Scenario:Slayers Omega - When Arms Do No Harm

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Slayers Omega - When Arms Do No Harm

Vyrn: Hey, what was that demon we saw yesterday? It was different to the "lesser" ones.
Lina: It's a higher rank than the lesser demons. A nasty creature.
Lina: Unlike lesser demons, they have to be destroyed from the Astral Side, so they're tricky to defeat.
Lyria: The Astral what?
Lina: Basically, weapons like a sword, or elemental magic won't work.
Lina: To defeat one, you need a spell that borrows power from a stronger demon, or you need to use Gourry's Sword of Light.
Vyrn: What? How'd a creature like that end up here?
Lina: I don't think it's a very high-ranking demon, but still not something I want to tangle with. Hmm… what to do…
Naga: What's that? Afraid of a demon, Lina?
Lina: I mean it's not worth it! What kind of idiot would take on a creature like that for the reward we're getting?
Vyrn: Hmm… Must be a pretty powerful enemy if Miss Dragon Spooker here doesn't want to fight it.
Lina: Well, you can't take it out with a regular weapon, and it uses powerful magic.
Vyrn: I guess it doesn't sound like something I want to fight either.
Naga: How low you've fallen, Lina Inverse! Frightened of a demon.
Lina: Just shut up already! I've fought plenty of demons before!
Lyria: OK, let's all just calm down for a minute.
Vyrn: For now, let's just hope this creature doesn't show up…