Scenario:The Art of Mercy - Chapter 2: Recovery before the Return - Episode 3

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The Art of Mercy - Chapter 2: Recovery before the Return - Episode 3

The Erdeni troops move according to Altair's plan and continue to attack the Tatar military base for days. During a break between attacks, a handful of Erdeni soldiers follow Altair's orders and dress up as traveling merchants selling ingredients. They infiltrate the base and successfully take it over from the inside.

The Nuph Moors are situated along the border between Zilantos and Erdeni.
Tall, thick grasses gently sway in the wind, hiding the bottomless crevices that lurk beneath them.
The Erdeni army moves in toward the center of these moors where the Tatar military base is located and begins its next set of operations.
Three days into their incessant attacks on the base, as Altair had predicted, both armies fall into somewhat of a routine.
Shura: According to the latest report from our scouts, it appears the enemy is indeed utilizing the time between our attacks to rest.
Altair: Over these past three days, we have continued to attack day and night.
Altair: The time we have allowed between our attacks is the only opportunity for them to put down their weapons.
Altair: Even without orders, the average soldier would be inclined to let his guard down, even if only for a moment.
Looking into the distance at the quiet base, Altair gives his next orders to the soldiers standing by beside him.
Altair: Send a message to our special forces. Please tell them to commence the final push.
Erdeni Soldier: Yes, sir!
Zilantos Soldier: Hey, merchant! Over 'ere!
At the Tatar military base, a Zilantos soldier hurries along, using the time between the enemy's attacks to replenish supplies.
Spotting several horse-drawn carts in the distance, he waves at whom he assumes to be traveling merchants and signals for them to come closer.
Zilantos Soldier: You're merchants, aren't ya? Saw you comin' from Zaha.
Zilantos Soldier: I'm telling ya, it's been rough these few days with the endless fightin'. We haven't got 'nough food.
Merchant: Is that right? We could hear the gunfire all the way from Zaha.
Merchant: That's when we thought you might be needing some extra provisions.
Merchant: I've brought a couple of things, so if you'd like to take a look—I'll let them go for cheap.
Zilantos Soldier: Yaaawn... Sorry 'bout that, it's just... those Erdeni soldiers have really been crackin' down on us...
Zilantos Soldier: We can't afford to sleep even at night, so we've been pryin' our eyes open this whole time. And, boy, does that get ya hungry...
Zilantos Soldier: But it looks like those rats always take a break 'round this time.
Merchant: Golly gosh, that sounds dreadful. How about this right here? A small bite should give you the energy you need.
Zilantos Soldier: Whew, you've got some pretty sweet stuff 'ere! I'll take these veggies and some of that jerky there. Oh, and some of this spice...
Zilantos Soldier: This is great! With this, we should be able to cook up some dishes from back home.
Zilantos Soldier: We've all been pretty burnt out, see. But some grub from home should do the trick!
The soldier happily sifts through various products before deciding on several boxes of goods.
Zilantos Soldier: Yaaawn... All right, can ya carry these boxes 'round to the kitchen in the back?
Merchant: Are you sure you don't want to finish looking through them all before you buy?
Zilantos Soldier: Nah, they're all 'bout the same, right? S'okay if there's a dent here and there. Anyway, just get the stuff back to the base as quickly as you can.
Zilantos Soldier: Those Erdeni rats are gonna start up again soon. Y'all should hurry back before you get caught up in it.
Zilantos Soldier: Well, the guy at the kitchen might be catchin' some shut-eye too, so you can just leave the stuff 'round there.
Merchant: Got it. Thank you for your patronage!
Merchant: ...
The merchants make their way into the base, carrying a number of boxes and barrels with them. They signal to one another.
Merchant: Polaris, we've successfully infiltrated the base.
Polaris: Seems like it. It's awfully quiet here though.
Merchant: From the snores, it appears most of their soldiers are resting at the moment, save a few.
Stepping out from one of the wooden boxes is none other than the Erdeni general, Polaris, herself.
While some of the boxes in the carts contain food, others conceal pieces of armor and other equipment.
The merchants gradually empty the boxes and dress themselves in their armor.
Erdeni Soldier: Polaris, we await your orders.
Polaris: Good. Well then, let's not waste this chance. Time to wrap this up nice and clean.
Erdeni Soldier: Yes, ma'am.
Polaris: (Everything is just as Altair said...)
Altair: The Zilantos soldiers will grow desperate after suffering attacks day and night.
Altair: Desperate for food, and for some kind of comfort.
Altair: The longer the soldiers fight, the more food they will need to consume.
Altair: In a case like this, it is very likely that they will call in merchants from Zaha for extra provisions.
Altair: I would like you and our special forces to infiltrate by hiding among the goods that the merchants bring into the base.
Polaris: Is this really going to work? No matter how hungry the soldiers are, all of them are trained to be cautious.
Altair: Indeed. That is why we will offer them what they want most—comfort.
Altair: More specifically, comfort food.
Altair: In an unfamiliar place with no time to rest, they will be thoroughly exhausted both physically and mentally.
Altair: That is when merchants will come bringing ingredients that will allow them to create dishes reminiscent of home.
Altair: What do you think you would do if you were in their situation, Polaris?
Polaris: I'd buy it without a second thought. Nourishment will boost the troops' morale, after all...
Altair: Yes... And they will not have much time to spare before the next expected attack.
Altair: Their exhaustion and lack of sleep will hinder their judgment...
Altair: Taking this into consideration, we can assume that their examination of the goods will be minimal.
Thinking back to the earlier conversation when Altair first informed them of his plan, Polaris can't help but shiver.
Polaris: (So this is the power of the Silver Strategist... It's like everything is in the palm of his hand.)
Polaris and her unit weave around the sleeping soldiers and make their way through the quiet military base.
Some time later, the soldiers at Tatar wake up to find that their commanding officer has been captured by Erdeni.
The Erdeni army seizes control of the military base and manages another victory—this time, without bloodshed on either side.