Scenario:SIEGFRIED - Chapter 1: Routine - Episode 1

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SIEGFRIED - Chapter 1: Routine - Episode 1

One day, the members of Team Chickadee are hard at work on the training grounds of the royal capital, overseen by Lancelot and Vane. After paying a visit to King Josef's grave, Siegfried arrives to give them a lesson. While the other knights-in-training are having their turn, Lancelot tells Arthur and Mordred a story from the days of the Black Dragons.

Siegfried stands in a cemetery atop a hill overlooking the royal capital, lost in thought.
He sets a bouquet of wildflowers before a grave, having clearly done so countless times before.
Siegfried: Your Majesty... The capital remains at peace again today.
After offering a silent prayer, Siegfried looks up to see a group of knights sparring on the training grounds of the capital.
Arthur: Hup! Hyah! Haaah!
Mordred: Urgh... Tch... Crap!
Arthur: Heh! Gotcha!
Believing himself to have the upper hand, Arthur raises his sword high and swings at Mordred with all his might.
Mordred: Heh... You're wide open!
Arthur: Whoa!
The instant Arthur steps forward, Mordred uses the momentum to knock him to the ground.
Mordred: Hyah!
Mordred thrusts the wooden sword toward Arthur and holds it at his throat.
Arthur: I-I yield...
Lancelot: All right, stop there! The match is decided.
Mordred: Heh! I win!
Arthur: Aw, man! You got me!
Lancelot: You used your opponent's strength to perform a magnificent counterattack against them. Well done, Mordred.
Mordred: Yes, sir! Thank you very much!
Vane: Ohh! Was that the move I taught you before?
Mordred: Heh... It sure was! I had no idea it would work so well though!
Arthur: I'm so mad at myself!
Mordred! Fight me again!
Mordred: Sounds good to me! I'll beat you as many times as you want!
Just then, a wooden sword flies through the air and rolls between Arthur and Mordred.
Tornelio: I-I yield!
Cruz: Tornelio... That's what you get for looking away.
Tornelio: I-I'm sorry, Cruz!
Cruz: Not sure why you're apologizing.
As the members of Team Chickadee are hard at work training, they hear a familiar voice.
Henry: Oh, what's this? The chickadees are busy cheeping as usual, I see!
Mordred: Ugh, you again.
Henry: Hah! I'm a knight-in-training too, you know. I have as much right to be here as you do!
Arthur: Huh? What kinda training are you here for?
Henry: Isn't it obvious? He's coming today, so I'm going to impress him with my skill!
At that moment, the mood on the training grounds changes completely.
Siegfried: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Henry: (Whoooa! He's so cooool!)
Henry: (So this is the legendary captain of the Order of the Black Dragons—Siegfriiied!)
Lancelot: It's good to see you again, Siegfried!
Arthur: Oh, come on! Late again, Siegfried?
Mordred: Nah, pretty sure he's relatively early today.
Arthur: Huh? Are (Captain) and Percival not with you today?
Siegfried: That's right. They mentioned they were heading to Wales for a prior engagement.
Mordred: Aww... I was hoping we could train with the full powerhouse lineup. That's too bad.
Arthur and Mordred look disappointed, and Lancelot marches angrily over to them.
Lancelot: Hey, you two!
Lancelot: Quit being so rude to Siegfried!
Arthur & Mordred: S-sorry!
Siegfried: Lancelot, it's partially my fault for being late.
Siegfried: So don't be too hard on them.
Lancelot: B-but... They need to learn proper decorum if they're ever going to be full-fledged knights.
Siegfried: That's true.
Siegfried: Even though I'm no longer a member of the Order, I always take care to be courteous.
As Siegfried and Lancelot talk, Arthur and Mordred become increasingly sheepish.
Henry: What the! Wh-when did they get to be so buddy-buddy with Siegfried!
Vane: Actually... While everybody else was home for the long holiday, those two stayed behind in the capital.
Vane: They happened to run into Siegfried on the training grounds and had him train them in secret!
Henry: Is... Is that so...
Henry: (Ugh... Why is it always them!)
Tornelio: Those two are amazing! I could run into Siegfried every day, but I'd still never be like them.
Cruz: Hmm.
Tornelio: What's wrong, Cruz?
Cruz: Nothing.
Cruz: (His power really is incredible...)
Tornelio: It's hard to believe the legendary captain of the Black Dragons is right before our eyes.
The knights-in-training gaze at Siegfried with eyes full of admiration.
Lancelot stands before the young knights to explain the significance of their upcoming lesson.
Lancelot: Siegfried has joined us today to give you all some special training.
Lancelot: Be sure to make the most of this precious opportunity and learn as much as you can from him.
All Five: Yes, sir!
The knights-in-training are filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness in response to Lancelot's words.
Siegfried: Then let's begin the lesson.
Henry: Th-thank you, sir!
Tornelio: L-let's go, Cruz!
Cruz: Right.
Lancelot: Arthur and Mordred, you two come here.
Arthur: Huh? I mean—yes, sir!
Mordred: Um... What's going on?
Arthur and Mordred stand beside Lancelot, watching from a distance as the others begin their practice session.
Lancelot: You two will be going last.
Arthur: Whaaat! No way!
Mordred: Yeah... I had a feeling...
Lancelot: The two of you received special training from Siegfried prior to this, correct?
Lancelot: It's only right to let the others go first.
Arthur: Oh! Okay, yeah! That makes sense!
Mordred: You sure changed your tune in a hurry!
Arthur: Well, I mean... Captain Lancelot's right!
Mordred: If you're okay with it, I guess I am too...
Mordred: Only a kid would throw a fit about having to go last.
Lancelot: Heh... Spoken like a true knight.
Vane: You never fail to impress, Lancey! That was a perfect lesson in knightly discipline!
Vane nods vigorously in support of Lancelot's guidance.
Mordred: By the way, have you ever trained with Siegfried before, Vice-Captain Vane?
Vane: Huh? Me?
Vane: Well... That's my little secret.
Arthur: If it's a secret, that must mean he gave you special training too!
Lancelot: A secret? What's all this about special training, Vane?
Vane: Huh? Oh, um... It's nothing!
Vane: Anyway, Siegfried sure has mellowed out compared to how he was in the past.
Lancelot: Hm? Well... I suppose you're right.
Lancelot: Back when he was captain of the Order of the Black Dragons, he didn't seem as comfortable interacting with others.
Mordred: That... makes sense.
Lancelot: What's wrong, Mordred? You're unusually quiet all of a sudden.
Mordred: Well, don't get me wrong, I can tell Siegfried's an amazing person...
Mordred: But honestly... He doesn't seem like the same "Siegfried the Dragonslayer" I've heard so much about.
Arthur: Yeah, I know what you mean! I was really surprised when he turned out to be such a nice person!
Mordred: Right? It's hard to imagine what he was like back when he was captain of the Black Dragons.
Upon seeing the pair struggling to understand Siegfried's greatness, Lancelot grins.
Lancelot: Do you want to know more about him?
Arthur: Huh? Oh! Yes, sir!
Mordred: I do too!
Lancelot: Very well... We have time to kill anyway.
Lancelot: While you two are waiting your turn, I'll tell you about the days when Siegfried was captain of the Black Dragons.
Vane: Ooh! I'd like to hear about that again too!
Lancelot: Heh... You're welcome to listen, Vane.
Lancelot: Now then... This is the story of the day Percival and I were sworn in as vice-captains of the Order of the Black Dragons...
Lancelot begins to speak about the past, a nostalgic look in his eyes.