Main Quests/Story/Chapter 35

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Phantagrande Skydom - Former Capital Mephorash
Palace of Elijah Chelm
Palace of Elijah Chelm
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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 1

As the crew wanders the palace, the Black Knight reminisces about her days with Orchis.

The crew continues to tread carefully as they stalk the palace grounds.
Black Knight: This palace hasn't changed a bit.
Black Knight: But, in the grand history of the Erste Kingdom, ten years is barely longer than a blink.
Lyria: Black Knight, you mean you've been here before?
Black Knight: I spent half of my childhood here. With Orchis.
Lyria: I see. I wonder what you two were like together.
Rackam: I get the feelin' we aren't alone in here. Place is probably crawlin' with imperials.
Rackam: So? Now what? Where in this palace is Orchis?
Black Knight: I'm not a psychic. I don't know specifically where she's being held. All we can do is look.
Black Knight: And look we shall. Pick up the pace, everyone. You too, (Captain).

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 1: Scene 2

The Black Knight halts the crew's advance through the palace when they happen upon the room she and Orchis once used for reading.

Black Knight: ...
Eugen: Somethin' wrong? You just stopped.
Black Knight: Around here. This was where Orchis and I would read together.
Black Knight: Orchis couldn't sit still for very long. She would get bored just as soon as we cracked open a book.
Black Knight: She would get up, but the queen would catch her and put her back at my side. Every time.
Black Knight: But, of course, she'd get bored again and invite me to play outside.
Imperial Soldier: Found the intruders!
Do you have any idea what this place is!
Black Knight: ...
Black Knight: Do you? Tell me. What do you think this place is?
Imperial Soldier: What...
Black Knight: This place was ours! Me, her, and the royal family!
Black Knight: You know nothing! This place is not for you ignorant fools who don't understand your own origins!
Imperial Soldier: Wh-who in the skies are you! What do you know!
Black Knight: Absolutely everything! Everything you swine have ignored! This place—it's all my memories!
Black Knight: For the crime of intruding into my space, you will pay with your life!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 2

Lyria notices a familiar scent in the palace, but the Black Knight explains that it must be coincidental.

Lyria: Sniff, sniff...
Vyrn: What? Do you smell food or somethin'?
Lyria: No, that's not it...
Lyria: This building... Something smells really familiar about this building. I definitely know it...
Vyrn: A familiar smell? Does that mean you're from Erste too, Lyria?
Lyria: Huh. I wonder... Was I ever in this palace?
Black Knight: Sadly that is not the case.
Lyria: Black Knight...
Black Knight: Although you have similar abilities to that doll, Lyria, you two are essentially different at a core level.
Black Knight: Although both of your abilities appear to produce the same phenomenon, the underlying principles are completely different.
Lyria: Then, you mean, I'm—
Black Knight: Not from Erste. That much is certain.
Lyria: I... see...
Black Knight: ...

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 2: Scene 2

The Black Knight tells the crew about the source of Orchis's power: her Astral lineage.

Katalina: Black Knight, do you understand the true nature of Lyria and Orchis's powers?
Black Knight: At the very least, I have some idea of the doll's capability.
Rosetta: Sounds interesting. Care to share?
Black Knight: It's just simple logic. Think about it and you'll understand.
Black Knight: First off, who originally created the primal beasts?
Io: The Astrals, right? It's said they created the first prime weapons, so we call them primal beasts.
Black Knight: Generally speaking, that is correct. The primal beasts were originally created as tools.
Black Knight: So it's not unusual that there are those that can use them.
Io: But surely nobody can do that but the Astrals, right? Wait—you don't mean...
Black Knight: Don't jump to conclusions. Orchis's mother was the last Queen of the Erste Kingdom.
Black Knight: The royal bloodline of Erste can be traced back thousands of years, even before the Astrals attacked.
Black Knight: So we can conclude that half of Orchis's lineage is not Astral.
Eugen: Half... Then the other half would be...
Black Knight: Simple. Her father was an Astral—a survivor from the War.
Black Knight: That doll has a particularly unique heritage.
Katalina: Could someone like that even exist? She would basically be from another world!
Black Knight: It certainly seems that way. But Orchis wasn't able to tap into her Astral powers before.
Black Knight: It was only ten years ago, after she became that doll, that she became capable of manipulating primal beasts.
Io: Poor Orchis... She went through so much to be able to do Astral stuff.
Black Knight: She lost her mind and her future in exchange for her abilities. Not a fair trade at all.
Black Knight: The ability to play puppet master with a few primal beasts is a poor substitute for one's own being.
Rackam: Sheesh. This kinda talk gives me a headache...
Rackam: Her father really survived the War? The war from several hundred years ago? You gotta be talkin' about a surviving descendant.
Black Knight: Nope. I mean an actual survivor in the flesh.
Black Knight: And despite his actual time in the skies, he appeared to be the same age as the queen.
Rackam: You tellin' me the Astrals are immortal then?
Black Knight: That wouldn't be unreasonable. But this one did die.
Rosetta: Oh, sounds like quite the unsolvable mystery.
Eugen: No kiddin'. Got too much we don't know—if only we had a way to find out more.
Vyrn: Let's think about it more later! We've got a whole palace left to explore!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 3

Lyria wonders if she too might be an Astral. The Black Knight denies this conjecture.

Lyria: Is it possible that I'm an Astral like Orchis's father?
Black Knight: Sadly that is not the case. Lyria, you are neither Astral nor skydweller.
Lyria: ...
Katalina: Black Knight, this is not the first time you've suggested that you know what Lyria is. So tell us—what is she?
Black Knight: The only thing I know is that Lyria is not an Astral.
Black Knight: Orchis's father—that is to say, a real-life Astral—told me so himself.
Lyria: So... so... what am I?
Black Knight: ...

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 3: Scene 2

Lyria tries to come to terms with the fact that she is neither Astral nor skydweller. The crew comforts her.

Lyria: I'm neither an Astral... Nor a skydweller...
Lyria: So what am I?
Black Knight: Lyria, you are a truly different being.
Black Knight: And perhaps the only one of your kind in the entire world.
Lyria: Then I'm all alone...
Black Knight: Do you truly believe that?
Lyria: ...
Black Knight: Even though you're surrounded by those that care about you? Don't make me laugh.
Black Knight: Or is it something else? Do you wish there were others exactly like yourself?
Black Knight: You won't recognize your friends, because they aren't your mirror image?
Lyria: N-no! Not at all! It's just...
Lyria: I guess I'm... not alone...
Vyrn: You bet your blue hair you're not! Right, (Captain)?
  1. We’re all here for you!
  2. We could be alone together.

Choose: We’re all here for you!
Lyria: You're right. Of course you're right.
Lyria: I'm sorry. I just got a little confused.
Lyria: I can't believe I felt lonely even with this many wonderful people by my side.

Choose: We could be alone together.
Lyria: Huh!
Black Knight: Hah—you're interesting for sure.
Vyrn: Yikes! Sometimes (Captain) get's a little, uh, carried away!
Vyrn: You're gonna make us all blush, Cap'n McFlirtypants!
Continue 1
Katalina: Lyria, it's not just (Captain). I won't leave your side either.

Continue 2
Rackam: C'mon, Lyria! You gotta know us better by now!
Io: That's right! We're here for you, so don't act like you're by yourself.
Io: Start saying stuff like that again and I'll get mad at you!
Lyria: Hehe. Thanks, Io. But I'm all right now. Promise!
Rosetta: Haha. Eugen, your daughter's not such a bad girl after all.
Eugen: No thanks to me. Sigh... But I wonder what she must think of me.
Lyria: Thank you, Black Knight.
Black Knight: I'm not sure why you're thanking me...
Lyria: I have a reason.
Lyria: It's just—you saw me for me.
Lyria: You didn't look past me. You paid attention to who I am. So thank you.
Black Knight: Humph. What is a knight if she's not aware of her surroundings?
Lyria: Haha. Not much of a knight, I guess.
Katalina: ...
Black Knight: Enough talk. A golem is drawing near. Don't let your guard down.

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 4

As the crew continues the search for Orchis, Katalina wonders aloud if the Black Knight can be trusted.

Black Knight: Dammit.
This place isn't that big, but we can't seem to find Freesia or Orchis.
Black Knight: Should we split into two groups? It could make it easier to find them...
Katalina: Black Knight, first would you answer a question?
Black Knight: What? I thought I've told you everything you needed to hear.
Katalina: Then consider this something I want to hear. There's more to the truth, isn't there—maybe something you want to keep quiet?
Black Knight: What are you suggesting?
Katalina: I'm torn between trusting you and not. Is it really best for us to follow you?
Lyria: Katalina?
Rackam: Well, I for one think it's all right.
Rackam: Since we landed at Ravi, she's been tellin' us about a lot—a lot we never would've known otherwise.
Katalina: I agree. But she hasn't told us everything. Have you?
Black Knight: Care to elaborate?
Katalina: You haven't been lying, but you've conveniently left holes in the truth.
Black Knight: There are things you do not need to know. It is as simple as that.
Katalina: If that is truly the case, then I guess I have nothing to worry about. I also want to have faith in you.
Katalina: However you'll forgive me for finding these missing details more than a little suspicious.
Black Knight: Be careful, Lieutenant. Curiosity killed the cat.
Katalina: This isn't curiosity. I have people I want to protect—the same way you want to protect Orchis.
Katalina: I swear if something happens to Lyria because you've hidden something from us...
Katalina: Well, you've been warned. Do we have an understanding?
Black Knight: ...

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 4: Scene 2

Katalina continues interrogating the Black Knight, but the Black Knight refuses to give her straight answers.

Katalina: Back in Amalthea you said you've never seen the Emperor of the Erste Empire.
Katalina: But you've also mentioned that the Erste Kingdom's royal family is no more.
Katalina: Personally I haven't seen him either. Do you think there never was an Emperor to begin with?
Katalina: Or is the current Emperor someone from a different bloodline than Orchis?
Black Knight: Who's to say?
Katalina: That's not all I want to discuss. You've told us your goal is to return Orchis to her former self.
Katalina: But how do you propose to accomplish that? We've heard nothing about what you aim to do after we get her back.
Black Knight: You're right. I haven't discussed that yet.
Io: I bet if you spill the beans now then Katalina will stop bugging you.
Black Knight: Forgive me but I can't. I promise that I'm not playing games with you.
Black Knight: I am going to put everything I have into saving Orchis. And I won't let anyone get in my way.
Black Knight: That is all I can say.
Katalina: Then forgive me for still having doubts about your reliability.
Black Knight: That is your decision. And I recognize that.
Katalina: Still won't talk...
Black Knight: Humph. Now's not the time to slow down.
Black Knight: We haven't found Orchis yet. Stay strong until she's safe!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 35: Power's True Form - Episode 4: Scene 3

So far the crew's search for Orchis inside of the palace has proven fruitless. They push on regardless.

Katalina: ...
Black Knight: ...
Rackam: Maaan, looking for Orchis is like tryin' to find a needle in an airship engine. Where's she hidin'?
Io: Well not just Orchis, but that stupid Prime Minister too...
Vyrn: I sure hope not, but do you think they coulda left the island?
Black Knight: ...
Vyrn: Sorry!
Lyria: Let's just keep looking for a little longer, okay, (Captain)?
(Captain) and the crew continue roaming the palace interior for signs of Orchis.
The Black Knight's scowl grows deeper as their search grows longer—but her patience, as the crew would soon learn, is not the only thing on trial.


Main Party
