Scenario:Auld Lang Syne: Age of Tyranno - Opening

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Auld Lang Syne: Age of Tyranno - Opening

A young girl named Tyra has begun a reign of terror with an army of Tyrannosauruses, shaking people down for their pocket FRIED SHRIMPs. After getting word of the situation, Friday presents (Captain) with a custom FRIED SHRIMP outfit to sort out their prehistoric problem.

The Everlasting Premium Friday statue stands proudly.
Friday: May the glory of Premium Friday continue to bless the people and improve their quality of life.
It was through Friday's wish that the statue came to be.
Truly a miraculous creation, it delivers pocket FRIED SHRIMP to skydwellers far and wide on Premium Friday.
This anomaly of a creation was realized with the help of (Captain), who may or may not have been coerced to do so by Friday.
Pocket FRIED SHRIMPs are known to bring joy to their carriers, and can even be redeemed for treasure.
(Captain), perhaps feeling a little too blessed, donated the statue to the Alohas Super Resort, where it currently stands.
Friday: We'll need to place it somewhere everyone can see it!
Friday: I just hope it will bring a little extra joy to every visitor as the new centerpiece of Alohas!
As she expected, the pocket SHRIMP were a huge hit with visitors, and Alohas was abuzz with talk of these peculiar little prawns.
Naturally, however, over time the excitement over pocket SHRIMP would fade, leading to a more unforeseen incident.
Tyrannosaurus: Groooar!
Plucky Skyfarer: What the—a monster! Wait... Why does it feel like I've seen it before?
???: Hehehe... You'd best hand them over if you know what's good for you—
???: Your pocket FRIED SHRIMP, that is!
Stout Skyfarer: Fried... SHRIMP? Who's the degenerate in the pajamas—wait, it's just a runt?
Tyra: I'm not a degenerate! And I'm not a runt, either! And these pajamas rock, idiot!
Tyra: Don't even try to fool me or my Tyrannosauruses! You guys reek of oil!
Tyrannosaurus: Groooaaar!
Both: Aaargh!
The great monstrous beast takes the skyfarers into its gaping mouth, unleashing a terrible roar...
Tyrannosaurus: Ptooey.
...before spitting them out.
Plucky Skyfarer: Blegh... I'm fine, I think... Wait.
Stout Skyfarer: My bag feels a little lighter...
Tyra: Tyra, Tyra, Tyra! I knew you were hiding your pocket SHRIMP from me!
The dinosaur opens its mouth to reveal two pocket fried SHRIMPs.
Tyra takes them and holds them up proudly in the air.
Tyra: Tyra, Tyra, Tyra! I'm gonna be swimming in rupies now! Onward, my tyrannosaurus brethren!
Tyra: Tyra, Tyra, Tyra... we're headed off to Alohas!
Tyrannosaurus: Grooooar!
Stout Skyfarer: What the hell did they take anyway? It was a trinket or something from our trip to Alohas, wasn't it?
Both: I'm fine with that.
Tyrannosaurus: Grooooar!
Huang: Ngrah! What was that?
Bai: A monster? It's huuuge...
Tyra: Tyra, Tyra, Tyra! Cough up the pocket SHRIMPs now, girlies!
Huang: You know what she's talking about?
Bai: You mean this thing? Some lady named Friday really insisted that I took one...
Tyra: There it is! You'd best hand it over if you know what's good for—
Huang: Here you go.
Tyra: Wait, really?
Bai: Yeah. I think (Captain)'s got a whole bunch of them anyway.
Tyra: Th-that so? Don't mind if I do then...
Tyra: I mean, really though? It's a pocket FRIED SHRIMP, you know!
Cidala Sisters: Yeah, it's fine.
Tyra: H-huh... Thanks.
Tyrannosaurus: Ptooey.
Makura: Blergh... Ew, it's all sticky...
Harriet: Oh dear. I think I saw granny at the pearly gates for a moment there...
Makura: What the heck's the big idea, you little rascal!
Makura: You'd better get ready, 'cuz—
Harrington: General! The, uh, thing we received from Lady Friday! It's gone!
Harry: Totally gone... Betcha that weirdo nabbed it from us, you know?
Makura: Hey! I mean... Wait, what was it?
Harley: Who cares... Can we eat yet?
Makura: Oh, sorry! I promise I'll get you some yummy dumplings later, so just wait half a shake, okay?
Tyra: I have your precious pocket FRIED SHRIMPs now, silly bunnies! And what are you gonna do about it?
Harrington: I'm not sure why we'd even need something like that, so... I suppose you can go ahead and keep it.
Tyra: For real? Well, uh... Farewell then, I guess.
Makura: Who was that anyway?
Despite the widespread attacks, no one was particularly harmed, nor did they seem to care that their pocket FRIED SHRIMPs were taken from them.
The tyrannosaurus-clad girl has amassed a small fortune's worth of pocket SHRIMP.
Upon her arrival at Alohas, she lays claim to the corner where the Everlasting Premium Friday statue sits.
Tyra: Tyra, Tyra, Tyra! It's all mine now! I bet you're feelin' real sorry for yourselves now that I'm gonna strike it rich!
Alohas Employee: Oh, not at all. Please, take as many as you'd like.
Tyra: Wha...
Friday: What do you mean the Everlasting Premium Friday statue has been commandeered?
Alohas Employee: Yes, it isn't ideal, but agitating her may pose a risk to the guests staying here...
Friday: I suppose you're right. Alohas hasn't been getting as many guests as of late, and this would be an ideal place to detain her...
Friday: But this is simply unacceptable!
Friday: That pile of pocket FRIED SHRIMPs! Those don't belong to you, do they?
Tyra: Tyra, Tyra, Tyra! That's right! Now the blessings of Friday are all mine, and only mine!
Tyra: It's why I made these Tyrannosauruses in the first place! Now bask in our terrifying glory!
Friday: Such technological prowess!
Hold on a second, this Tyrannosaurus looks awfully familiar...
Tyra: That's right! Have you realized it yet? It's the Tyrannosaurus from that ancient, war-torn battlefield!
Tyra: And with the data collected from those Tyrannosauruses, I've... All for today, I've...
The tyrannosaurus-clad girl looks around as she delivers her speech to find that only Friday is listening.
Friday: What's the matter with you?
Tyra: I had a grand scheme all planned out, but... to be honest, I thought I'd get a bigger reaction from people, you know?
Tyra: Why are you the only one taking me seriously?
Friday: Ah... I suppose when the small joys of life are commonplace, they become taken for granted.
Friday: That's just how widespread and common Premium Friday has become, but alas, it does weigh on my heart indeed.
Friday solemnly nods to herself before suddenly looking up and directly pointing at Tyra.
Friday: But still! That doesn't mean I'm going to allow this to continue—you will leave these premises, even if I must use force!
Friday: And I just so happen to have someone prepared especially just for that task.
Friday: FRIED SHRIMP, roll out!
FRIED SHRIMP: Ffffryyyy!
And with those parting words, Friday hops on her massive prawn and leaves the scene.
Tyra: Uh... Someone prepared especially for what, exactly? Hello?
Tyrannosaurus: Groar...
Some time after the pocket FRIED SHRIMPs were taken, people begin to take notice of a change in the air.
Plucky Skyfarer: Premium Friday was supposed to be something special, wasn't it?
Stout Skyfarer: Now that you mention it, things have gotten pretty dull on Fridays ever since our pocket fried SHRIMPs were taken...
Huang: Yoowwwl... Sniff... Waaaaugh!
Bai: Do you have to be so loud, Huang? Also, you do realize that people can totally see your underpants in that thing.
Huang: Eep! No they can't, you weirdo!
Huang: Ngh... Premium Friday's been a total bust lately! Even feng shui isn't doing the trick! Meow what?
Bai: Lao Lao took my book away again too...
Bai: The latest volume in the Passionate Skyfarer series, "Crew of Passion, Intimate Affairs in the Open Sky"...
Harrington: General. Despite the occasion of Premium Friday, it would appear that that the seats are emptier than usual...
Makura: You're kidding! What's going on? We even had more people here yesterday, and that was a Thursday...
Harry: Maaaybe it has to do with those little trinkets that got taken, you think?
Makura: Hmm...
People begin to notice the downturn of recent Premium Fridays.
As for the final Premium Friday of the year, they've already lost hope.
Huang: What if the Final Premium Friday ends up being a total bust...
Bai: I won't be able to spend it together with (Captain)—not that we ever made plans.
As turmoil begins to spread throughout town, Friday pays (Captain) a visit.
Friday: Premium Friday's in danger, everybody!
Vyrn: Geez, what are you talkin' about all of a sudden?
Friday: I can hear them all, (Captain)!
Friday: Even on the most glorious weekday of them all, I can hear their lamentations throughout the skies!
Lyria: Everyone does seem a lot more down on Premium Friday recently...
Friday: And would you believe this? It's because of that dinosaur girl!
Vyrn: Dinosaur girl? You're not makin' sense...
Friday: Talking won't do us any good.
Friday: No, violence is clearly the answer here—for the people's sake!
Friday: We must act, quickly! Here, take these.
Lyria: Is this supposed to be... clothes?
Friday: It's an outfit made to combat gigantic monsters! And a FRIED SHRIMP specially for you, (Captain)!
FRIED SHRIMP: Frrryyyyy!
Friday: Behold... the perfect vision of peak battle performance! Created by yours truly in a single day!
(Captain) changes into the newly-received outfit from Friday.
Friday: You look absolutely lovely, dear! If looks could kill!
Friday: Now let's take them back together! The Everlasting Premium Friday statue and all the pocket FRIED SHRIMPs!
Friday: We want everyone smiling on the best Premium Friday of all time!
Huang: We're helping too, (Captain)!
Bai: Final Premium Friday is something for everyone...
Friday: That's the spirit! Let's move out, everyone!
Despite not being quite sure what to expect, (Captain) hops on the FRIED SHRIMP and heads for Alohas.