Scenario:Yaia - A Promise is a Promise

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A Promise is a Promise

The crew meets Yaia, an innocent Draph girl. She says her dad is seriously ill, so she wants to go find a rare herb to cure him. Her dad is opposed because he's worried about her safety, but the crew convinces him to let her go.

(Captain) and company are searching the woods for a monster they have been asked to hunt down.
They lose their way but happen to run into the monster anyway. After a prolonged battle, they emerge victorious.
Vyrn: Phew... That was quite a surprise, but I'm glad we managed to win!
Lyria: Yeah! You can always count on (Captain)! Now we should be in time for dinner!
???: Yay!
Vyrn: Hold it, you two. Have you forgotten we're still lost here?
Lyria: Right... Sorry... I'm just so hungry...
???: My tummy is all rumbly...
Vyrn: Hmm... We need to find our way out of these woods before nightfall, but which way should we go?
???: That way! Let's go!
Vyrn: Oh, you know the way? You're quite a clever one... Um...
Vyrn: Wait a minute! Just who are you anyway? And when did you start tagging along with us?
???: Just a little while ago! You looked like you were having fun!
Lyria: Haha... So you thought you'd come and keep us company? What's your name, little miss?
???: Um... That's a secret! You'll never guess that I'm called Yaia!
Lyria: Okay... let's try and guess... This is a tricky one. Could I have a hint, please?
Vyrn: You know... Call me crazy, but I'm thinking her name might be Yaia.
Yaia: Wow! How did you guess it so fast! You're so clever, Mr. Gecko!
Vyrn: I'm no lizard! Wait... Whaddya mean by gecko?
Yaia: Tee-hee! I'm no lizard either!
Lyria: Hee-hee! What a strange little girl.
The crew finds Yaia's house after leaving the forest and decides to take a break there.
Yaia: I'm home!
Vyrn: Huh? It's already past sunset, but nobody's home. Did your family go somewhere?
Yaia: They're right here, silly! Now what shall we eat? How about... Yaia's special fried rice?
Lyria: That sounds good! Are you going to make it all by yourself, Yaia?
Yaia: Yep! I'll show you what I can do! Right, Charley Horse?
Charley Horse: ...
Vyrn: Um... That's an interesting name...
Yaia: Yep! Pretty cute, right? My dad's always yelling that he has a charley horse.
Lyria: Hee-hee! Sounds like this is a fun place to live!
Vyrn: Haha! Yaia's a friendly one—I'll give her that! I wanna meet her dad too!
???: Hey! Get away from Yaia! There's nothing worth stealing in our house!
Vyrn: Yikes! Calm down, buddy! We're not thieves!
???: A lizard? Yaia, who are these... Cough! Cough!
Yaia: Dad! You mustn't push yourself!
Lyria: Huh? You're Yaia's dad?
Father: Yeah... And there's no need to worry. I just went to see a doctor... So you people really aren't thieves?
Yaia: Nope! And Vyrn's not a lizard either!
Father: Hmm... He must be a gecko then.
Vyrn: I'm not a lizard or a gecko! We're skyfarers! Yaia here guided us out of the woods!
Father: Skyfarers, eh? Well you don't really look the part, so I guess you're still beginners.
Vyrn: Seriously? We're seasoned pros! We've even beaten primal beasts!
Father: What? P-Primal beasts?
Yaia: Really? Are you really for real?
Yaia: Please take me with you!
Lyria: Huh? That's a bit sudden... Why do you want to come with us?
Yaia: Um... Dad here is sick, but there's this plant that can cure him.
Vyrn: But what's a plant that can cure sickness have to do with primal beasts?
Father: Well... it's a bit of an unusual sickness. I need a special plant called a miracle herb.
Father: But I don't know where it grows. All I've heard about it is a rumor that it grows where a primal beast dwells.
Yaia: Please! Please! Pretty please! I want to find the plant!
Lyria: Okay! I'm sure we can work together to find it! Right, (Captain)?
  1. Of course!
  2. Can you behave yourself?

Choose: Of course!

Yaia: Yay! We're going to make you all better, Dad!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Can you behave yourself?

Yaia: Yep! I'm always well-behaved!

Continue 1

Vyrn: Welcome to the crew, little lady! Pops, you can leave the plant to us!
Father: ...
Father: You don't need to do that. So long as I rest, I'm sure I'll get better somehow. Now Yaia, could you make some food for me?
Yaia: Huh? But... But...
Lyria: Excuse me, but can I ask why you don't want us to look for it? Yaia is worried about you...
Vyrn: Hmm... It doesn't seem like you'd get better just by resting... Do you just not trust us?
Father: No, I... Cough! Cough!
Yaia: Dad! Are you okay?
Father: I'm fine... I just need to rest... Now can you make me some porridge?
Yaia: Um... Okay.
(Captain) brings the porridge to the sick man's room in place of the worried Yaia.
Father: I'm sorry about earlier. It's just that I raised Yaia all by myself...
Father: I've worked hard every day to make sure she doesn't get lonely. That way her mother can rest in peace...
Father: But it seems I'm almost at my limit. Today the doctor told me that I should go stay in the infirmary.
Father: Heh-heh... And fate would have it that on the very same day you all turn up.
Father: Can you promise to make sure Yaia isn't lonely? Finding the miracle herb is secondary.
Father: Ugh... I'm sorry, but I need to lie down for a while...
The next day, once the crew's preparations are finished, Yaia and her father come to see them off.
Yaia: Thanks for staying with us! It was fun!
Yaia: You'll come again, right?
Lyria: Um... Yaia...
Vyrn: Hey, (Captain). Isn't there something we can do? The way things are going...
Father: ...
  1. We'll keep the promise.
  2. Leave Yaia to us!

Choose: We'll keep the promise.

Father: Heh-heh... Okay then. I'm placing my trust in you, Captain!
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: Leave Yaia to us!

Father: Heh-heh... Don't forget your promise. I'm trusting you, Captain!

Continue 2

Yaia: Huh? What are you talking about? What promise?
Father: Haha. You're all ready to go on your big adventure, Yaia. I'm leaving the herb to you.
Yaia: Huh? Are you sure? But what about you?
Father: Haha! I'm going to rest at the doctor's infirmary until I get better, so just make sure you enjoy yourself out there!
Yaia: Yay! I'm going on an adventure! I'm going to find the herb for you, Dad! Just you wait and see!
Father: I know you will. Now make sure not to misbehave. You need to give the captain the same respect you would to me, okay?
Yaia: Hmm? The same respect... I give to you?
Gran is the Main Character

Yaia: Haha! So he's gonna be my new big brother! Yay!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yaia: Haha! So she's gonna be my new big sister! Yay!
Lyria: Hee-hee! You can count on us!
Vyrn: That's right! Keep hanging in there, pops!
Yaia: Bye-bye! I'll be back soon!
Thus Yaia journeys forth, her little hand trembling with determination and uncertainty as it clings to (Captain)'s sleeve.