Scenario:Seofon - Seofon's Grand Finale
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Seofon's Grand Finale
(Captain) and the rest of the Eternals arrive in the nick of time to save Tien and put an end to Seofon's rampage. Seofon summons seven spectral swordsmen to even the odds, and (Captain) cuts through the chaos to strike down the leader of the Eternals once and for all.
Seofon swings the Seven-Star Sword but (Captain) deflects it.
Seofon: ...!
Tien: (Captain)!
Seofon: Aren't you something? That was as nice as timing gets!
Vyrn: Whew! Right in the nick of time!
Lyria: Tien! Everything okay?
Tien: Thanks... I'm fine.
Seofon: Can't slip anything past you guys, can I?
Anre: My apologies for our late arrival, Tien.
Tien: Anre? You brought everyone?
Tien raises her head to find the Eternals stoically standing before her in formation.
Tweyen: We assembled with (Captain) under Anre's orders.
Niyon: You have nowhere to run, Seofon.
Threo: Hey! Seofon! It's payback time for before! With interest so crazy it'll take you a million years to clear the bill!
Seox: Hrmph... We weren't about to just sit down and watch.
Eahta: I am not one to surround an opponent with superior numbers... but if that is what is required to see you defeated, so be it.
Fif: Seofon, you stupid dummy! You're gonna be saying sorry to us for weeks after we're done!
Feower: I hope you've said your prayers.
Tien: Even you don't stand a chance against us, Seofon.
The assembled Eternals face Seofon head-on, with (Captain) leading the charge.
Seofon: Goodness! Just look at what you can accomplish when you set your minds to something!
Anre: Turn yourself in quietly, Seofon. You are an impressive fighter, but you are outmatched.
Seofon: Yeah, you're right. Even I'm not gonna be able to handle all of you alone.
Anre: Then release your weapon.
Seofon: Hmm... That being said...
Seofon: I'm not actually in this alone.
Tweyen: You really need to stop trying to act tough.
Seofon: Oh, how awful of you, Tweyen! I am blessed with many, many friends, regardless of how it may look at the moment.
Niyon: How odd... Seofon doesn't seem at all flustered. His music actually sounds upbeat.
Seofon: Niyon, you have to save your ace in the hole until the very last moment...
Tweyen: An ace in the hole? You must be joking!
Seofon: It's already too late.
In the next moment, an interdimensional vortex expands outward from Seofon's feet.
There's no time to respond, and the Eternals are incapable of advancing any closer against the vortex's staggering energy waves.
Seofon: My name is Seofon, Star Sword Sovereign.
Seofon: Under that title I command thee, Seven-Star Sword...
Seofon: From the sea of stars, call forth the deities of the blade... Arise, Seven-Star Avatars!
Seofon: Dubhe...
Seofon: Merak...
Seofon: Phecda...
Seofon: Megrez...
Seofon: Alioth...
Seofon: Mizar...
Seofon: Alkaid...
As Seofon recites their names, the sword gods take corporeal form behind him.
Feower: What... in the skies...
Seofon: Well, Feower? They look awfully tough, don't they?
Fif: Hey, no fair! One bully was enough!
The Eternals take up arms against the overwhelming might of the Seven-Star Avatars.
Anre: (Captain)!
Anre: We'll handle the rest of them!
Anre: You fight Seofon!
Seofon: Heh... You think that's how it's going to be, do you?
The Avatars respond to Seofon's gestures, drawing steel themselves.
Dubhe: Alpha...
Merak: Beta...
Phecda: Gamma...
Megrez: Delta...
Alioth: Epsilon...
Mizar: Zeta...
Alkaid: Eta...
Seofon: Time to end this! Cien Mil Espadas!
With a grand flourish, Seofon commands the Avatars to unleash a flurry of sword strikes.
Anre: Arm the bastion!
Thanks to Anre's efforts, however, the attack is neutralized at the last second.
Anre: Huff... Huff... Such astonishing strength...
Seofon: Tch... Just what I'd expect from you, Anre. I unleash the coolest attack in the universe, and you weather it like a champ.
Anre: Ngh... I can't defend against another attack like that.
Anre: It's now or never. Separate Seofon from his Avatars!
Tweyen: Got it.
Threo: Smash 'em!
Feower: Slash 'em!
Fif: Lemme handle this!
Seox: Hrmph... I'll make you regret starting this whole sorry affair.
Eahta: I shall handle this.
Niyon: Time for my solo.
Tien: I won't miss.
Threo takes the first step, charging Seofon's forces head on.
Threo: I'll smash you to pieces!
Seofon: ...!
Threo: Astro Divergence!
The force of Threo's mighty attack sends the Avatars flying.
Seofon: Rgh...
Seofon: Well, one strike from her is enough to take just about anyone out. So it goes.
Tweyen: Let's go, Niyon.
Niyon: Understood.
Tweyen and Niyon: Astral Howitzer!
Nebilusa Fryude!
Nebilusa Fryude!
The attacks from Tweyen and Niyon hit like a tidal surge, preventing the Avatars from working together.
Seofon: Tch... What a troublesome duo those two are.
Seofon: Well, whatever. I'll just have to play your little game and face you all myself!
But the Eternals have teamwork on their side, and they efficiently work to separate Seofon from his Avatars.
Eahta: Prepare yourself for the hereafter! Almighty Flurry!
Dubhe: Worgh...
Seox: Too slow! I'll tear you to ribbons! Void Claws: Terminus!
Merak: Nrgh...
Feower: Here we go, Sis!
Tien: I'll back you up!
Feower and Tien: Memento Mori!
Dance of Death!
Dance of Death!
Phecda: Curse you...
Without wasting a moment, the Eternals hunt down and obliterate the remaining Avatars.
Seofon: Gwah... Looks like my Avatar control could use some work...
Fif: Okay! Time to blow you away with my super awesome magical mega magic!
Anre: Sorry, Fif. I need you to provide defensive support.
Fif: Aw...
Anre: Seofon and his friends lack ways to heal themselves. If we prolong this battle, we'll have the advantage.
Anre: And that's something only you can do.
Fif: Right... Got it!
Seofon: Heh... I'm not interested in seeing this go into overtime!
With an excellent display of teamwork, the Eternals manage to completely separate the Avatars from Seofon.
But the battle isn't over. Each Eternal must now battle against an Avatar in heated combat.
Seofon: Haha! Would you just look at 'em go! No wonder I picked you guys as Eternals!
Seofon: (Guess I'll just have to power through this one...)
Anre: Okay... now! The rest is up to you, (Captain)!
(Captain) nods and turns to face Seofon.
Seofon: Heheh... I knew you'd be my last hurdle, (Captain).
Seofon: I mean, who else could it have really been?
Seofon: Or to put it another way... I might have wanted this from the beginning.
Seofon: Now c'mere.
Seofon: If you can't stop me... who will?
Seofon's Grand Finale: Scene 2
Seofon is freed from the Seven-Star Sword's grasp. After all the trouble he's caused, however, (Captain) and his fellow Eternals won't be forgiving him for quite some time.
Seofon: Ngh... Gwahagh...
Seofon sinks to his knees, defeated. (Captain) has emerged victorious.
The Seven-Star Avatars vanish into the ether.
Seofon: Huff... Huff... You've gotten really tough, (Captain).
Seofon seems to have been freed from whatever was possessing him, but (Captain) isn't ready to let up.
Vyrn: H-hey! (Captain)'s actin' kinda funny!
Lyria: W-wait, (Captain)!
Lyria's plea falls on deaf ears as (Captain)'s blow falls.
But the Eternals dart in to protect their leader.
Seofon: Y-you guys...
Anre: We made it in time.
Seofon: Guess I might as well get a spirit sword made out of you to commemorate the occasion.
Seven-Star Sword: It begins!
Seofon: Huh?
Seofon: Rgh... Waaargh!
Seven-Star Sword: Just as I suspected... You possess power most astonishing, Star Sword Sovereign...
Seofon: Dammit... I've really done it this time...
Seven-Star Sword: Heh heh heh... You are a vessel most fitting... Now yield yourself to me.
Seofon: Gwaaagh!
Seofon: Hrm!
Seofon writhes in pain and screams as he finally wrests control away from the weapon.
Seven-Star Sword: What? You broke free? On your own?
Seofon: Uh... Do you have any idea who I am?
Seven-Star Sword: Ngh... Do you not lust after power? Yield your will to me, and yet more strength will—
Seofon: But I'm already the strongest there is, swordster. And how boring would it be if I were the only one at that level anyway?
Seven-Star Sword: I see... A shame. The other revenant weapons seek the Eternals as hosts as well...
Seofon: Huh? Did I hear you correctly?
Seven-Star Sword: Indeed. The revenant weapons possess a shared consciousness.
Seven-Star Sword: I know what drives you... You wish to prove yourself the strongest swordsman of all, yes?
Seofon: Hmm... I see how it is. Hold on a sec...
Seofon: Or rather... let's play a little, shall we?
Seven-Star Sword: Heh heh heh... Allow me to bestow great power upon you—
Seofon: Hey. Let's not get any wrong ideas here.
Seofon: You didn't pick me. I picked you.
Seven-Star Sword: Heh... That is precisely what makes you a worthy master...
Seven-Star Sword: Now take me in hand!
Seofon: Give me a break... Fine. If you insist.
Somewhat exhausted, Seofon sluggishly picks up the Seven-Star Sword.
Seofon: Rgh! Gwaaargh!
Seofon: Ahahaha... Anyway... I guess I should have been more careful.
Anre: This isn't a laughing matter.
Seofon: I figured I'd be able keep a lid on the sword through sheer force of will...
Seofon: But the thing's thoughts started mashing up inside my head, and before I knew it I was having the time of my life!
Fif: You were having the time of your life beating up your friends, dummy!
Tweyen: ...
How do you think we felt about it?
How do you think we felt about it?
Threo: Ahahahaha! Well, I had fun!
Feower: You came close to ending your friends' lives. You're garbage.
Seofon: B-but it was perfect training for emergency situations! Right, guys?
Niyon: It was a perfect nightmare.
Seofon: Yeah... Maybe you're right.
Vyrn: What would've happened if the Eternals hadn't shown up to keep (Captain) from bashing your head in?
Seofon: Well, er... We would've crossed that bridge when we got there!
Lyria: Oh, did you still have some of the sword's power left?
Seofon: Nah... I basically drained myself. Didn't quite get the power distribution right.
Tien: So if we hadn't shown up to stop (Captain)...
Seofon: Hmm... Can't really say for sure, but (Captain) probably would've taken me out!
Niyon: Is your brain out of tune?
Feower: It sure is.
Threo: Ahaha! Everyone's hopping on the bandwagon! Seofon, our beloved idiot leader!
Seofon: Still... it's kinda weird.
Seofon: I felt like... like it would've been okay if (Captain) had just ended it back there.
Seofon: I thought, hey, even if I bite it, there are still another nine Eternals lookin' out for the world.
(Captain) looks at Seofon in stunned silence.
Seofon: Sorry, (Captain).
Seofon apologizes with rare sincerity.
Seofon: Still, it seriously bums me out that I caused so much trouble for everyone.
Choose: I'll put you out of your misery!
Seofon: Huh? N-no way! I was just joking!
The crew stops (Captain) from brutalizing Seofon any further.
Seofon: Still, it seriously bums me out that I caused so much trouble for everyone.
Continue 1
Feower: Get on your knees and prepare to die.
Seofon: That's a rather harsh thing to say, Feower!
Tien: This time... I think you might have to die to make amends for your actions.
Seofon: N-nice joke! You... are joking, right, Tien?
Niyon: She's not. Her melody is deadly serious.
Seofon: Eeek! Let's all make up and be friends again! Right, Tweyen?
Tweyen: Huh? Oh, okay...
Seofon: That's the kindhearted Tweyen I know and love! Let's go get something good to eat after this, okay? My treat.
Tweyen: Okay. Jut make sure to treat everyone.
Seox: Hrmph... This is pointless. I'm leaving.
Eahta: Hrm. I will take my leave as well.
Fif: I'm comin' with, grampy!
Anre: Goodness... That puts an end to that then.
Anre: I thought I understood you better than anyone else. I never expected something like this to happen.
Vyrn: That's puttin' it lightly, gramps!
Lyria: Now, now... What matters is nobody got hurt!
Seofon: Y-you're such a kindhearted soul, Lyria!
In a conference held by the Eternals shortly thereafter, they find Seofon entirely responsible for the incident.
(Captain) and the rest of the Eternals don't speak to him for some time after.
Seofon: Hoo boy... Looks like I'm back to counting on Siero to find out what's going on with everybody...
Seofon, leader of the Eternals. Is he amazing... or just amazingly bad at his job? Only time will tell.
- Scenario Character: Seofon
- Scenario Character: Tien
- Scenario Character: Vyrn
- Scenario Character: Lyria
- Scenario Character: Anre
- Scenario Character: Tweyen
- Scenario Character: Niyon
- Scenario Character: Threo
- Scenario Character: Seox
- Scenario Character: Eahta
- Scenario Character: Fif
- Scenario Character: Feower
- Scenario Character: Dubhe
- Scenario Character: Merak
- Scenario Character: Phecda
- Scenario Character: Megrez
- Scenario Character: Alioth
- Scenario Character: Mizar
- Scenario Character: Alkaid
- Scenario Character: Tweyen and Niyon
- Scenario Character: Feower and Tien
- Character Fate Scenario
- Scenario Character: Seven-Star Sword