Scenario:What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000 - Opening

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What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000 - Opening

One night Sandalphon is visited in dreams by memories belonging to Lucifer. Halluel and Malluel bring news that the fallen angels are hiding in Pandemonium. As the Grandcypher rushes toward them, Belial and his hooded associate reactivate Pandemonium.

Some time has passed since the tranquil skies were tossed by the savage wingbeats of fallen angels.
Sandalphon—the supreme primarch's inherited mantle heavy on his shoulders—has linked his fate with a certain captain and crew, traveling the Sky Realm in hopes of fulfilling Lucifer's wishes.
But this borrowed peace is not to last.
Sandalphon: Nh...
Hnh... Urgh...
Sandalphon: What... is this place...
Sandalphon: ...
Sandalphon: This... looks like the Astral research laboratory...
Sandalphon: Ah... Another dream...
Sandalphon: But there's something off about this scene...
???: Ah, found you at last, Supreme Primarch.
Lucifer: Belial. Was I that hard to find? I'm sorry.
Belial: It's no trouble. Could I have a moment of your time? I have a message for you.
Lucifer: ...
Belial: Is something troubling you, Supreme Primarch?
Lucifer: I believe I've already told you there's no need to address me so formally.
Lucifer: It serves no function but to delay the communication of your message.
Belial: I remember—please forgive me. Allow me to explain my disobedience.
Belial: While you are correct that formality serves no practical purpose now, as we implement a more formal organizational structure for all archangels—
Lucifer: Belial.
Belial: Hahaha. I know, I know. Point taken, Lucifer.
Belial: But I also want to make a show of the archangels' discipline.
Lucifer: A show?
Belial: Soon more archangels will be created to help you preside over evolution.
Belial: Our ranks will swell with young blood... But there are Astrals who look upon all beasts with a wary eye.
Belial: That's where the discipline comes in. To set us apart in their eyes from animals or monsters. It impacts their estimation of Cilius as well.
Lucifer: I see... As our ranks grow, so too does the pushback from the Astrals.
Lucifer: I retract my assertion—your logic is sound.
Belial: I'm gratified you see it that way. Well, as your adjutant, I—
Lucifer: Not you though.
Belial: I'm sorry?
Lucifer: We were created at the same time. There is no meaningful difference between our abilities or our roles.
Lucifer: Excessive formality between the two of us will only create confusion regarding our ranks. There is no need for you to alter your way of speaking.
Belial: Hahaha... Oookay. If that's what you want.
Lucifer: It is. Now, about that message.
Belial: Ooops. Actually, you need to hurry to the residential section of the lab—
Lucilius: ...
Lucifer: Why do you sigh, my friend?
Lucilius: I just discovered a mistake in my work. To think that one of my creations would be incapable of relaying a simple message.
Belial: Heh heh... Sorry about that. We got caught up in a little philosophical debate.
Lucilius: Perhaps now would be a good time to address streamlining the beast disposal process.
Belial: Streamlining? Don't be so cold. If you're going to put me down, at least take your time about it. Fine ingredients like these should be simmered slowly until they're ready to burst.
Lucifer: You think beasts should be boiled?
Belial: Sure, just like a stew. Although that method takes time, I'll admit. Isn't there some way to prioritize core extraction?
Lucilius: It's risky. Pain sends beasts into a rampage. You just focus on organizing the archangels.
Lucilius: Come, Lucifer. I've settled on designs for the archangels who will govern the tetra-elements. I'd like your opinion.
Lucifer: Understood. Does the recreation of nature's unpredictability look feasible?
Lucilius: I've decided to adopt your proposal. The difference between the primarchs' desires and abilities should provide mutual interference at sufficiently random intervals...
Belial: ...
Sandalphon: So... In addition to Lucifer—no, the supreme primarch's power...
Sandalphon: I've inherited fragments of his memory...
Sandalphon: Hm?
Sandalphon: The laboratory entrance? But at a much later date, by the looks of it...
Lucifer: Is everyone here?
Michael: All four primarchs as well as the higher archangels have arrived, Supreme Primarch.
Michael: Only your adjutant is absent... Shall I dispatch an archangel of instruction to find him?
Gabriel: Haha. Never been the punctual type, has he? Maybe he's still in Lucilius's private quarters?
Uriel: Belial's something else. How does he make heads or tails of all that technical talk? The moment Lucilius opens his mouth, my eyes glaze over and I start to get the worst headache.
Raphael: That's partly because you've never seen the inside of a book. At any rate, why don't I fetch the adjutant?
Lucifer: No need. I did not request his presence at this meeting.
Lucifer: Let's proceed to the matter at hand. The High Council recently approved an expansion of the lab's remit.
Lucifer: Alongside our continued research into evolution, we will be exploring another area, which will complicate the organization's structure.
Lucifer: Belial will be assuming the role of deputy head researcher.
Michael: Deputy head researcher? Meaning he will report directly to Lucilius?
Gabriel: So that's why he isn't here.
Lucifer: He's already begun his new duties. I heard he would be overseeing the construction of a new testing facility for experimentation, but I don't know the particulars.
Lucifer: For organizational differentiation from the archangels involved with evolution, those attached to the other project will be designated "fallen angels."
Uriel: Testing facilities... Fallen angels... Just what are they going to be researching?
Raphael: Don't go asking for classified information.
But then who will act as your adjutant, Supreme Primarch?
Lucifer: That decision was left to me.
Lucifer: Michael, I nominate you as my next adjutant.
Michael: ...!
Lucifer: You have the right to refuse. But I hope you will consider accepting the position.
Michael: Your adjutant? Me? I am unworthy of such an honor. Why—
Lucifer: Belial recommended you and I concur. You are the best suited to this leadership role.
Michael: The adjutant recommended me?
Gabriel: That's great, Michael! The two people you respect the most know just how talented you are!
Uriel: And so do I! I'm sure all the archangels will agree you're perfect for the job.
Raphael: Fear not. I will be here to support you should you have need of me.
Michael: ...
Michael: Supreme Primarch, I humbly accept.
Lucifer: You have my thanks. We'll set aside some time for me to explain your duties in more detail.
Gabriel: Hooray, hooray! Congratulations on your promotion, Michael! Red beans and rice for you!
Michael: Thank... you. This is so sudden, it hasn't really sunk in yet.
But what are the red beans and rice for, Gabriel?
Hooded Figure: ...
Gabriel: Hm?
Who was that Astral in the black, hooded cloak?
Hooded Figure: Hunh. So those are Lucilius's creations...
Michael: He looked at us as though we were something unpleasant he stepped in.
Uriel: What's with that guy? He keeps popping up lately.
Raphael: I heard he was Lucilius's guest... His business probably pertains to the laboratory's expansion.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Well, then. You're all dismissed. I'll notify you of any further developments.
Sandalphon: Fallen angels... That black-robed visitor... Lucilius's new research...
Sandalphon: All omens of the disaster to come...
Sandalphon: There was a hint of worry in Lucifer's eyes. I could tell... Even then, did he have some idea what the future held?
Sandalphon: Where in creation—
This must be the rebellion of the original primal beasts...
Primal Beast: Waaargghh!
Olivia: Cough... Cough...
Olivia: It can't be... Have all my brothers and sisters fallen?
Olivia: We were unprepared... To think we underestimated the Astrals' power to this extent...
Olivia: But this is no time to falter... I know my allies will come!
Olivia: I'll forge a future for all primal beasts. For Lucilius's sake as well as ours!
Olivia: Haaahhh!
Azazel: Huff... huff...
Azazel: Damn it, what is this! We were completely misinformed!
Azazel: Were we set up? The invitation from the fallen angels... the secret agreement to join the rebellion...
Azazel: But why? What did they have to gain?
Azazel: That sweet-talking serpent! "All for Lucifer's sake," he said! Like hell!
Azazel: Rrrgggh! Beliaaal!
Sandalphon: Haaah!
Sandalphon: Rrrah!
Sandalphon: Pant... Pant...
Come on... Who wants to be next to die on my sword?
Sandalphon: Astrals... Skydwellers... This entire world... I'll wreck all of creation!
Sandalphon: Everything you hold dear will be smashed to dust by my hand!
Sandalphon: Lucifeeerrr!
Lucifer: ...
Belial: Ah, you're here. Bit of a mess we've both stepped in, huh?
Lucifer: ...
Are the fallen angels rebelling as well?
Belial: Yeah. That wasn't part of the plan, but the spirit of rebellion seems to be a powerful contagion.
Belial: Is your little pet Sandy showing symptoms?
Lucifer: I don't know.
Belial: There's an answer I never expected to hear from those perfect lips.
Lucifer: You know I am not perfect.
Belial: ...
Belial: Well, whatever. I'll handle cleanup. We'll take the beasts' remains back to the testing facility... and I need to tidy up any evidence that would implicate Cilius.
Belial: The High Council has ordered the construction of a beast cage where any surviving rebels will be incarcerated.
Belial: All the Astrals are supposed to turn out to get it built quickly... But you know in the end they'll just dump it on Cilius. Between the lot of them, they'd never figure out how to bind beasts.
Lucifer: I see.
Belial: I'm off then. I'll let you know if Sandy survives.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: I don't know what's driving Sandalphon... or what he was thinking in that garden...
Lucifer: I need more time...
Sandalphon: Lucifer...
Sandalphon: He was struggling... As supreme primarch, everyone looked to him for the perfect decision...
Sandalphon: And I just—
Hooded Figure: Hngh!
Lucifer: Immediate surrender would be the wisest choice. It's too late to resist.
Hooded Figure: It seems I underestimated you.
Hooded Figure: Taking your own creator's head and purging all of your kind who followed him? Impressive.
Lucifer: I have no intention of killing them. Apart from you, the fallen angels were unaware of Lucilius's true objectives.
Lucifer: Therefore I have judged only three guilty. Do you wish to request a stay of execution?
Hooded Figure: Don't mock me with Astral rights now.
Lucifer: Very well. Then your sentence will be carried out immediately.
Hooded Figure: Heh heh heh. Supreme Primarch Lucifer... Your power places you above all living things...
Hooded Figure: But I'll surpass you! Somehow, someday, I will possess a power that eclipses—
Lucifer: Haaah!
Hooded Figure: Nrrrghh—
Lucifer: Farewell.
Gabriel: Supreme Primarch. We've dealt with the fallen angels.
Gabriel: Uriel is pursuing the fugitives, and Raphael is investigating how the incident began.
Gabriel: As for the deputy head researcher, Michael is looking for him herself.
Lucifer: I see.
Gabriel: Supreme Primarch, you don't look well. Are you injured?
Lucifer: No need for concern.
I'll be in the garden—
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: I'll seal away Lucilius's research. Tell the four primarchs to continue with their current assignments—
Sandalphon: Hnh...
Sandalphon: Awake at last...
Dawn already...
Sandalphon: ...
Sandalphon: The birth and death of the fallen angels...
Did some sense of present danger trigger that dream?
Sandalphon: Or else—
Vyrn: Heey, Sandaaals...
Aw, dang. You're up already? I was gonna scribble on your face till you woke up.
Sandalphon: Oh, it's you. What urgent matter brings you barging into my quarters without so much as a morning greeting?
Lyria: Haha! Good morning! It is actually urgent though.
Halluel: Hey there! How've ya been, Sandalphon? Snarky as ever, I see.
Malluel: Teehee. Good morning! How's life on the Grandcypher treating you? Have you recovered the supreme primarch's powers?
Sandalphon: What fresh hell is this?
You two are the urgent matter, are you?
Halluel: Yup, Michael had a message for you that needed nothing less than the archangel express.
Malluel: Oh, could we trouble you for some tea? Tearing across the skies like that really works up a thirst!
Sandalphon: ...
Vyrn: Hahaha! You guys really don't treat Sandalphon like he's your boss.
Lyria: That's because you've gotten so close, right, Sandalphon? Since you started cooperating with the primarchs, you've been getting together to share information and stuff, so it makes sense!
Sandalphon: Close? The fallen angels' plots affect us all. We work together because we have to.
Sandalphon: I have no explanation for their manners.
Halluel: Did you want us to address you all formal-like? First I'm hearing about it.
Malluel: Mm... I can't quite see it, getting all yes-sir, no-sir with the cute little Sandy from the lab garden.
Sandalphon: No one asked you to. Now cough up that message from Michael already.
Halluel: Oh yeah! We found the fallen angels!
The Three: ...!
Malluel: Michael is doing reconnaissance on our enemies right now. More of our allies will be joining her soon.
Malluel: She wants all of you to back us up.
Vyrn: Hey now, hold up. You just toss these things out there, but are you sure you've got those guys' location pinned down?
Halluel: 'Course I'm sure. The archangels of instruction don't discriminate when it comes to information. But we know for sure that this is the critical moment!
Lyria: So where are we headed? Where are the fallen angels hiding?
Malluel: In Pandemonium. They're holed up somewhere inside.
Sandalphon: So the fallen angels fled to Pandemonium...
Sandalphon: Lay a course, (Captain).
Sandalphon: The final confrontation is at hand.
Belial: Mmm... Cilius, you're such a lie-abed.
???: ...
Belial: After all the trouble I took stitching you together. And me not even a doctor or an engineer.
Belial: I feel like I threw in everything you'd need. Did I forget something?
Hooded Figure: ...
Belial: Oh, Bubs! How long's it been? I don't think I've seen you since Canaan.
Hooded Figure: What's become of the plan?
Belial: I couldn't reach the beasts in the cage. The seal's been preserved thanks to the supreme primarch passing on his powers.
Belial: Well, we just have to readjust. We'll need the power to thwart our enemies for the grand finale.
Hooded Figure: No time for that. The four primarchs are on the move.
Belial: Ohh?
Hooded Figure: I thought they would be thrown into disarray without Lucifer in command...
Hooded Figure: But no matter. We will set the plan in motion now. I have another piece to play, in place of the caged beasts.
Belial: Now? But Cilius isn't on his feet yet.
???: ...
Hooded Figure: He's been out of commission for over two thousand years... There's no precedent for that among the undying Astrals.
Hooded Figure: But we don't need him awake for our plan. The grand finale is a rebellion against god. Life is not a prerequisite.
Belial: Well, you're not wrong...
Hooded Figure: You prepare to deal with the primarchs. I'm going to reactivate Pandemonium.
Hooded Figure: Heh heh heh. A new era dawns, whether the gods will or no.
Belial: ...
Belial: Cilius... You really need to wake up. Things have changed.
Belial: We did all this so we could watch the world end together.
Belial: Please, my messiah...
Archangels, fallen angels, and skydwellers. The time has come at last to see what their tangled webs have woven.
What will become of the Sky Realm, caught between Lucifer's hopes for the future and Lucilius's long-delayed grand finale?
???: The encroachment has begun.
???: When the last light has died, nothingness is all that will remain...
???: ...
???: I must protect my master's vision.
???: To bring light to the world he created, and all who inhabit it, I—