Scenario:Main Quest - Chapter 36: Dead End - Episode 3

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 36: Dead End - Episode 3

Lyria states that Lecia might not be so easy to defeat the second time around.

Eugen: Can't say I saw this comin', but at least now we'll know which island to head to next.
Io: But we have to defeat Lecia first.
Io: She might tell us where Freesia is, but that doesn't mean she'll just let us walk free.
Black Knight: It will be a trivial fight. This time I'll make her know the taste of defeat—until she never wants to pick up the blade again!
Katalina: I wonder if it will be that easy...
Black Knight: What?
Lyria: I think Lecia is a little different than when we met her back in Amalthea.
Lyria: Hmm... It's like she's kind of confused, but it's making her stronger somehow.
Rosetta: No. She's just made up her mind to face her obstacles head-on.
Rosetta: Girls like that are strong. She'll come at us with everything she's got.
Black Knight: Humph. If that's the case, then I've walked the same path for far longer than her.
Black Knight: I'm going to show her just how much longer she has to go!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 36: Dead End - Episode 3: Scene 2

An old woman stops the crew as they proceed through Mephorash. She reminds the Black Knight that the people of Mephorash value her the same as Princess Orchis.

After escaping the palace, the crew heads through Mephorash proper.
A small figure calls out to them.
Old Woman: Apollo!
Katalina: You're that old woman!
Old Woman: Apollo, it sounds like something happened at the palace...
Katalina: (Not good. It sounds like word's starting to get out.)
Black Knight: ...
Old Woman: Apollo, did you... I don't believe you have...
Old Woman: But have you found Lady Orchis?
Black Knight: ...!
Old Woman: When you left this city ten years ago, it was for her sake, wasn't it?
Old Woman: And what happened at the palace—that had something to do with you and her too?
Old Woman: If that's truly the case—
Black Knight: Please don't worry yourself over it. I swear that I will bring Orchis back. And she will be smiling.
Black Knight: I swear it by any means necessary, be they just or unjust.
Black Knight: It will be as the people of this country have desired for a decade.
Black Knight: That's a promise. Please wait for that moment.
Old Woman: Apollo, you haven't changed a bit, have you? You've always thought only of Lady Orchis.
Black Knight: ...
Old Woman: But listen here, Apollo. We worry about you too.
Old Woman: After all, dear, you haven't smiled since you've come back. That's why I didn't recognize you at first.
Old Woman: In the past you looked so happy when you were with Lady Orchis—grinning from ear to ear.
Black Knight: That's in the past.
Old Woman: The past and the present aren't so different.
Old Woman: Unless something's bothering you about the present? Look at your furrowed brow—you're going to wrinkle faster that way, you know.
Old Woman: Just remember it's not only Lady Orchis we care about.
Old Woman: If you're ever in any trouble, you can always come back here. This is your home, dear.
Old Woman: This city has been here for thousands of years. And it'll be here for a thousand more if that's how long you want us to wait.
Black Knight: ...!
Vyrn: H-hey! Wait up! Don't leave without us!
Katalina: My apologies, ma'am. We're in a hurry.
Old Woman: Of course, of course. Off you go then.
Old Woman: You there with the blue hair—Lyria was it?
Lyria: Yes, ma'am?
Old Woman: Please take care of Apollo for us.
Lyria: Yes ma'am!
Old Woman: There's a good girl!
Rackam: Let's get outta here, (Captain). We shouldn't let the Black Knight get too far ahead of us.