Scenario:Noa and Viceroy - Echo of an Artisan's Hammer
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Echo of an Artisan's Hammer
The Grandcypher needs emergency repairs, but a lack of parts stymies Noa's efforts. At this news, Viceroy finds and processes some local ore into usable replacements, and Noa awes at skydweller ingenuity. Before long, the crew takes to the skies once more.
The crew comes under attack by monsters during a voyage one day.
The Grandcypher takes considerable damage as a result, and Noa is tasked with overseeing emergency repairs.
(Captain) and company make a pit stop on a small, nameless island, where Noa is able to assess the airship's condition more fully.
Noa: Phew. The sound the Grandcypher made when it got hit had me worried...
Noa: But just as long as we swap out the outer plate, we should have no trouble resuming flight. There's also...
The crew proceeds with repairs as Noa finishes his checkup and relays orders. Meanwhile...
Viceroy: Phew... Sure didn't expect airship trouble to stop us in our tracks.
Viceroy: Then again, it's not like we're in a rush anyhow. Might as well take it easy.
Relishing his impromptu vacation, Viceroy takes an afternoon nap on the Grandcypher's deck.
He wakes up just as the sun is about to set.
Noa: Oh my... I should have kept better track of our stockpiles...
???: Hey!
Noa: Huh? Where's that voice coming from?
???: Right here! Above you!
Noa is standing by a damaged part of the airship when someone calls out to him.
That someone is Viceroy, standing on the deck.
Viceroy: Comin' down... Phew!
Viceroy: So how are the repairs going? Seems like you're in a bit of a fix, no pun intended.
Noa: Yeah, sorry. I've run into a bit more trouble than expected.
Viceroy: Dahahaha! That's life for ya! It's not always smooth sailing!
Viceroy: Anyhoo... Mind if I ask what in particular is causing the holdup?
Viceroy: We're not gonna be stuck here, are we?
Noa: It's just that I'm lacking some of the metal parts needed for a full repair...
Noa: And I was thinking of possible solutions to the problem.
Viceroy: Not enough parts, eh? Any kind in particular? You have any specifications you can show me?
Noa hands over a simple repair blueprint.
Viceroy skims through the list of necessary materials written on it.
Viceroy: Oh, I see... You weren't kidding about needing some metal, huh?
Noa: That's right. The outer plating is mostly made of wood, making it very easy to process and prepare.
Noa: The problem is that while we do have some metal on hand, it's too soft for our current reinforcement needs.
Viceroy: Let's see here... You're missing the metal plate and fasteners for the inner frame.
Noa: Correct. Our repair stock's run dry...
Viceroy: Hm, I see what you mean. Not like you can just move over the material from other parts of the ship either...
Noa: Hehe. Indeed, that would defeat the whole purpose.
Viceroy: Think you can wait a bit for me? I might be able to do something.
Viceroy: I'll also need to borrow this repair blueprint if you don't mind!
Noa: Huh? Wait a second—
Viceroy has already headed deeper into the island before Noa can respond.
The Alloy Artisan soon returns with carefully selected minerals in his arms.
Viceroy: Ayoop!
Viceroy: Music to my ears!
Noa: Impressive... I've never seen ore turned into usable metal so quickly.
Viceroy: Watch out! Best not to get too close!
Noa: Aha. Using water not for quenching, but much earlier in the process to help remove impurities. I see.
Viceroy forges the necessary metal from the island's mineral ore.
Watching over the process, Noa expresses his admiration for the Alloy Artisan's skill.
Shortly afterward...
Viceroy: There! That should be everything you need!
Noa: Yes, this sturdy metal is definitely usable. More than enough to get the repairs done.
Noa: Thank you. This really helps.
Viceroy: Dahaha! No sweat. Just doing what I can to chip in!
Noa: I have to say I'm especially impressed with how you used the engine room's heat in place of a proper hearth.
Viceroy: 'Course! Wouldn't want all that heat to go to waste! Gotta make do with what you can, ya know?
Noa: Hehehe... You skydwellers truly are remarkable.
Noa: Your boundless curiosity and passion turn into the strength that drives you forward.
Noa: I grow envious each time I see a prominent display of it, like today.
Viceroy: What? Why're you saying that like you've never improved yourself?
Viceroy: Us craftsmen are always getting better day by day, keeping up with new techniques and new inventions.
Viceroy: Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if you thought of an even better idea for fashioning metal tomorrow!
Viceroy: People like us? We're always moving ahead; no time to lie still.
Noa: Haha, I suppose you're right. That's certainly one way to put it.
Viceroy: For sure! Forward's the way to go!
Noa: Well said. On that note, I have another favor to ask if you don't mind.
Viceroy: Sure! Just say the word!
Noa: Any chance you can assist with the Grandcypher's repairs? I could really use your help.
Viceroy: Dahahaha! I should've guessed! Leave it to me!
Soon the airship is repaired, and the crew takes to the skies once more.
Despite the trouble, the bond between primal and Alloy Artisan is improved because of it.