Scenario:What Makes the Sky Blue - Chapter 8: The One - Episode 2

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What Makes the Sky Blue - Chapter 8: The One - Episode 2

(Captain) awakens on Lumacie to the sight of overjoyed friends. Sandalphon, on the other hand, is beset by rage at the utter failure of his plan—that's when the supreme primarch, Lucifer, appears.

Lyria: Ah! (Captain)'s awake!
Vyrn: Phew! You almost gave me a heart attack back there, (Captain)!
(Captain) wakes up at the cape—as if the fall had never happened.
Surrounded by relieved and overjoyed friends, (Captain) breathes a sigh of relief.
Lyria: Sniff... Sniff... I-I don't know what to...
  1. I'm back.
  2. Crybaby Lyria.

Choose: I'm back.

Lyria: Yes!
Welcome back, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Hehe. Good to see you up and about, sleepyhead!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Crybaby Lyria.

Lyria: O-of course I'm crying! How could I not be? Hey, what's so funny?
Vyrn: Ahaha! Crying one second, fuming the next—you're having a busy day!

Continue 1

Katalina: (Captain)... I knew you still had it in you.
Rackam: Hahaha! You definitely had us on edge there. So... what happened at the bottom of the skies?
Io: How strange. I thought I saw Vyrn and Lyria summon something.
Io: Then the the next moment (Captain)'s sleeping like a baby on the cape.
Eugen: Hah hah hah! Nothin' wrong with that, is there? (Captain)'s alive, and that's what matters.
Rosetta: Hehe, looks like even this 2000-year old archangel is confused.
Sandalphon: How could this be!
Sandalphon: The terrifying roar shook the world! Why hasn't Pandemonium been opened?
Sandalphon: Is there some other condition I don't know about? Or has the situation changed since I was last in there?
Sandalphon: Why, why, why!
Michael: Silence yourself. You're obviously out of options.
Uriel: Want me to shut him up for you? I'll have to hold back this time though so I don't accidentally kill him.
Gabriel: Leave him. He does bring up some good points though... Did we simply luck out, or is there more to it all?
Raphael: There is only one possibility...
Brilliant rays of light suddenly surge from the bottom of the skies and pierce through the island, extending far into the welkin.
An archangel gently ascends from the rays of light, softly flapping his wings on the way up.
Michael: The supreme primarch!
Lucifer: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael...
Lucifer: You've done well. I appreciate all your hard work.
Lyria: Oh my! I've never seen them like that!
Vyrn: So that's the supreme primarch... His aura's just incredible!
Sandalphon: Lucifer!
Lucifer: Sandalphon.