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Menu Voice Lines |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Recruit |
Home Screen |
ねえねえ!私、もっと色んな島に行ってみたいな! |
Hey, hey! I wanna go and see even more different islands! |
そうだ!団長さんにもかわいいあだ名、考えてあげよっか! |
That's right! I've gotta think up a cute nickname for you too, Captain! |
プロデューサーは、私を輝かせてくれる大事な人なんだ |
The Producer is the one who really made me shine; he's very important to me. |
Add to Party |
よしっ! |
Okay! |
ゴーゴー! |
Go, go! |
楽しくいこーう! |
Go have some fun! |
Uncap |
未央ちゃんタイムだよ☆ |
It's Mio-chan's time☆ |
Journal |
みんなー!ノッてるかーい!? |
Everyooone! Are you on board!? |
スポットライト、カモーン! |
Come on, spotlight! |
ワクワクしてきたぁ! |
Now I'm shaking with excitement! |
EM Lvl Up |
未央ちゃんにお任せだよ! |
Leave it to Mio-chan! |
EM Perk Lvl Up |
うんうん、いい感じっ! |
Yeah, yeah, what a feeling! |
私に任せなさーい♪ |
Just leave it to meeee♪ |
Battle Voice Lines |
Action |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Normal Attack |
それっ |
There! |
えーい |
Hey! |
ばきゅーん |
Ka-boom! |
Enemy Defeated |
決まったぁ! |
That does it! |
Skill 1 |
カモン!シューティングスター! |
Come on! Shooting Star! |
Skill 2 |
ほらほら笑顔、忘れてるぞっ |
Hey, hey, you're missing this smiling face! |
Skill 3 |
燃やせ、友情! |
Burn, with friendship! |
C.A. Ready |
全力だよ! |
I'm at full power! |
Charge Attack |
未央ちゃんに見惚れないでね!トリプルスター! |
Don't you drop everything to stare at Mio-chan, now! Triple Star! |
Skip Charge Attack |
トリプルスター! |
Triple Star! |
Damage Taken |
Red HP |
むぅ…なかなかやりますな |
Mm... You did it so easily... |
Knocked Out |
力が入りすぎちゃったかなぁ |
I got way too into it... |
Debuffed |
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs: - |
Under turn-based damage debuffs: - |
Healed |
Join Battle |
よーし、勝負だー! |
Oookay, let's start the match! |
Victory |
私のステージ、見ててくれた? |
Won't you come see me onstage? |
Turn Start |
MC Defeats Enemy |
MC C.A. Ready |
MC Red HP |
MC Knocked Out |
Final Uncap
Menu Voice Lines |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Uncap |
Battle Voice Lines |
Action |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Normal Attack |
ばきゅーん |
Ka-boom! |
バン! |
Bang! |
ていっ! |
Tei! |
Enemy Defeated |
いえ~い! |
Ya~y! |
Skill 1 |
カモン!シューティングスター! |
Come on! Shooting Star! |
This is the same as her non-uncapped line. |
Skill 2 |
ほ~らほら~、元気出していこ! |
Hey, hey now, stay lively! |
Skill 3 |
輝け流星! |
Shine, Falling Star! |
C.A. Ready |
とことん盛り上げてくよ~! |
I'm piling on absolutely everything I've got! |
Charge Attack |
未央ちゃんのとっておきだよ!シックススター! |
Now, Mio-chan's secret weapon! Six Star! |
Skip Charge Attack |
シックススター! |
Six Star! |
Damage Taken |
Red HP |
失敗しちゃったぁ…ごめん… |
I messed up... Sorry... |
Knocked Out |
ううっ、あとは任せたぁ…!ガクッ |
Ahhh, I leave the rest to you... Swoon! |
Debuffed |
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs: - |
Under turn-based damage debuffs: - |
Healed |
This is the same as her non-uncapped line. |
Join Battle |
ヘイヘーイ!レッツパーリー! |
Hey heeey! Let's party! |
Victory |
未央ちゃんの大勝利!いぇい! |
A huge victory for Mio-chan! Yay! |
Turn Start |
This is the same as her non-uncapped line. |
MC Defeats Enemy |
This is the same as her non-uncapped line. |
MC C.A. Ready |
This is the same as her non-uncapped line. |
MC Red HP |
This is the same as her non-uncapped line. |
MC Knocked Out |
This is the same as her non-uncapped line. |
Chain Burst
Chain Burst Voice Lines |
Applicable Characters |
Uzuki Shimamura Rin Shibuya Mio Honda Mika Jougasaki Mizuki Kawashima Miku Maekawa Anzu Futaba Koume Shirasaka Kanako Mimura Rika Jougasaki Airi Totoki Sachiko Koshimizu Miria Akagi Anastasia Ranko Kanzaki Minami Nitta Shiki Ichinose New Generations Kaede Takagaki
Chain StartThis line only plays when the game language is set to Japanese. |
Japanese |
English |
Notes |
Play |
いくよ! |
Element |
Chain |
Japanese |
English |
Notes |
Play |
Fire |
2 |
レッドデトネーション! |
Red Detonation! |
3 |
紅蓮のコラプション! |
Crimson Corruption! |
4 |
プロミネンスフレア! |
Prominence Flare! |
Water |
2 |
ブルーデトネーション! |
Blue Detonation! |
3 |
霧氷のイルミネート! |
Ice Illumination! |
4 |
アブソリュート・ゼロ! |
Absolute Zero! |
Earth |
2 |
アースデトネーション! |
Earth Detonation! |
3 |
地絶のパルヴァライズ! |
Quaking Pulverization! |
4 |
ディアストロフィズム! |
Diastrofism! |
Wind |
2 |
エアロデトネーション! |
Air Detonation! |
3 |
乱壊のテンペスト! |
Tempest! |
4 |
バーストゲイル! |
Galeburst! |
Light |
2 |
アークデトネーション! |
Light Detonation! |
3 |
雷電のエラディケート! |
Lightnic Eradication! |
4 |
アセンション! |
Ascension! |
Dark |
2 |
カオスデトネーション! |
Chaos Detonation! |
3 |
奈落のフォールダウン! |
Oblivion Fall! |
4 |
ケイオスタイド! |
Tide of Chaos! |
Character Banter
Battle Voice Lines |
Action |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Skill 1 |
島村卯月「さすがだね」 |
Skill 2 |
島村卯月「元気でたよ、未央ちゃん」 |
Skill 3 |
島村卯月「えへへ、さすがだね」 |
C.A. Ready |
島村卯月「うん!」 |
Charge Attack |
Red HP |
島村卯月「だ、大丈夫!?」 |
Knocked Out |
島村卯月「うん、私頑張るよ!」 |
Join Battle |
島村卯月「うん!全力で行こう!」 |
Victory |
島村卯月「えへへ、頑張りました!」 |
Battle Voice Lines |
Action |
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. |
EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. |
Notes |
Play |
Skill 1 |
渋谷凛「いい感じだね」 |
Mio: "Come on! Shooting Star!"
Rin: "Ah, that looks really nice." |
Skill 2 |
渋谷凛「フォローありがとう」 |
Mio: "Hey, hey now, stay lively!
Rin: "Thanks for the backup." |
Skill 3 |
渋谷凛「さすが」 |
Mio: "I'm shooting sparks aaall over!"
Rin: "Great as always! |
C.A. Ready |
渋谷凛「オッケー!」 |
Mio: "Let's finish this together!"
Rin: "Okay!" |
Charge Attack |
Red HP |
渋谷凛「しっかりしてよ!」 |
Mio: "Owww... I've done it now..."
Rin: "Hold on!" |
Knocked Out |
渋谷凛「大丈夫、後は任せて」 |
Mio: "Sorry, Shiburin..."
Rin: "It's okay, leave the rest to me." |
Join Battle |
渋谷凛「私たちの力、見せよう」 |
Mio: "Sorry to keep you waiting, Shiburin."
Rin: "Let's show our strength." |
Victory |
渋谷凛「ふふっ、プロデューサーが見たら、何て言うかな?」 |
Mio: "We won!"
Rin: "Ha ha, what would the Producer say if he could see us now?" |