Scenario:The Art of Mercy - Chapter 3: Grave of the Fallen - Episode 2

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The Art of Mercy - Chapter 3: Grave of the Fallen - Episode 2

In the heart of Zaha, Zilantos's strategist Vitali and Prince Erik discuss upcoming battle plans. Zilantos's strongest general, Luhua, arrives and convinces Erik to refrain from going out onto the battlefield, much to the prince's disappointment.

The Erdeni army is in the middle of preparations for their next battle.
Meanwhile, in the center of Zaha, a constant wailing echoes from a room within the Zilantos military headquarters.
???: Dear me. It seems you have quite the temper today, Prince Erik.
Erik: Oh, it's you.
Erik: What do you want, Vitali? As you can see, I'm in an incredibly bad mood right now.
Vitali: I'm afraid we can't have you torturing our hostages like this, even if you are the prince.
Vitali: How are we supposed to handle the criticism after? Accidental death certificates are quite a pain to forge, Your Highness.
Erik: That's your job, isn't it? If you're so unhappy about our prisoner here, how about you take his place?
Erik: Besides, you're always using our prisoners for your strange experiments anyway.
Vitali: Please don't say it like that. That is also part of my job as a strategist. I'm simply making practical use of them.
Erik: Whatever. In any case, don't go telling me what to do.
Erik: So? What're you doing here? Don't tell me you came just to waste my time with your useless commentary.
Despite Erik's obvious irritation, Vitali remains unruffled, shrugging nonchalantly before making his report.
Vitali: The Erdeni army has regained control of the Uden Bridge watchtower as well as the Tatar military base.
Vitali: It seems our troops have suffered fairly heavy losses...
Erik: We had a lot of them, didn't we? Even if they were all garbage. How can we have lost both the tower and the base?
Vitali: Quality over quantity, or so they say. But I suspect the reason lies elsewhere.
Vitali: Do you know of the man called the "Silver Strategist," Your Highness?
Erik: The hell is that?
Vitali holds back a sigh at the prince's disinterest and continues.
Vitali: Altair, the Silver Strategist... There is no military strategist in all of Phantagrande who doesn't know his name.
Vitali: Rumors say that after his service in Sphiria, he retreated from the battlefield and became a skyfarer instead.
Vitali: I don't know how they managed it, but the strategist behind Erdeni's tactics this time is none other than the Silver Strategist himself.
Erik idly listens as he continues with his tasteless entertainment. He suddenly turns to Vitali.
Erik: That guy sounds like a bother. Should we kill him?
Vitali: Indeed, Your Highness! The Erdeni army may be rejoicing now, but we can—
???: Prince Erik. You are to remain here.
???: Vitali, don't go giving the prince any wild ideas. You and I will receive no mercy if anything happens to His Highness.
Vitali: W-well, well... If it isn't General Luhua.
Vitali quivers slightly at the sight of the large man coming through the door. On the other hand, Erik begins to throw a tantrum.
Erik: But why, Luhua! I thought this was supposed to be a war! I'm a general too, you know!
Luhua: Protecting one's base is also the job of a general. Leave the Erdeni army to me.
Luhua: Zaha is vital to Zilantos. We've focused much of our efforts into our defenses thus far, but to think it would crumble so easily...
Luhua: It is time for us to show them what a true Zilantos soldier can do.
Erik: No! It'll be over as soon as you step onto the battlefield, Luhua!
Erik: That's no fun! I came all the way out here, but I haven't even had the chance to fight anyone with a sword yet!
Luhua: We have yet to seize the capital itself.
Luhua: I will push their troops back into the Ayuul Mountains. The spotlight will be on you after that, Your Highness.
Luhua: The strongest Erdeni general, Zawra, is waiting at the capital. His head will be yours to take.
Erik: Hmph... Fine.
Erik: Man, and I was looking forward to finally fighting someone...
Still somewhat dissatisfied, Erik continues to pout as he reluctantly shuffles out of the room.
Vitali: Luhua... I'm surprised you've decided to depart for the front yourself. Are you that unhappy with our current situation?
Luhua: That isn't all of it. I hear Erdeni has asked outsiders for assistance.
Luhua: The one they call the genius Silver Strategist... along with the captain of his skyfaring crew.
Luhua: Both are proving to be a dangerous threat to Zilantos and should be annihilated immediately.
Vitali: I see... All right.
Vitali: Well, I don't really mind who goes out onto the battlefield as long as I see Erdeni reduced to ashes.
Vitali gives a theatrical shrug. Luhua glances coldly at Vitali before turning to face the other direction.
Luhua: Renfa.
At Luhua's call, a slender woman steps out from behind him.
Renfa: At your service. How may I assist, Luhua?
Luhua: You heard everything. Begin the preparations.
Renfa: As you wish.
Renfa bows once before sliding past Vitali and out the door.
Luhua: The Silver Strategist...
Luhua: I'll crush anyone who stands in Zilantos's way—in my way.
Luhua mutters to himself under his breath, balling his fists tightly.
The city of Zaha sits dangerously on the edge as both Zilantos and Erdeni prepare for an assault.
A fearful clash between the two countries is about to begin.