Scenario:Mission Merrymaking - Day 4

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Mission Merrymaking - Day 4

Metera: Oh, snow...
Metera: Looks like the holidays might turn out to be quite romantic.
Metera: Ugh... I really need to find myself a good man...
Walder: Haha! It's snowing!
Walder: Hey, Metera! The holidays are shaping up to be pretty sweet this year, huh?
Metera: You always seem like you're having the time of your life.
Walder: Well, yeah! Can you blame me? I mean, I'm traveling the skies with such a fun-loving crew!
Metera: So what exactly is your idea of a great holiday?
Walder: Heh heh... Spending time with my good buddies on the crew, of course!
Metera: Hmm...
Metera: Well, it's not very romantic, but I suppose that sounds nice in its own way.