Character Weapon Draw Ticket

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Character Weapon Draw Ticket

Character weapon draw tickets don't include Premium draw-only character weapons such as themed, Valentine, summer, Halloween, holiday, Grand series, and Twelve Divine Generals. Weapons that didn't appear in the draw at the time of the ticket can't be drawn from that character weapon draw ticket.

Abby (Promo) and Naoise (Promo) originally appeared in the Mobage Invite-a-Friend promotion, but can be drawn from character weapon draw tickets.

Two types of items can be drawn with character weapon draw tickets from September, 2014 or later (including the Beginner's and Novel tickets):

  • Characters that you don't have
  • Uncapping items for characters that you have

How character weapons draw tickets work

Step 1: Rarity selected

First, a rarity is selected at these probabilities:

  • R (82%)
  • SR (15%)
  • SSR (3%)

Step 2: Weapon selected

After a rarity is selected, a weapon of that rarity is selected. If you already have all character weapons of that rarity, there you will receive an uncapping item instead

Step 3: Item received

You will then receive the character weapon or character uncapping item: Codex, Animus Codex, or Starspawn Grimoire

Duplicate character weapons can be drawn with tickets from August, 2014 or earlier.


Character Weapon Draw Tickets (