Main Quests/Story/Chapter 2

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Phantagrande Skydom - Port Breeze Archipelago
Angads Highlands (East)
Angads Highlands (East)
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These tabs contain full Main Quest cutscene scripts. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 1

Rackam explains the sky betrayed him when he crashed the Grandcypher airship on the highlands, vowing never to fly again.

The party has finally tracked down Rackam, the peerless helmsman.
But Rackam explains that he's no longer interested in returning to the skies.
Rackam: So that’s that. My flying days are over.
Katalina: But… why’s that?
Katalina: According to the townsfolk, you’ve been interested in airships and flying ever since you were a child.
Vyrn: Yeah! You even said it yourself! You heard him, right, (Captain)?
Vyrn: I mean, you must’ve trained like crazy to be a helmsman. Why would you throw all that away?
Rackam: Good grief! One at a time, guys. One at a time…
Rackam: Listen here. The sky’s done with me so I’m done with the sky. That’s all there is to it.
Katalina: The sky’s done with you?
Rackam: You guys saw it, right? The crashed airship back there.
Rackam: It’s been there for ages. A wreck without an owner.
Rackam: I crawled over every inch of that thing when I was a tyke, fixing it up. Swore I’d get it flying again...
Vyrn: Wait. You fixed it? But it looked like a wreck!
Rackam: You’re not wrong. It lifted me up and threw me back down to the ground just as quickly.
Lyria: You crashed… Is that why you gave up on flying?
Rackam: Yeah… Felt like I was betrayed.
Rackam: I had an expert technician handle repairs and worked like mad to get my piloting skills up to speed. I just knew I was ready...
Rackam: But the Grandcypher came crashing down… along with all my hopes and dreams.
Vyrn: That just sounds like you had bad weather or something… Right, (Captain)?
  1. Yeah! Bad weather!
  2. Or lack of training?

Choose: Yeah! Bad weather!
Rackam: They don’t call it Port Breeze for nothing. The weather here’s great all year round thanks to the island’s guardian.
Rackam: No way a gust is going to make an airship come crashing down ‘round these parts.

Choose: Or lack of training?
Rackam: Ha-ha! Didn’t they tell ya? I was a real ace of a helmsman!
Rackam: I had no doubt in my ability… until they sky betrayed me.
Continue 1
Rackam: Anyway, the time for talk is over. We gotta go warn the town the empire’s coming.
Rackam: No way they can get away with what they’re trying to pull!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 1: Scene 2

(Captain) and the others draw nearer to the town, but Rackam turns back, refusing to fight the empire.

Vyrn: Whoa! I can see the town!
Rackam: Oh yeah? Good then! You guys can take it from here. I’m heading back to my hideout.
Katalina: Wait just a minute! Aren’t you going to help the townspeople fight back against the empire?
Rackam: Hey, I’m already helping you find your way back to town to spread the word.
Rackam: But I’m not sticking my neck out for anything but that airship of mine… the Grandcypher.
Katalina: So you’re saying… a ship’s more important to you than the lives of innocent people?
Rackam: What I’m saying is I only protect what’s dear to me. I’m not about to die fighting the empire.
Rackam: Watch out or those bleeding hearts of yours are gonna leave you bleeding out. Literally!
Katalina: There are lives at stake! How can you just ignore them when they’re right in front of you?
Lyria: Katalina! Take a deep breath...
Rackam: Listen… Just try not to do anything you’ll regret.
With these parting words, Rackam turns on his heel to leave.
Katalina: As if I’d ever regret this… I’ve no more room for regret.
Vyrn: Let’s just hurry up and go! We’ve still got monsters to take care of on the way into town!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 2

On the way to town, (Captain) and the others meet a witty Erune man and a terse Draph woman who are working for the empire.

Katalina: Whew... We're almost to the outskirts of town.
Lyria: Yep! We've got to hurry and warn the townspeople about the empire!
???: Why, hello there! How are you this lovely day, my dear fugitives?
???: They look fine. They're not even hurt...
Vyrn: Who are you? Imperial lackeys?
???: Bingo! You, my fine lizard friend, are a genius! How'd you like an apple?
Vyrn: Nghh... Like I'd even want one of those! No way I'd take a sweet, crispy, juicy...
Lyria: Vyrn, you're drooling!
???: Ha-ha! We have an apple fan on our hands! Luckily I have a whole bucketfu—
???: Ow!
???: Enough with it, Drang. Waste any more time and I'll slice you up.
Drang: Okay, okay, Sturm! I get it! Now stop poking me with your—
Drang: Ow!
Katalina: Look, we're in a hurry. If that's all you came to say, then can we be on our way now?
Sturm: Absolutely not. Drang!
Drang: Sure thing. So, my dear fugitives, I have a favor to ask of you...
Lyria: A favor? If it's something we can do, then sure. I guess...
Drang: You're quick on the uptake! Accept this sweet treat as your rewa—
Drang: Ow! I've been stabbed again!
Sturm: Humph... You're on your way to warn the town of the empire, aren't you?
Katalina: That's correct. So?
Sturm: We'd rather you didn't. It'll be so much easier without their resistance.
Katalina: And you think we'll do this favor for you?
Sturm: Are you saying you won't?
Drang: Now those are some scary faces! Don't you scowl like that, little lady, or your face might freeze!
Lyria: Okay. If you say so...
Drang: Good girl! Perhaps you'd like a marshmall—
Drang: Ow!
Sturm: We're leaving, Drang.
Drang: Wait, Sturm! Don't leave me here!
Vyrn: What was that about?
Katalina: A warning from the empire, I guess. Let's hurry, but be extra careful.

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 2: Scene 2

As (Captain) and the others near the town, the number of monsters increases. Eager to repay the people who helped them earlier, they trudge on.

Vyrn: What's the deal! The town's right there, but we're seeing even more monsters.
Katalina: There are records that say the Grim Basin is responsible for putting monsters in a frenzy...
Katalina: But not even the empire knows why so many monsters have appeared in recent years.
Vyrn: So everything outside of town is pretty much a danger zone, huh?
Lyria: But the people of that town helped us back at Siero's shop when we needed it most.
Katalina: Indeed. We owe them a lot. And there's no better way to pay them back than by stopping the empire in its tracks, (Captain).

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 3

Sturm and Drang use Rackam as a bartering chip to get (Captain) and the others to leave the island. But they refuse to leave him behind.

Drang: Why, hello! I see you've been quite bubbly in my absence...
Drang: Ow!
Drang: Sturm! I am stabbed by you yet again! Why?
Sturm: You said something that annoyed me. As usual.
Drang: And your only outlet is to make me into a pincushion?
Vyrn: You guys again!
Katalina: Ask as much as you like. But we've no intention of doing you any favors.
Drang: Nope! You've got us all wrong! We're not here for any favors this time.
Sturm: We're here to make a trade... for this man's life.
Rackam: Humph...
Katalina: Rackam! What happened?
Drang: He was caught red-handed, trying to sneak into town!
Drang: How foolish! We knew of your spying ears, so naturally we set out our own spying eyes!
Rackam: Oh, shut it already...
Drang: Let's cut to the chase, hm? We'll give you a minnow of an airship and you swim, swim, swim away from this island! Okay?
Lyria: (Captain)...
Katalina: I don't even need to ask what you'll say, do I, (Captain)?
Vyrn: Got that right! Simple question, simple answer!
Katalina: Agreed... Sorry, Drang, but we're going to have to send you off!
Drang: Oh, deary me! And yet more foolish lives are lost...
Lyria: We'll save both the villagers and Rackam! No one's going to lose their lives to the empire!
Vyrn: Let's roll, (Captain)! We're gonna send 'em crying to their mommies!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 3: Scene 2

Rackam is hauled away and Sturm grabs hold of Lyria. But a piercing shot turns the tables in favor of (Captain) and the others.

Vyrn: This is bad, guys. I don't see Rackam anywhere!
Sturm: He'll be fine. He's been taken away by one of our finest units. More importantly...
Lyria: Eep!
Katalina: Lyria!
Sturm: You let your guard down. So we'll start with this little brat first...
Rackam: I sure hope those units weren't your finest...
Vyrn: Rackam! Where'd you come from?
Rackam: Ha! I might've played along if they were tough, but I'm not getting carted off by those two-bit grunts!
Rackam: You okay, little miss?
Lyria: Yes... Thank you!
Sturm: Tch... One more fighter on your side hardly matters. You'll never win against the empire!
Rackam: Hey, (Captain)! You'd better get ready, because it's do or die!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 4

Rackam decides to help (Captain) and the others stand up against the empire for the sake of the town.

Vyrn: Rackam! I'm so glad to see you're okay!
Rackam: Come on, guys... If you're gonna talk big about saving me and the town, then follow through!
Katalina: Yeah... Sorry about that...
Lyria: We're just glad you're safe. Right, (Captain)?
Katalina: You surprised me. I figured if you escaped that unit, you'd just leave us all behind.
Rackam: Gimme a little credit! I mean, although I had a few thoughts about it...
Rackam: I remembered what you said, you know? About ignoring the lives at stake right in front of you...
Rackam: I saw you in trouble and my legs just started moving.
Katalina: Is that so? Well, one way or another, you saved us. You have our thanks once again.
Rackam: Would you cut it out? You're makin' me blush! Just save your thanks till this is all over!
Vyrn: Yeah! We're almost to the town! Let's get to stepping!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 4: Scene 2

With Rackam's battle skills, (Captain) and the others fight through the swarm of soldiers.

Rackam: Well, well, well... Looks like the empire's running out of soldiers!
Vyrn: This Rackam guy knows what he's doing!
Katalina: Indeed. But I won't let him outdo me!
Lyria: Hee-hee! Everyone's giving it their all!
Rackam: There's the town gate, (Captain)! Time to break through!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 2: A Helmsman's Resolve - Episode 4: Scene 3

(Captain) and the others decide to let Sturm and Drang go. Rackam decides to join the fight against the empire.

Drang: Egads! Heaven help us!
Sturm: This is it...
Drang: Hey! We've no intention of fighting! Won't you find it in your heart to forgive us?
Drang: The empire just pays us! We're not loyal to them or anything! So c'mon, just—
Drang: Ow!
Sturm: You disgust me. Keep up this act and so help me...
Drang: Yikes! No, no, no!
Calm down now, Sturm!
Rackam: So... what do we do with these goofballs?
  1. Let's let them go.
  2. Can't bring 'em with us...

Choose: Let's let them go.
Drang: Huh? Really?
Really, really?
Sturm: Showing mercy to a foe is foolish, but I won't complain about being spared...

Choose: Can't bring 'em with us...
Lyria: Yeah. And he did ask nicely after all...
Katalina: Besides, it wouldn't be very knightly to turn a sword on a surrendering foe.
Vyrn: And it's not like you're die-hards. You were in it for the money. You're free to go!
Continue 1
Drang: Oh, thank you, thank you! I owe you a million times over!
Sturm: I'll not forget this... Next time the humiliation will be yours!
Sturm and Drang hurry away without lingering a moment longer.
Rackam: So? Are you guys really planning on going to town to fight back against the empire?
Vyrn: Why wouldn't we? This is our chance to hit 'em where it hurts!
Rackam: Good grief, you're a bunch of softies! But if you weren't, you wouldn't have tried to save me.
Rackam: Looks like I'm with you! Besides, I like the fire in your eyes, (Captain).
Lyria: So... you'll join us, Rackam?
Rackam: You think I'd let the empire run roughshod over this town?
Rackam: It's time they had a taste of their own medicine!
With Rackam now on their side, (Captain) and the others prepare to fight against the empire.
But the ambitions of their enemy are already beginning to swallow the archipelago whole.


Main Crew
