Scenario:Full Metal Man VII: The Last Mission - Chapter 5: Truth - Episode 3

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Full Metal Man VII: The Last Mission - Chapter 5: Truth - Episode 3

Against Anderson's wishes, President Jerome refuses to leave the premises. Seeing everyone fight, he believes he has done enough running and that it is time he stayed behind for his people. Seeing his conviction, Anderson is determined to protect everyone in Rie Famille as well. After fighting alongside the crew to defeat Socialis, they all run out the fortress together this time.

Erika: Oh no...
Lyria: You're not hurt, are you?
Yngwie: Hope a bit of wear and tear doesn't diminish my charm any... Nah, I'm a ladies' man through and through.
Lukav immediately redirects his gun from Erika to Yngwie.
Yngwie: Erika, go. (Captain) could use a hand.
Erika: O-okay!
After a moment's hesitation, Erika runs over to assist (Captain).
Lukav: General Anderson's with you too, huh.
Heinrich: If only you two had finished each other off... As I understand it, you two go a long way back.
Anderson: Heinrich? Why are you with Rie Famille's commander? What in the world is happening!
Struggling to make heads or tails of the situation, Anderson panics when he sees Socialis targeting the president and runs over to defend him.
Anderson: Mr. President!
Lukav: Wide open.
Lukav doesn't flinch for a second in pulling the trigger.
Yngwie: Nice try!
Yngwie deflects the bullet with his shield, allowing Anderson to reach the president.
Anderson: Mr. President! Are you okay?
President Jerome: Ah... Anderson!
Anderson: That's Socialis, isn't it! You released the seal on it?
Gran is the Main Character

(Captain) and Erika barely defend against Socialis's vicious attack.
Djeeta is the Main Character

(Captain) and Erika barely defend against Socialis's vicious attack.
President Jerome: Yes... I had no other choice...
Anderson: Why is Heinrich with Rie Famille?
President Jerome: Seems they colluded to have me awaken Socialis all along...
Anderson: Heinrich... Damn you!
Anderson: But more importantly...
Anderson: We have to escape! Mr. President, getting away from here should be our top priority!
President Jerome: But...
The president looks to his wound, then to those doing battle with Socialis.
Anderson: Are you hurt?
President Jerome: Yes, but I'll be okay... They gave me treatment earlier. I just need to sit still for a while.
Anderson: It's too dangerous here, Mr. President! We should go right away!
President Jerome: ...
President Jerome: No, I'm going to stay behind.
Anderson: Why!
President Jerome: Because they're fighting to protect us all...
Anderson: But they're traitors!
President Jerome: No, Anderson, they are citizens of Roanne.
Anderson: ...?
President Jerome: Every member of Rie Famille is a citizen of Roanne.
President Jerome: I abandoned my people and escaped to this floating fortress.
President Jerome: Am I going to repeat that once more, escaping to who-knows-where this time? Will I have any citizens left to govern?
Anderson: Mr. President?
President Jerome: Without the citizenry, my title is meaningless. Instead of asking what the people can do for me, I ask what I can do for the people.
President Jerome: And at the moment, that means staying here with them.
The president's fierce resolve on the matter renders Anderson momentarily speechless as he searches for the right words.
Anderson: Then give me your orders, Mr. President.
President Jerome: ...?
Anderson: Please use your role of commander in chief to order me.
President Jerome: You're wounded though...
Anderson: I am a soldier. No matter my wounds, I will carry out the orders I am given.
President Jerome: Very well...
President Jerome: General Anderson, I order you to protect our people!
Anderson: Yes sir!
Socialis: ...!
Vyrn: Crud! This big guy's no slouch! Whadda we do, (Captain)!
Erika: We might want to consider retreating... After all, there's no need for us to fight it here...
Erika: (Luka... Why?)
In the midst of battle, Erika turns for a second to see how Yngwie and Lukav are faring.
Socialis: ...!
Erika: ...?
Anderson: You will not touch her!
Socialis: ...!
Erika: G-General Anderson!
Anderson: I am under the president's orders to protect you all! Fall back, everyone!
Erika: Wha...
Anderson: Nwaaaagh!
With his shield raised, Anderson rushes Socialis and rams it all the way into the wall.
Vyrn: Geez, where does he get all that power!
Anderson: Now, skyfarer!
(Captain) is already on the move, landing a mighty blow on the anomaly stuck between shield and wall.
Gran is the Main Character

(Captain): ...!
Djeeta is the Main Character

(Captain): ...!
Socialis: ...
Vyrn: Yeah! How do ya like 'em apples!
Erika: Wow...
Lyria: Sorry... I wanted to help, but I was afraid the whole building might come crashing down...
Vyrn: Yeah, that thing broke the wall pretty easy earlier too. Considering how ancient this place is, I'd say you made the right call.
After confirming that Socialis is down for good, Anderson looks at (Captain).
Anderson: You're quite the skyfarer, aren't you.
Vyrn: Heheh, you can say that again! (Captain)'s no slouch either!
Anderson: Hm... So you're the captain of Yngwie's crew.
Anderson: Regrettably this is no time for salutations. There are plenty more Socialis clones to deal with.
Vyrn: Yeah, we noticed. That's the second one we fought!
Anderson: That is most reassuring to hear. Now then, shall we get going?
Anderson: Mr. President, what say you?
President Jerome: Yes, I'm ready too. Caroline, can you stand?
Caroline: "Yay! We're going on a trip!"
Erika: You guys go ahead. I'm going to get Lukav.
Anderson: Let me stop you right there. Leave him to Yngwie. Best for you to leave now with the rest of us.
Erika: What makes you say that?
Anderson: You're a commanding officer in Rie Famille, yes? Considering how chaotic things are, don't you think your men could use an update on the situation?
Vyrn: He's got a point, Miss Adjutant. It's too risky in here. Best to carry on outside.
Lyria: I'm sure Yngwie will talk some sense into Lukav. So please, Erika...
Erika: Okay then...
Anderson: Off we go. I look forward to fighting alongside you, (Captain).