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Wings of Terror

JP Title: 黒銀の翼

A blaze of carnage. The dragon's might is gone.
And its eyes, and its maw, and its memories are gone.

Knocking on the door of truth,
a red-scaled wyrm and girl in blue.
Chiaroscuro chaos awakens me.

Rebirth and destruction, here at my command.
Rebirth and destruction, again and again.

I'll shatter this sky when the last chain breaks.
In the ashes and the ruins, we'll abide to recreate.
An age of evolution will dawn.

Defense Order: Active Defense

JP Title: ディフェンド・オーダー -攻勢防禦-

Gather here you knights, soaring higher

Race and fly into the sky

Take your shining glory knights, flying freer
Bet your pride and honor
People of the sky, rise up!

A thousand battles we have seen
With swords, spears, hammers and bows in hand
We fight to be... the reigning champions of the sky

Scream your name out to the ends of the sky
And carve your glory into legend
Resound your swords to the ends of the sky
Devote your passion to the stars

Order of the New World

JP Title: 新世界秩序

The World's hour has come, and change is at hand
Destiny's pulsing fragments awake and await commands

My soul will rise to a new dimension
It's burning with possibility
Twenty-two disciples of light and dark have set the portal free

Justice! Let the scales deal harsh equality

Hanged man! Endure his foolish crucibles

Death! Let love burn to its silent end

Temperance! Reign over havoc, weal, and woe

Demons! Fear the vortex swallowing all

The tower! Tear it down with the wicked ones

The star! Rend dark paths to distant wars

The moon! Turn it on its head, reality's a lie

The sun! Worship the mercy that outshines sick truths

Judgement! Sound the trumpets to the empire's end

The world! Ah, how far away the ideal world!

Ah, how far away the eternal world!

Karma weaves fate into a third world
I know the road is unforgiving
And karma weaves fate into a third world
I know the road is unforgiving
He told me so, but I gave my word
Ah, how far away the ideal world!

He told me so, but I gave my word
Ah, how far away the ideal world!


あぶねぇ~っぞ毎日 姐さんがオイラをゴリゴ~リ

鍛えた筋肉見せて ウェイクアップビィ!

リンゴっとデストラクショーン ユアーマッチョビィ
リンゴっとデストラクショーン マチョビィアンドビィン

オッシャーッ! disってんじゃねーぞ オイラはドラゴン
やい 支配してやるぜーい 深い闇抱えて

リンゴっとデストラクショーン ユアーマッチョビィ
リンゴっとデストラクショーン マチョビィアンドビィン

The Ultimate

JP Title: ジ・アルティメット

Heaven's torn asunder,
and chaos tumbles down.

The world turns crimson. The stirring begins.
It thrashes, it crashes into the land.
And into the skies it rises.

In the empty skies is an inferno for me.
In the world beyond is redemption.

I weep alone in a world abandoned.

I weep alone in a world abandoned.

* Rebirth and destruction, here at my command.
* Rebirth and destruction, again and again.
* Repeat

Stay blue, stay blue, stay blue!
I've seen too much blood.
and the flames have charred me through.
Protect the sprawling blue.
Keep it ever clear and pure.

* Repeat

その威光 白金(しろがね)の如し
天地鳴動 咆哮轟く


果て無き旅路 光を追って 彼方を目指す
神話の終わりに 目を閉じ 新たな夢を見よう

Paradise Lost

I am what I am, but who am I?
Can't remember, brain tormented
Isolated, lost in my senses
Desecrated–aching, my spirit
Never, ever no–forever, this endless war
And yet, I bet, no regret, I could handle more

"Destroy it all..."

That call... So defined, so specific; carved on my mind, hieroglyphics
Ahhh... I get it. It's proof of the truth, the one darkest pact
No excuse to ensue, better chew–on that; the chronic track inflicting naked fact

It is what it is, but where are we?
World in my hand, palm of the damned
Chaos unleashed, the fall of man
Fallen belief–deceased, demon's command
Infernal, inferno, infamous malevolence
So evil, medieval, meticulous irreverence

"Destroy it all..."

You crawl with no vision; soul burned, cruel ambition imprisoned
But I'm proud to present my ascent, your torment: the dark prince
Ruler and ruled, king of delusion; mock me mortal? Final conclusion

Let me feel the power that could rip me to shreds
Can't last one more hour, how soon will I meet my end?
I can't return to those days that I've forgotten
But the memories fade, leaving me thinking...

How many times will my world revolve, future resolved, lost child in eternity, darkness evolved?

Doesn't matter much, deception: fated, anxiety: clutch
Clutch more souls–A few thousands to live, a few million's enough
'Nough. To become, to succumb, to crumble, to plunge, to feel the hatred
To grow numb

"Destroy it all..."

Parade's Lust

Ah hell, welcome to my feast, time to start the hedonism
Yes, tonight you take the lead, daddy won't stop your inhibitions
Just do what you want, do what you like
Release those desires, let ‘em go higher, show me your exhibition

Evil? Who, Me? You think so? Let’s see
People wanna judge—short-sighted at best—but what do they know about me?
Just look at your grudge, forget the rest; you don’t feel the debauchery?
If the eyes are the mirror to the soul, then I’m sold, so—
Oh? You got more to say? Then spit it out, feel it loud, go ahead, ask away

Love? In this life? Passion? Yeah, right
Ideals are cheap, takes a poor soul to fall for ‘em, poorer still to creep
‘Cause the world, this house, the bed you sleep, all of it’s corrupt
Erupt, down to the core, dirty hands for dirty love, searching for some kinda carnal release
We're all rotten underneath, down to the bone, inside of you, inside of me
Then again, no doubt it's hot, I'm into that kind of thing

(Oh yeah!) Bare your virtue, fake it if you like, I won't hurt you, try to keep me in line, angel
(Almost there!) Expose that soul, reveal it all, that's called growth, now we're talking, gentle, no?
(Harder, yeah!) We've arrived; abandon all your reason, embrace that instinct, with tears and sweat, and sweet, sweet treason
(Un! Ungh! Ungh...) Oof. Call me anal retentive, but I'm bored. Later

Ah hell, let's get to the finish line, welcome to my body-on-body parade
Go ahead, let your mind go, feel the fire between your thighs escalate
It's our hot white night, we can just melt away
Strip down to the skin, till you're ready to begin, and I'll fill the holes in your hate

Happy with your life right now? Sure, you might say so, raise a brow, but you know, how many fools, tools, live a life well endowed?
Gotta give it up if already you know joy, here's to good luck, here's one to your health!
But if you don't know pleasure, well it's whatever, forgive yourself, just try not to dwell
Yep, ah hell, don't think about a thing, just listen to me swell
It's just us, it's just, playing with our mouths together

Bow-chicka-wow-wow... Now bow chicka bow down.
* Repeat


Give praise, for he has no equal
Worship him. A god has been born unto the world
Cower in fear. He will not forgive any vice
Devote yourself. Your fate is all but written

What is a god? Omnipotence given form
For what, did he invoke creation? So life may thrive
Then what, meaning lies in life? What becomes of that question?

Come, watch your world drift into a vivid reality
Bring your will, ready yourself for supremacy
Black wings will reign down, fulfilling the skyborn prophecy
Life and death become one, the miserable and the blessed return to the void

Receive the twilight, witness as all creation twists into new form
Now, I call you, O grand chaos
I prostrate myself before you in this moment, grant my wish

Turn all, bind all until everything is black darkness
And I pray to you, for rebirth in pure, white splendor

Small Fish in a Small Pond

JP Title: この狭い世界で、ただ小さく

こころ穏やかに在れば いつも笑いあえる
そんなことを思ってたんだ ずっとね
明日も その次の日も

去りゆく同胞見遣り 滅びの足音聴く
やがて全て無に帰す 無常にただ膝をつく

 「色不異空」 移ろいゆく景色を見て
 「空不異色」 色づき朽ちる草木を見て
 「色即是空」 遍く生に祝福を
 「空即是色」 必定の死に喝采を

静かに生きたい でも儘ならない
緩やかな滅びの中でぼくらは やさしい歌うたう

例えば朝目覚めたら みんな出鱈目だった
ずっと ずっとずっとね

 「無有恐怖」 如何に解すやこの悟り
 「遠離一切」 有象無象が八面玲瓏
 「顛倒夢想」 心に残せよさすれば永遠

生きた輝き 決して絶えない
今際の際でぼくらの歌をやさしく 口遊もう君に

静かに生きたい ただそれだけ
緩やかな滅びの中でぼくらは やさしい歌うたう
さあほら 目を閉じて

 「羯諦羯諦 波羅羯諦」
 「波羅僧羯諦 菩提薩婆訶」


What makes the sky blue? Who was the first to ask?
Were they a fool, a sage, or just a lonely friend?
Why was this sky made? And where is the truth?
Staring at the clear expanse; I still don't understand this world

Red spills beneath my feet; blue covers the view ahead
What is real and what is fake?
I can't go on confused between the two
Now, show me your bravery, take flight with those transient wings
Now, throw away your pride, take the fight with brilliant scorn
Peace is long gone, unreachable by now;
it's too late for hindsight, too late to look back

At the end of fate, there ends the world
The birth of a new king; oh, my lonely friend,
come witness a new form
Witness the sight and what would you think?

Would you kneel for me?
Or would you go mad with jealousy?
Neither is my wish;
but whatever happens to you will satisfy me

Peace is long gone, unreachable by now;
it's too Late for hindsight, too late to look back

At the end of the fight is the end of the story
A new perspective, the reconstruction of history
What kind of dreams did you dream?
Would you tell me? Maybe I’ll make them come true
I can no longer stop
In this moment, my life will burn brilliant

My life will burn brilliant

Morning Light Hymnus

[Bass] It's too hard to describe, the million lonely nights without you
[Tenor] The darkness and the chill, I've shut my eyes to reveal what's left down inside

[B] Shadows fall at morning light, the bells of revelation ring ([T] For whom they toll!)
[B] Ears fall deaf as the sound grows, my Herald shall reclaim the throne ([T] Glory, be true!)
[T] Aa-aah, look upon me!

[T] Someday, we shall meet once more ([B] But how much longer must I wait?)
[T] Out there, in a parallel sky ([B] But by whose wings do you fly?)

[B&T] A sea of love, tides of hate, lie before us
[B&T] Drown in my soul, give yourself all to me, and wander no more

[T] I need you back beside me, hollow fool that I am
[T] Grant me just one wish I beg, please take your servant's hand...

[B] And when the night is reborn, the stars will tremble and fall in astral downpour

[B&T] Thus two as one, shall wreak vast, new creation
[B&T] A million nights could pass without a trace, so long as you're mine.

for you.

This section contains Dragon Language.
All lines inside square brackets are considered intelligible.

Lyrics without transcription are read normally.

eteramu ah eik
また生まれて 消えていく
atam eteramu ukieteik
ibatatuf etedi
幾度となく 滅んでいく
ukanotoduki ukiednoroh
atam ukiednoroh

ひたすら 繰り返して 
arusatih etiseakiruk
anustibi iakesonok edo
ひたすら 演算して
arusatih nazne etis 
歪に混ざりあった “潰えた可能性”
inustibi attairazam ateiust iesuonak

チクタク 時を刻みながら 覗き見る
tick tack ikot ow araganimazik urimikozon
数えきれないくらい 滅びに向かってる君を見た
iarukianerikeozak iniboroh urettakum imik ow atim
チクタク 時を刻みながら 繰り返す
tick tack ikot ow araganimazik useakiruk
決定的に足りない 嚙み合わない
iniketiettek ianirat ianawaimak
ajikesik adiarukianirato

火は猛り 水が凪ぐ
ih ah irekat uzim ag ugan
imay imukugah
土は鳴り 風爆ぜる
itust aw iran ezak urezah
irakih uruf
さあ、扉は開かれている 準備はいいかい
aas, aribot aw urieteraka ibnuj aw iakii
今より先へ行こう この理を越えて
iroyami ikas eh uoki onok ir ow eteok

ih ah irekato
uzim ag ugan
itust aw iran
ezak ag urezah
irakih isaret
imay umukugah

eteramu ah eik
また生まれて 消えていく
atam eteramu ukieteik
ibatatuf etedi
幾度となく 滅んでいく
ukanotoduki ukiednoroh
atam ukiednoroh

ひたすら 繰り返して 
arusatih etiseakiruk
anustibi iakesonok edo
ひたすら 演算して
arusatih nazne etis 
歪に混ざりあった “潰えた可能性”
inustibi attairazam ateiust iesuonak

チクタク 時を刻みながら 覗き見る
干渉しても また滅びに向かう君がいる
チクタク 時を刻みながら 繰り返す
決定的に足りない 嚙み合わない

急いで、さあ その運命の先へ行こう
さあ、“潰えた可能性”ごと 僕を貫いて

さよなら さよなら
aranoyas aranoyas

ありがとう 今の君
outagira ami on imik

ありがとう 今の君
outagira ami on imik

Hello はじめまして
Olleh etisamemijah

Hello はじめまして
Olleh etisamemijah