn: Yeah! Hard to say which is better. Leonora's is feisty and Jin's is darned smooth!
Leonora: Well done, Jin! I've nothing left to teach you!
Jin: Hehe. It was all thanks to you, Leonora.
Leonora: And that's that! Hrm... I feel as though I'm forgetting something...
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Leonora: Ah! Our battle...
Jin: Ahaha! Leonora... Do you really think it necessary for us to fight it out?
Leonora: Urk... B-but...
Jin: It seems to me it would be better to strive to improve oneself for the respect of an esteemed peer than to engage in needless posturing. Don't you think so?
Leonora: My dear man... What you say makes a fair bit of sense...
Jin: Hehe. And perhaps next time I could repay the favor... What would you say to a lesson in swordwork?
Leonora: Kyahahaha! A fine proposal! I'll be looking forward to it, Jin!
Jirokichi: Squeak!
Vyrn: Welp... Looks like things worked out without anyone getting cut.
Lyria: Yeah! Jin and Leonora make such a good match!
And so Jin and Leonora begin to meet up regularly, each sharing their skills with the other.
Samurai and ninja united. Perhaps it won't take long for the strange duo to be known all over the sky.