Scenario:Yggdrasil - The Root of the Problem

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The Root of the Problem

Pommern is speaking with Adam in Mephorash when he receives news of the events unfolding in Lumacie Archipelago. Quickly gathering his troops, he travels to Lumacie and meets up with (Captain) and crew. The crew tell him that Yggdrasil remains trapped within the dark essence-afflicted island, and they are unable to penetrate the vines covering the island to rescue her. Hearing this, Pommern comes up with a plan.

While (Captain) and crew have their hands full with the bizarre events unfolding in Lumacie Archipelago...
Pommern arrives on Mephorash for official business.
Pommern: Here is the report on Agastia's current status.
Adam: Much appreciated. Queen Orchis and I will be sure to review it thoroughly.
Adam: I apologize for making you go out of your way to deliver it.
Pommern: No apologies needed. I consider it a part of my duties. Besides, I'm also here for the other matter I contacted you about...
Adam: I checked through our records on dark essence and Malice, but nothing of note stood out.
Pommern: Loki managed to get his hands on your records, I take it.
Adam: That, or no significant information was recorded in the first place.
Pommern: That is entirely possible. I do say, this is quite the conundrum.
Adam: Whatever his aims may be, it's true that dark essence is not a power to be trifled with.
Adam: Any information on it could be used by evildoers to wreak unspeakable harm.
Adam: It may not have been his intention, but perhaps destroying the evidence was the best outcome for the Sky Realm.
Pommern: That may be the case, and yet...
Adam: I understand your misgivings that even countermeasures against dark essence could have unknown consequences.
Adam: If only Freesia would regain consciousness and impart us with her knowledge... But unfortunately, her status has not changed.
Pommern: Sigh... We have hit a dead end then.
Adam: General, has a dark essence related problem occurred?
Pommern: No, no, nothing dire has happened. I was simply consulted on an issue...
Pommern gives a brief description of his time in Lumacie.
Pommern: Yggdrasil, the primal beast, saved one of my men.
Pommern: We owe her a great debt not only for her aid, but also for being the source of the problem plaguing her.
Pommern: Erste has changed for the better, and we must make amends for past mistakes.
Adam: I see... I feel the same way.
Adam: However, that doesn't mean your efforts must only be focused on dark essence, does it?
Pommern blinks in surprise at Adam's question.
Pommern: Whatever are you referring to?
Adam: Assisting (Captain)'s crew and keeping peace throughout Phantagrande...
Adam: Those kinds of actions also provide critical support.
Pommern: You make a logical point... Ensuring such actions are commonplace is the first step in restoring Erste's good name.
Pommern: I'm ashamed to say I didn't think of this until now...
Adam: Do not be. Dark essence is clearly an important issue that we must look into. I'll continue my own research in the meantime.
Pommern: Thank you very much. If that's all, I should—
Panicked Voice: General!
Pommern: What is the meaning of this interruption? I am in an important meeting with the prime minister! Disregard for decorum will not be tolerated!
Adam: It's all right. This seems to be urgent. Please, tell us what you've come to report.
Helpful Soldier: P-pardon me! We just received a message from the troops we left stationed in Lumacie Archipelago!
Helpful Soldier: Dark essence readings are off the charts, and vegetation matching what was seen during the Malice incident is covering the whole island!
Pommern: What? Tell me our soldiers are unharmed!
Helpful Soldier: Yes, sir, they've all finished evacuating and are observing the situation from a distance. General, what are your orders?
Pommern: We shall depart from Mephorash at once and rendezvous with the soldiers there!
Pommern: Adam, I do apologize for this unseemly departure...
Adam: Take the soldiers stationed here in the capital with you.
Adam: Many of them served as troops in Agastia. They'll be able to help.
Pommern: But they should be protecting Her Majesty—
Adam: She will be perfectly safe by my side.
Adam: It is not just us who wish to make amends for Erste—Her Majesty wishes for it as well.
Adam's declaration leaves Pommern speechless for a brief moment.
Pommern: Your consideration is much appreciated.
Is our ship ready?
Helpful Soldier: Yes, sir! We can take off as soon as you give the order!
Pommern: Very good! Once we've got our troops organized, we shall be off!
Soon after, the Erste battleship speeds away from Mephorash and into the sky.
Meanwhile, the Grandcypher idles a distance away from Lumacie Archipelago.
Rackam: Looks like the roots've stopped growing, but Yggdrasil's still trapped in there, right? What do we do?
Rosetta: I believe our only choice is to break through the roots...
Rackam: I don't disagree, but our weapons and magic probably won't put a dent in 'em...
Faced with what seems to be an impossible situation, the crew grows silent.
But the silence is soon broken by another presence.
???: I do saaay, cease your grumbling and pick yourselves up!
Lyria: That voice...
Rackam: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where'd they come from!
Rackam points at the large Erste battleship pulling up next to the Grandcypher.
Standing atop its deck with his head held high is none other than Pommern.
He hops down onto the Grandcypher, much to the crew's surprise.
Lyria: P-Pommern? Why are you here?
Pommern: I heard there was a spot of trouble occurring within Lumacie.
Pommern: As an Erste Kingdom soldier tasked with Phantagrande's safety, it was only natural for me to come.
Pommern: It's plain to see that this involves you lot somehow. Would one of you care to explain what's going on?
Rosetta: What you see before you is the result of the dark essence that's been sleeping deep within Lumacie's earth.
Rosetta: Yggdrasil's rapid increase in power spurred that essence into awakening once more.
Pommern: That... cannot be...
Rosetta: Yggdrasil is in the thick of it right now, doing her best to contain it...
Lyria: It's getting harder and harder to detect Yggdrasil as the dark essence grows stronger...
Pommern: Hmm... What are our options for entering and providing aid?
Rackam: We circled 'round the whole island. Nada. Not a hole big enough for even one person to squeeze through.
Rackam: There are a few places where the roots are kinda normal, but they're being closed up as we speak.
Rosetta: I'll bet Yggdrasil's behind that, trying to keep everyone else out of harm's way. She's far too kind for her own good...
Pommern: It's true that exposure to an excess of dark essence is quite harmful to the body.
Pommern: Do we not have any options available to us? Young lady—surely it would be simple to break through with your power.
Lyria: O-oh, yes, I think a primal beast could tear up the plants.
Lyria: But we'd probably hurt Yggdrasil and the island too if we did that...
Pommern: This is quite the pickle. I suppose it's time for my soldiers and I to bring out the big guns.
Rosetta: Are you hiding something up your sleeve, General?
Pommern: There is a way, though it may be a bit on the violent side.
Pommern, brimming with confidence, lays out his plan. As the crew listen, their eyes grow wide.

The Root of the Problem: Scene 2

Clutching the mementos of lost soldiers in her hands, Yggdrasil travels through the transformed forest. She runs into an image of herself, corrupted by dark essence. The image questions why Yggdrasil would aid the ones who hurt her in the past. Yggdrasil answers that she has learned, through her journey, not everyone in the empire wished to utilize dark essence, and now she wants to do what she can for the soldiers she killed. Drawing upon the last of her strength, she faces her corrupted image.

Yggdrasil walks alone through the transformed forest.
Her steps are hesitant—the roots and leaves twisted by dark essence leaves her bewildered beyond belief.
She is reminded of the stories she heard about a dream-like realm and wonders if this is what it must be like to travel through it.
Are her friends safe? She hopes they are. And what will happen to her at the end of this path?
She tries not to picture the worst by squeezing the priceless objects found in the palms of her hands.
Yggdrasil: ...
They are the mementos (Captain) had found earlier; the only unchanged objects in the forest.
Driven by the urge to deliver them to their rightful owner, Yggdrasil pushes on.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Manifesting out of thin air, a corrupted version of herself blocks the path before her.
???: ...
The apparition questions why Yggdrasil would help the same people that once poisoned her with dark essence.
Because of them Yggdrasil lost her sense of her duty as a primal beast. It's their fault she is now trapped in a precarious situation.
Yggdrasil: ...!
But Yggdrasil has learned much since seeing the outside world. She knows people don't always act with bad intentions.
Like how people don't drink with the intention of losing control and harming others.
Or how people don't just cut trees for a profit. They use the wood for daily necessities.
Not all of the imperial soldiers who harmed her wished to use dark essence.
They were forced to do things in order to survive.
She understands all of this now, because she was freed from her duty as a primal beast. She's actually grateful for it.
Yggdrasil: ...
Besides, she carries just as much guilt as the soldiers. She killed their friends and family, even though she never wanted to.
For all the aid they've given her, she wants to aid them in return.
Yggdrasil: ...!
That is why she will never give in to the corruption again.
???: ...
Nor will she give up.
She will take back all that's been lost and destroyed.
Yggdrasil: ...!
The poisoned forest squeezes its tendrils around Yggdrasil.
No more pure nature is left to defend her.
Yggdrasil: ...
Through the pain, she keeps her grip tight around the objects in her hands.
???: ...?
As a mysterious noise booms from a distance, the tendrils around Yggdrasil slacken.
She uses the last of her strength to rip herself away and stand up tall.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Her eyes are full of unwavering determination.

The Root of the Problem: Scene 3

(Captain) and crew, as well as the soldier Yggdrasil had saved, go with Pommern's plan to use the general's battleship and blow a hole through the root wall so that they may enter the island. Once in the forest, they come across Yggdrasil vying with the dark essence for control over the vegetation. Yggdrasil walks over to the soldier and hands over the mementos of the fallen soldiers she had found.

Vyrn doesn't react well to Pommern's plan.
Vyrn: Old man, you seriously think bombardin' the island's a good idea?
Pommern: I beg your pardon! I am nowhere near as old as you think I am! And if you have any other options, I'd like to hear it.
Pommern: Otherwise, our battleship is loaded with the right batteries to pierce straight through those roots.
Rackam: He's got a point. The Grandcypher doesn't exactly have that kinda firepower...
Lyria: But won't that damage the island too?
Rosetta: I don't believe that level of firepower will cause significant harm.
Rosetta: Trust me. I experienced firsthand what the army can do, back when I protected the island before.
Lyria: Oh, yeah! The forest was fine then, wasn't it?
Pommern: There you have it—a perfectly safe bombardment, guaranteed. I assume your concerns are assuaged.
Rackam: So the old dude's ship unloads, punches a hole through the roots, then (Captain) leads the charge in.
Rackam: Sounds crazy, but I have a feeling it might just work.
Rosetta: I'd like to make a request before we commit to this.
Pommern: Let us hear it.
Rosetta: Once we enter the forest, I want you to continue attacking the dark essence-tainted vegetation.
Rosetta: The more dark essence that is destroyed, the easier life will be for Yggdrasil.
Pommern: May I ask how we are supposed to know the difference between tainted and untainted vegetation?
Rosetta: It's simple. The tainted plants will try to kill you.
Rosetta: They'll be up in arms as soon as the bombardment starts.
Pommern: I suppose that makes an alarming amount of sense.
Rosetta: Hehe... Thank you in advance, General. (Captain), let's get ready.
  1. Time for a search and rescue!

Choose: Time for a search and rescue!

As the crew exchanges encouragement, Pommern quietly clenches his fist in determination.
Pommern: You wish to join the infiltration group?
Helpful Soldier: Yes, sir! Would it be possible for me to aid that crew as extra protection?
Pommern: You do fully understand the perils of such a course, don't you?
Helpful Soldier: Yggdrasil risked her life to save mine. I'm not afraid to do the same. Besides, I heard this all happened because they were searching for signs of my brother...
Helpful Soldier: I'm at least partially responsible for this situation. Please, let me make up for it as much as I can!
Pommern: Sigh... Did you forget you're still awaiting discipline for disobeying orders?
Helpful Soldier: I... I have not, sir.
Pommern: Good. Join the crew and make sure you return safely. We can't have you skipping out on your punishment.
Helpful Soldier: Yes, sir! Thank you, General!
Helpful Soldier: I swear I'll protect the crew and save Yggdrasil!
Pommern: Is the artillery ready?
Erste Soldier 1: Preparations are complete, sir!
Pommern: Excellent! Give the starting signal!
Erste Soldier 2: Yes, sir!
Lyria: Oh, they gave the signal!
Rackam: Time to roll! Grab onto something, everyone, 'cause this is gonna be one bumpy ride!
Rackam spins the steering wheel just as the battleship starts to fire.
The Grandcypher speeds off, rapidly approaching the island. A moment later the artillery tears a large hole through the root wall.
With a masterful turn and drift, Rackam stops the ship close enough for (Captain) and friends to hop off.
Rackam: I gotta get outta the line of fire for now, but if you need me, I'll come a flyin'!
(Captain) gives Rackam a nod, then turns around to enter the forest.
The infiltration group carefully marches through the transformed forest.
Vyrn: Urgh... Somethin' ain't right about the air here...
Helpful Soldier: Yeah, my body feels heavy for some reason... My dark essence reader is going crazy too.
Rosetta: The second things grow dire, you should run. Don't worry about us—we're used to craziness.
Helpful Soldier: I appreciate the concern, but there's strength in numbers. I'm still physically fit—
A vine erupts from the earth and whips itself at the soldier, who dodges away at the last moment. Upon missing, it retracts back into the ground as quickly as it had come.
Helpful Soldier: That was close... Was that a plant of some kind?
Rosetta: It appears our presence has been noticed. (Captain), proceed with caution.
Looking carefully around, (Captain) stands protectively in front of Lyria.
But the group is completely unprepared for the spindly fissures suddenly forming beneath them.
Vyrn: Okay, this is not good!
Rosetta: Watch out!
Rosetta barely finishes her warning before multiple vines shoot out of the ground.
(Captain) prepares to defend against the onslaught.
Lyria: Th-they... stopped?
But the vines freeze in place right before they can land their strikes.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: Yggdrasil!
Looking rough around the edges, Yggdrasil emerges from behind a tree and gives the group a smile.
Lyria: Thank goodness you're okay! Were you the one who saved us just now?
Rosetta: I believe so. It appears she's slowly wresting control of the forest back from the dark essence.
Vyrn: Does that mean she can get everythin' back to normal soon?
Rosetta: No. The dark essence is still maintaining itself.
Rosetta: It's a battle for control at the moment.
Yggdrasil: ...
Yggdrasil approaches (Captain) and company on unsteady feet.
Noticing the presence of the soldier, she extends the objects she had been clutching within her hands.
Helpful Soldier: Are those...
A fragment of armor. A silver-colored shard. A wooden doll wrapped in a hand-knit handkerchief.
With shaking palms, he takes in the weight of the long-lost mementos.

The Root of the Problem: Scene 4

After giving the mementos over, Yggdrasil hears the voices of everyone in Lumacie fighting for her sake. Wishing to protect all of them, she summons newfound power from within herself and banishes the dark essence, returning the island to the way it was before. With no one seriously harmed and the island saved, Pommern, his soldiers, and the crew go to Agastia and enjoy a meal at Pommern's favorite oden stand.

Shoulders shaking, the soldier stares at the objects in his hands.
Helpful Soldier: You had your plate full of trouble, but you still found the time... Thank you... Thank you so much...
Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil gives him her best smile through the pain.
Rosetta: You won't let the same tragedy befall anyone else.
Rosetta: That's why you're doing everything you can to beat back the dark essence and grow stronger.
Rosetta: Because that's who you are. You haven't changed a bit since the time we first met... Well, besides growing plenty strong already.
Yggdrasil: ...!
The oppression of the invasive dark essence can't stem the tide of Yggdrasil's overwhelming resolve.
Lyria: Everything will be fine! We know you can do it, Yggdrasil!
Vyrn: You've pulled us outta a ton of tight spots! You got this!
Helpful Soldier: Do you hear the explosions? The general and the others are fighting too! We can win this!
  1. We're right behind you!
  2. Let's finish this and go shopping again!

Choose: We're right behind you!

Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil beams as she hears (Captain)'s words of encouragement.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Let's finish this and go shopping again!

Yggdrasil: ...!
Yggdrasil beams and enthusiastically nods her head.

Continue 1

It is not just the support of her friends that uplifts her. Yggdrasil hears the voices of everyone around Lumacie.
Pommern: I do say... I wonder how everything is going on the island...
Erste Soldier 1: General! The vegetation's pushing us back!
Erste Soldier 2: We've got troops on the ground, but there's no end to the plants—
Pommern: I will not hear another word of negativity! The crisis we face is of Erste's own making!
Pommern: On our honor as Erste's military, we shall rectify our country's mistakes! Spare no effort!
Erste Soldier 3: Damn, even fire's not working!
Erste Soldier 4: Keep it together! If we let 'em push through us, they'll nab the ship!
Erste Soldier 3: But we're vastly outnumbered...
Erste Soldier 4: What was that?
Rackam: Waitin' around just ain't my thing! I'm here to help!
Rackam: Just hang in there a little longer and my captain's gonna have this situation sorted, promise!
All over the island, people are fighting for Yggdrasil's sake.
They believe in her, despite her past failures in holding the dark essence at bay.
Yggdrasil: ...!
The desire to protect them all spurs her into action.
Vyrn: Yggs is glowin' again! Is the dark essence finally gettin' to her?
Lyria: No, this is very different from that dark power! It's much warmer... Stronger too! It's her own strength at work!
The heaviness in the air around them dissipates as the light coming from Yggdrasil fades.
Helpful Soldier: Dark essence readings are dropping dramatically! I can't believe what I'm seeing...
Rosetta: Becoming a vessel powerful enough to contain even dark essence...
Rosetta: Hahaha, you truly are amazing, my dear.
Yggdrasil blushes and looks away in embarrassment at Rosetta's praise.
Gone is the pain that had been plaguing her features. Instead she smiles like a flower in full bloom.
Pommern: Goodness gracious... The situation seems to be handled from the looks of it.
Erste Soldier 1: Sir, all fighting has ceased. We've also received no reports of injuries from the troops on the ground.
Pommern: That is good to hear. What about everyone who entered the forest?
Erste Soldier 2: They've just returned, along with the primal beast Yggdrasil!
As if on cue, (Captain) and company make their way toward Pommern.
Pommern: I'm afraid you've boarded the wrong ship. The Grandcypher is over there.
Rosetta: My dear Yggdrasil wanted to thank you in person.
From Rosetta's side, Yggdrasil gives Pommern a deep bow.
Pommern: No thanks are necessary. We were simply rectifying a past mistake.
Rosetta: Hehe, so you say.
Behind the crew, soldiers from the ground are returning to their ship.
Erste Soldier 3: I honestly thought we were done for... Sure got rusty since we've only been guarding Her Majesty lately.
Erste Soldier 4: Back when we were an empire, we got put on crazy duties like this all the time...
Erste Soldier 1: Haha, brings back memories, doesn't it? Once we got the job done, we'd go visit the food stalls and have a pint or two.
Erste Soldier 3: Working in Mephorash has got its perks, but I sure miss Agastia's oden stalls.
Pommern: Then why don't I treat everyone to some oden, as a reward for today?
Erste Soldier 4: Are you serious, General? There's... a lot of us to treat, y'know...
Pommern: Who do you think I am? I could buy every single one of you breakfast, lunch, and dinner without issue if I wished!
While the soldiers chat excitedly among themselves, Yggdrasil curiously watches from the side.
Pommern: Why do I feel the weight of a stare?
Rosetta: My dear couldn't help but be interested in oden after hearing you talk so passionately about it.
Pommern: In that case, I suppose you should join us as well.
Hungry for grub, the battleship and Grandcypher chart a course for Agastia.
Oden Stallkeeper: Here's your daikon.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: She quite enjoys the tenderness of the ingredients found in oden. It makes it very easy to eat.
Lyria: Mmm... This bonito broth is just the best!
Vyrn: I totally get why the soldiers wanted to come here right after wrappin' up work.
Rosetta: Oden is very nutritious too. I could definitely see myself coming here more often.
Oden Stallkeeper: You're more than welcome to. This oden wouldn't be what it is now if you hadn't helped out with the secret port back then.
Oden Stallkeeper: Here's your chikuwabu, by the way.
Yggdrasil: ...!
Rosetta: Haha... She says she needs to eat as much good food as she can in order to grow stronger.
Vyrn: Now that sounds like the Yggs we know and love!
Lyria: Let's all learn more new things and get stronger together!
The crew laugh together as their hungry member eagerly sets her sights on a new goal.
Meanwhile, the Mephorash soldiers toast their pints together and enjoy their nostalgic meal.
Off to the side, Pommern sits next to his helpful soldier.
Pommern: So these are what Yggdrasil managed to gather in the forest?
Helpful Soldier: Yes. I was hoping we could identify who these objects once belonged to...
Pommern: It might take a while, but I shall do what I can.
Pommern: Did she find anything that was your brother's?
Helpful Soldier: Yes... My mother knitted this handkerchief. Seems like he kept it with him until the very end.
Pommern: Is that so...
Pommern: Before I forget, there's still the matter of your punishment.
Helpful Soldier: Y-yes, sir.
Pommern: Breaking protocol is a severe offense. You'll need to be placed under house arrest.
Helpful Soldier: I see... I understand.
Pommern: You will not be allowed to work for the duration of your confinement.
Pommern: So for the time being, go home and take care of your parents.
Helpful Soldier: Sir... Yes, sir!
Pommern: The alcohol must be quite strong today... Stallkeep, I'll have another round and some daikon.
Oden Stallkeeper: Comin' right up.
Pommern pours his helpful soldier some more drink, then looks over to the others.
At the sight of Yggdrasil, surrounded by good food and good company, he can't help but crack a small smile.