Sutera (SSR)

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
This character has multiple versions.
[Dashing Archer]This title is an unofficial, amateur translation.
MAX HP 1148
MAX ATK 8660
BASE DA/TAThis character's base double attack rate and triple attack rate.Characters with support skills that grant guaranteed multiattacks may have very high values.Due to a game update, base DA/TA values are no longer obtainable from in-game data files. Exact values for characters released after 2023-10-10 are currently inaccessible. 10% DA / 5% TA
RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game.
SpecialtyThis character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid.
Exp. BonusExpedition Bonus Type in Auto-Expeditions Naturalist
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Female
Voice Actor Shizuka Itō
How to Recruit
Premium Draw
Recruitment Weapon
Aurora Bow
ID 3040303000
Char ID 2018
Uncap Limit
NameJP スーテラ
TitleJP 颯爽の射手
Voice ActorJP 伊藤静
Release Date 2020-10-31
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GamewithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
While the sister she loves and respects soars freely with levitation magic and a natural talent for the magic bow, the girl herself chooses a more traditional route forward. Despite the obstacles that litter her path, she steadfastly pushes past each trial and unknowingly garners the love and respect of those who observe her growth.

Charge Attack
Icon Name Effect
Piercing Wind Shear 450%Massive Wind damage to a foe.[1]
All allies gain 10% DMG Cap Up (1 time)DMG cap is boosted (1 time)
Strength: 10%Duration: Indefinite

Icon Name Cooldown Duration Obtained Effect
Swift Gale Shot 6 turns
Lvl 55:
5 turns
- Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 55This skill is enhanced at level 55.
300% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~420,000).
All allies gain 10% DMG Cap Up (1 time)DMG cap is boosted (1 time)
Strength: 10%Duration: Indefinite
Comet Drive 7 turns
Lvl 75:
6 turns
- Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 75This skill is enhanced at level 75.
Up to 1800% Wind damage to a foe based on caster's charge bar.
1-turn cut to Wind allies' skill cooldowns.
(Consumes all of charge bar.)
Arcane Bow Flash 10 turns - Lvl 45
600% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).[1]
Gain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100%
Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects.
No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%.
End cooldown for other skills.

Support SkillsDoes not work from the backline unless explicitly stated.
Icon Name Obtained Effect
Successor of the Arcane Bow Lvl 1
Gain 1 Jade DiagramJade Diagram is granted (Max: 3 / Can't be removed)
Duration: Indefinite
when an ally uses a damage skill (Max: 3).
(When used while at 3:
Consumes all Jade Diagram to deal 250% Wind damage to a foe [Damage cap: ~420,000].[1]
Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
Refreshing Breeze Lvl 1
Supplement Wind allies' skill damage (Damage cap: 50,000).[1]
Extended Mastery Support Skill EMP Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks

Extended Mastery Perks
  • ATK
  • DEF
  • Double Attack Rate
  • Critical Hit
    12% chance for 12% more DMG20% chance for 20% more DMG25% chance for 25% more DMG
  • Charge Attack Damage
RaceCalled "Type" in-game.
  • ATK
  • DEF
  • Double Attack Rate
  • Triple Attack Rate
  • Wind ATK Up
  • ATK
  • Wind ATK Up
  • Critical Hit
    12% chance for 12% more DMG20% chance for 20% more DMG25% chance for 25% more DMG
  • Critical Hit
    12% chance for 12% more DMG20% chance for 20% more DMG25% chance for 25% more DMG
  • Slight chance of a 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns upon normal attacks

Gameplay Notes

Comet Drive

  • The cooldown reduction won't apply to skills with a one-turn cooldown. It also doesn't affect the initial cooldown of certain skills.
  • Damage and damage cap are affected by the amount of charge bar consumed upon cast.[1]
Charge Bar DMG Multiplier DMG Cap
0-19% 300% ~530,000
20-39% 600% ~630,000
40-59% 900% ~730,000
60-79% 1200% ~1,000,000
80-99% 1500% ~1,460,000
100% 1800% ~1,920,000

Successor of the Arcane Bow

  • Only triggers when allies use skills with a red border.
    • The skill does not have to actually deal damage.
    • Other skill border colors and skills with 0-turn cooldowns do not trigger this support skill, even if they deal damage.

Refreshing Breeze

Extended Mastery Support Skill

  • Chance to reduce skill cooldowns with every normal attack.[1]
    • When activated, all skills will get their cooldown reduced by 1 turn.
    • Does not activate on charge attacks.
Rank Chance
1★ ?
2★ ?
3★ 5%

Uncap Materials

Uncap 1★
Uncap 2★
Uncap 4★

Awakening Materials

Facsimile Compatibility

Icon Skill Copyable?
Swift Gale Shot Yes
Comet Drive Yes
Arcane Bow Flash No


Vermilion Archeress

The path this young lady travels chasing after her flawless sister stretches on with no end in sight. Reminding herself that neither archery nor fashion can be mastered in a day, she diligently continues her training.
Outfit Name Vermilion Archeress
How to Get Daily Point Shop
Release Date 2024-09-17
Charge Attack Shadow Weave
ID 3710118000
Notes Mostly uses Sutera's outfit and animations with the idle pose from Sutera (Event). The charge attack is mostly the same as 5★ Sutera, but she aims upwards to aim a barrage with the final magic arrow instead.

Wields Glass Bow as her weapon instead of her usual bow.
