Eight-Life Katana Ventus

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Revenant Weapons
Eight-Life Katana Ventus
ID 1040900900
JP Name 八命切・凪
JP TitleIn the past many weapons had custom titles. Now replaced with series titles in game. 巡転生
Release Date ?
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KamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
This sacred treasure contains the power of quiet tranquility. Capable of forcing even the fiercest of gales to its will, it cuts an appropriate figure in the hands of whoever rules the rampaging heavens.
Charge Attack
Eight-Life Blade : Aeon Massive wind DMG to a foe.
1-turn Cut to Skill CooldownInstant cut to skill cooldown.
to a random skill.
Weapon Skills
Ventosus's Might Big boostNormal 5% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 15%, SL15 18% to wind allies' ATK
Sword Master Skills
Effect Cooldown Duration Cost
Awaken All parties gain DEF Up (Stackable)DEF is boosted while active (Stackable)
Duration: 5 turns
10TAs Sword Master / 8TAs Glorybringer / 6TAs Master Lvl 30
5T -
Resonance Gain 100% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Strength: 100%Duration: 1 turn
8T 1T Costs 3 energy
Attack Chance to inflict DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 180 seconds
- 180s Costs 1 energy
Defend Dodge and counter up to one one-ally attack. - - -
Forge Eight-Life Katana Sage
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Base Reduction Materials
Note: This is the amount you get for a 3★ uncapped weapon.
This weapon cannot be reduced until Step 1 of 5★ uncapping Eahta has been completed.
Weapon VersionsThis weapon has alternate versions.