Scenario:Sutera - What Do You Think of Me

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: Scene 1

Sutera: What manner of impression do you get when you look at me?
Sutera: Metera says I lack the will to overcome my rivals.
Sutera: Since I've been traveling with you all this time, I'd be interested in hearing your assessment.
Sutera: That is, if you don't mind me asking!
  1. I'd say you're cute.
  2. You're super... serious, I guess.
  3. You're easy.

Choose: I'd say you're cute.

Sutera's loyalty increased by 75!
Sutera: Cute? What are you basing that evaluation off of?
Sutera: There have been times when Metera's called me cute as well, but in what context do you feel this is true?
(Captain) answers candidly which only opens the door to more unexpected, tougher questions.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: You're super... serious, I guess.

Sutera's loyalty increased by 100!
Sutera: So you recognize my prudence!
Sutera: Your affirmation means the world to me! I'm going to increase my diligence from here on out!
(Captain) is taken by surprise at Sutera's emphatic, delighted response.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: You're easy.

Sutera's loyalty increased by 50!
Sutera: I'm sorry? I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean by that...
Sutera's bewildered face says it all. (Captain) immediately feels regret at giving such an answer.

Continue 1