Scenario:Gachapin, Mukku, and the Azure Adventure - Chapter 1: All Aboard the Airship - Episode 4

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Gachapin, Mukku, and the Azure Adventure - All Aboard the Airship

The Grandcypher successfully soars into the sky with (Captain) and company on board. After a fierce battle with Tiamat, they manage to calm the primal beast down. Rackam decides to join the crew as their helmsman.

Sensing Tiamat's presence, Lyria leads the group to the grasslands where the Grandcypher rests.
They search the area, but find nothing besides the dormant airship.
Gachapin: Hmm... No sign of Tiamat.
Lyria: This is just an idea, but... do you think it's possible that Tiamat is above us?
Katalina: You mean up in the sky? That's beyond our reach... I can't believe we've come this far just to hit a dead end.
Gachapin: I'm sure there's still a way! Right, Rackam?
Rackam: You betcha! Everyone, board the Grandcypher!
They follow Rackam's instructions and clamber on board the Grandcypher. Rackam grips the helm tightly.
Rackam: Sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm back now... And I'm following your lead into the sky!
Gachapin: Ooh, we're moving!
The Grandcypher soars majestically into the sky. Once airborne, the group spots something hovering ahead of them.
Tiamat: Gragh... Raghhh!
Gachapin: So this is Tiamat?
Lyria: Oh no... She's practically lost her senses! I can't believe she was pushed this far.
Rackam: Tiamat... Let's do this fair and square! Whether you're a god or a primal beast or whatever! No holding back!
Tiamat: Grr... Raaaaghhh!
(Captain) and the others steel themselves for a showdown against Tiamat to bring her back to her senses.
Wild with rage, Tiamat unleashes her full power on them.
Rackam: Ergh...
Vyrn: Rackam! You okay?
Rackam: Yeah... What about Tiamat?
Lyria: Everything's going to be all right. I absorbed Tiamat's overflowing energy.
Rackam: Heh... Geez, what a handful! Ouch...
Rackam: Dang it... Looks like I've cracked a few bones. My arms and legs just won't budge...
Rackam: At this rate, I won't be able to take the helm! The Grandcypher's gonna...
Gachapin: Don't worry!
Vyrn: Huh?
Gachapin: Don't worry about the ship! You've got me at the helm!
Rackam: Gachapin!
Gachapin: I kinda wanted to try steering the ship someday, so I watched reeeally closely when you were doing it! Heheh.
Gachapin: With the storm gone, I think I can take the wheel. I just have to head for that castle over there, right?
Rackam: Heh heh...
Vyrn: Huh? Rackam?
Rackam: Hahahaha! Geez... You lot are crazy! You've got me!
Rackam: You're right... There's no need to be all down and out over steering the ship.
Rackam: All right, then it's settled! I'm comin' with you guys on your journey through the sky!
Vyrn: Really!
Rackam: Besides, the Grandcypher seems to have taken a liking to (Captain) and Gachapin.
Soon after, (Captain) receives a letter from Sturm and Drang. The crew decides to follow the letter and pay a visit to the Valtz Duchy.
With a new member along for the ride, (Captain) and company set off for their next destination in good spirits.