News:Game Announcement EN 5025

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  • Id: 5025
  • Importance: 1
  • Published date: 2021-05-22 05:00 JST
  • Game date: 05/22

Extra Drops Event Underway!

The Extra Drops event started at 5 a.m., May 22, 2021 (JST).

<img src="/assets_en/img/sp/banner/notice/news_dropup_5.png" width="274" height="121">


5 a.m., May 22–4:59 a.m., May 29, 2021 (JST)

  • The following quests are included:
  • • Yggdrasil Omega Showdown
    • Medusa Showdown
    • Yggdrasil Omega (Impossible)
    • Alexiel (Impossible)


    During the event period, the above quests will drop extra chests for the discoverer. They will also be able to drop new bonus loot chests.

  • Extra Chests for the Discoverer <img src="/assets_en/img/sp/banner/notice/news_dropup_2.png" width="274">
              The discoverer of the quests listed above will get double the item drops for each quest they complete. This includes even discoverer loot, MVP loot, and special loot.
  • Bonus Loot Chests <img src="/assets_en/img/sp/banner/notice/news_dropup_3.png" width="274">
                Bonus loot will drop from purple treasure chests, which will have an increased drop rate based on one's honors obtained in a raid.

    Unlike MVP loot, all participants in a raid will have a chance to obtain bonus loot.

    The discoverer can get up to two bonus loot chests, while other participants can get a max of one.

  • Thank you for playing,
    Granblue Fantasy Team