Skofnung Lumen

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Class Champion Weapons
Skofnung Lumen
Can be uncapped to 4★
ID 1040005600
JP Name スコフニュング・クヴィン
Release Date ?
4★ Date ?
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
The sword of a hero shall not stand for injustice. It shall vanquish all evil with holy indignation. All who wish to oppose peace shall be enveloped in blinding light, and brought to their knees.
Charge Attack
Muddied Stream Massive Light damage to a foe.
Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
and DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
Weapon Skills
Indomitable Loyalty Boost to  Overdrive Surge300% elemental damage to a foe in Overdrive.,  Overdrive Surge II400% elemental damage to a foe in Overdrive., and  Overdrive Surge III500% elemental damage to a foe in Overdrive. (200% otherwise)..
Sword of the Saviour Chance of Substitute effect.
Forge Guardian's Xiphos (Light)
Base Reduction Materials
Note: This is the amount you get for a 4★ uncapped weapon.
Weapon VersionsThis weapon has alternate versions.

Element changed Class Champion Weapons