Xeno Cocytus Clash/History

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Event duration: 08:00 UTC, June 7, 202217:00 JST, June 7, 2022 - 09:59 UTC, June 16, 202218:59 JST, June 16, 2022
Displayed time is based on your local machine's clock.

Xeno Cocytus Clash is a clash event that rewards items used to trade for the Xeno Glacial Dream Staff and Dante's Harp weapons.

It is an expansion of Cocytus Showdown and the associated battles are also available during the event.

For new players

This event is fairly difficult for new players, with Xeno content being harder than the basic Showdown and extremely punishing to players without Earth teams.

  • The normal Cocytus Showdown is also available, however, which can be used to gather most of the basic trade-in treasure for items from the Xeno event shop. Note that the inventory and material costs of the Xeno shop are separate from that of the normal Cocytus Showdown shop.
  • If nothing else, purchase the 20× Half-Elixirs; they provide much more AP than is needed to farm them.

Xeno Weapon

Xeno weapons have a Massive EX ATK weapon skill. For newer players, even a 0★ copy of a Xeno weapon is a strong addition to most grids and can be feasibly obtained by leeching the Event Raid or defeating NM70 a few times (if possible).

Other Rewards

  • Vergilius sees niche use in grids that require HP while still providing attack. It is available at all times from the normal Cocytus Showdown, making it a very low priority in the Xeno shop.
  • Cocytus is an older summon with a weak aura and an acceptable call. It can see use as a filler summon if upgraded to 4★, but should not be prioritized as it is available from the normal Cocytus Showdown shop.
  • Xeno Cocytus has a strong Elemental ATK boosting aura if the weapon requirements can be met, and comes with a good Water ATK boost on call as well. Materials for copies and 4★ uncap are only available during this event. Note that Leviathan Omega also provides Water ATK at 4★ or higher and is permanently available.

About Clashes

Clashes and Showdowns

  • Play Xeno Cocytus Clash and Cocytus Showdown at the same time!
Clash battles are harder than showdowns. When you are able to clear extreme- or maniac-difficulty showdowns you should be able to take on Xeno Cocytus (Note that Xeno Cocytus's resistance to elements other than Earth is notably high, meaning this statement is more of a guideline than hard truth).

Difficulty Settings

  • Xeno Cocytus maniac-difficulty will unlock after clearing extreme-difficulty.
  • There are three levels of nightmare battles. Defeat the lower-level nightmare bosses to unlock the next one. Play to get treasure for the new event weapons!

Nightmare Battles

  • Nightmare-difficulty quests will always appear after clearing a maniac-difficulty quest. They will also appear after clearing four consecutive extreme-difficulty quests if one has not already appeared by the third time.
  • Only one nightmare-difficulty quest will appear at a time.

Elemental Resistance

  • Xeno Cocytus now has 50% damage resistance to all elements except for Earth.

Xeno Weapons

  • You can get Xeno weapons from this event.
  • Xeno weapons can be forged into their True Xeno forms at the shop. Exclusive treasure from this event is needed to forge the xeno weapons.

Changes from Previous Xeno Cocytus

  • AX skills have been added to Xeno weapons that drop by defeating Xeno Cocytus.
  • Certain items' drop rates have been adjusted.
    • Drop rates have been increased for the Xeno weapons Xeno Glacial Dream Staff and Dante's Harp with the addition of AX skills.
  • The following items have been added to the treasure trade.

Simplified drop table

Difficulty Type Frozen Hell Prism Crystal Spirit Cocytus Anima Cocytus Omega Anima True Xeno Cocytus Anima Frozen Hellplume Xeno Glacial Dream Staff Dante's Harp Vergilius Cocytus Xeno Cocytus Water Urn Gold Brick
Extreme (Xeno) Solo 1~3 7~12 2~7 1~5 - - - -
Maniac (Xeno) Solo 2~5 15~21 6~10 3~8 - -
Nightmare Lvl 70 Solo 1 - 1 1 - 1~2
Nightmare Lvl 100 Solo 1 - - 1 - 2~3
Nightmare Lvl 120 Solo 1~2 - - - - 3~4
Raid Raid - 0~3 0~2 0~3 0~4 0~3 - -

Event Missions

Completing missions during the event earns rewards. The missions are as follows:

Mission Reward
Clear Xeno Cocytus (Extreme) 3 times Half Elixir ×10
Clear Xeno Cocytus (Extreme) 5 times Frozen Hell Prism ×10
Clear Xeno Cocytus (Extreme) 10 times Cocytus Anima ×30
Clear Xeno Cocytus (Extreme) 20 times Xeno Glacial Dream Staff ×1 (0★, no AX skill)
Clear Xeno Cocytus (Nightmare) Half Elixir ×10
Clear Xeno Cocytus (Nightmare) 3 times Frozen Hell Prism ×10
Clear Xeno Cocytus (Nightmare) 5 times Cocytus Omega Anima ×30
Clear Xeno Cocytus (Nightmare) 10 times Dante's Harp ×1 (0★, no AX skill)
Clear Xeno Cocytus (raid) True Water Anima ×10
Clear Xeno Cocytus (raid) 3 times True Xeno Cocytus Anima ×5
Clear Xeno Cocytus (raid) 5 times Frozen Hellplume ×10
Clear Xeno Cocytus (raid) 10 times
Complete all missions Permafrost Earrings ×1

Farming efficiently

After the drop rate increases, with average luck, there's a decent chance of at least one drop while gathering Frozen Hellplume and True Xeno Cocytus Anima required to forge Xeno weapons into their true forms (and uncap to 5★).


  1. Complete Event Missions for guaranteed copies of the event weapons.
  2. Do both of the daily maniacs (Xeno and Old Cocytus).
  3. Do the highest Nightmare possible to maximize Frozen Hellplume drops.
  4. Host the raid once you have over 40× Frozen Hell Prism
  5. Delay any purchases from the shop until you've acquired all the trade-in materials for all purchases you have in mind. Purchasing early may lead to a drop happening for that item whilst you farm for other items. The drop would be worthless and you will have wasted time. Be sure to account for the cost of any uncaps you are aiming for as well before making your purchases.
Expected resource cost
Can solo NM120 1250~2800 AP 0 EP Assumes 10 Xeno Maniacs.
Can solo NM70 3000-7000 AP 0 EP Host raids to reduce cost.
Leeching the raid 0 AP ~1200 EP ~400 raids needed for the Frozen Hellplume.
Necessary Materials
Material Assuming 0 drops Comment
4★ Xeno Weapon 5★ Xeno Weapon 4★ Xeno Summon
Crystal Spirit 190 190 283 Enough will likely drop while triggering NM.
Frozen Hell Prism 40 40 30 Save enough for forging, use the rest liberally to host raids.
Frozen Hellplume 45 85 143 NM120 drops 3-4. NM70 drops 1-2.
Cocytus Anima 100 100 - Farm extra EX/NM70 as necessary. Do the Maniacs.
Cocytus Omega Anima 90 90 202 Farm extra EX/NM70 as necessary. Do the Maniacs.
True Xeno Cocytus Anima 23 43 115 Leeching raid nets ~0.4 True Xeno Anima. 60% in red chests.

How to maximize Xeno weapon drops

  • Raid red chest can drop a Xeno weapon. It's ~1.5% in the Host chest and ~0.5% in the MVP chest.
  • The increased drop rate from NM120 is cancelled out by being able to bring Kaguya (Summon) to NM70. It takes about 2.8 Extreme clears to trigger one NM.

Event Battles

Found in Quests > Special > Event


Lvl 50 Cocytus
Cost to Host: 30 AP Unlock: Normal Showdowns
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Wave 1 Purgatorian 20 90,000 ◇◇ No
Purgatorian Monster 20 10,881 ◇◇ No
Purgatorian Bat 20 29,388 No
Wave 2 Purgatorian 20 65,535 ◇◇ No
Purgatorian 20 65,535 ◇◇◇ No
Purgatorian 20 12,000 ◇◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Extremely high Defense.
Boss Cocytus 30 1,500,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Judecca OD
Water damage to all allies. Cocytus gains BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
, ATK UpATK is boosted
, and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
  • Antenor N
Water damage to one ally and inflict CursedCan't be healed
for 3 turns.
  • High double attack rate.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Wooden Silver Gold

Lvl 75 Cocytus
Cost to Host: 30 AP, 1/day Unlock: Normal Showdowns
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Wave 1 Hawkling 30 275,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Anemone 30 410,000 No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Dissolve
Water damage to one ally and heal own HP based on damage dealt.
Depthless Despair 30 470,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Long for Embrace
3-hit Water damage to random allies.
  • Streaks of Bluesilver
Medium Water damage to all allies and gain RepelReflects DMG
Damage Cut reducing damage taken and reflecting attacks.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
(500 damage).
Wave 2 Jiao 50 2,500,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Bite to Death
Large Water damage to one ally and inflict Skill SealedCan't use skills
and C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
for 5 turns.
Wave 3 Yeti 40 1,200,000 ◇◇◇◇ No
Silt Ray 40 850,000 No
Boss Cocytus 75 9,700,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Antenor N
Water damage to one ally and inflict CursedCan't be healed
for 3 turns.
  • Tromea N OD
Large Water damage to 2 allies and inflict C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
for 3 turns.
  • Judecca - The 4th Circle TR
Water damage to all allies. Cocytus gains BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
, ATK UpATK is boosted
, DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
, and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
  • Tromea - The 3rd Circle TR
Large Water damage to 2 allies and inflict C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
for 3 turns. Removes all buffs and debuffs from Cocytus.
  • High innate double attack rate.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Judecca - The 4th Circle. Consumes all charge diamonds.
  • 25% Trigger
Unleashes True Power.
Casts Tromea - The 3rd Circle.
Base charge diamonds change to ◇◇.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Wooden Silver Gold

Xeno Cocytus

Enemies take reduced damage from elements they are not weak to in these battles.

Lvl 60 Xeno Cocytus
Cost to Host: 30 AP Unlock: Enter event
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Wave 1 Gelgja 20 230,000 No
Gelgja 20 190,000 ◇◇ No
Gelgja 20 210,000 ◇◇◇ No
Wave 2 Aqua Gyre 20 270,000 ◇◇◇ No
Dark Gyre 20 220,000 ◇◇ No
Aqua Gyre 20 260,000 ◇◇ No
Boss Xeno Cocytus 60 6,820,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Antenora N TR 100%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked
Duration: 6 turns
and CursedCan't be healed
Duration: 2 turns
  • Platon N
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts 20% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
  • Caina N TR 80%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts FreezeATK, DEF, and multiattack rate is lowered /
HP is lowered on every turn
(Effect can be passed to ally by using a skill.
Passed effect can't be removed.)
Duration: 3 turns
  • Tromea OD
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
Duration: 2 turns
  • Blizzard TR 50%
Xeno Cocytus gains DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
, TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
, and Divina CommediaATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Can't be removed) /
Hellgate activates when effect ends
Duration: 4 turnsLocal status effect
Deploys the BlizzardATK is modified by number of turns passed
Duration: 180Field effect
field effect.
  • Judecca TR 20%
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 3 turns
and Water DEF DownDEF is lowered for water DMG
Duration: 3 turns
Only Xeno Cocytus must be defeated to complete the battle.
Immune to ParalyzedCan't attack
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Antenora.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Caina.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Blizzard.
Unleashes True Power.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Judecca.
Durante 60 1,900,000 ◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Canticum
Xeno Cocytus and Durante gains DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
  • Hellgate TR 80%
Xeno Cocytus gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
, DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
, and TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
Durante kills itself.
Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
, SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
Takes 25% more damage
, CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
, and ParalyzedCan't attack
Does not deal normal attacks.
Casts Hellgate.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Hellgate.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Boss Stage drop table
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
100% 100% Likely 100%
Chest 5 Chest 6 Chest 7 Chest 8
100% 100% Rare Rare
Drop table last updated: 2017-05-26, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.
Drops for all stages
Wooden Silver Gold
Drop table last updated: 2017-05-26The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.

Lvl 80 Xeno Cocytus
Cost to Host: 50 AP, 2/day Unlock: Clear Xeno Cocytus Extreme
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Wave 1 Gelgja 30 710,000 No
Gelgja 30 720,000 ◇◇ No
Gelgja 30 660,000 ◇◇ No
Wave 2 Aqua Gyre 30 430,000 ◇◇ No
Dark Gyre 30 390,000 ◇◇ No
Aqua Gyre 30 460,000 ◇◇ No
Wave 3 Karkinos 60 3,100,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Az-Zubana N
Water damage to one ally and inflicts DEF DownDEF is lowered
Duration: need to be checked
Verification needed.
  • At-Tarf OD
Multi-hit Water damage to random allies.
Karkinos gains DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2mn
  • An-Nathra TR 50%
Water damage to all allies and
inflicts DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 3 turns
  • 50% Trigger
Casts An-Nathra.
  • 30% TriggerVerification needed.
Unleashes True Power.
Boss Xeno Cocytus 80 10,780,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Antenora N TR 100%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked
Duration: 6 turns
and CursedCan't be healed
Duration: 2 turns
  • Platon N
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts 20% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
  • Caina N TR 80%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts FreezeATK, DEF, and multiattack rate is lowered /
HP is lowered on every turn
(Effect can be passed to ally by using a skill.
Passed effect can't be removed.)
Duration: 3 turns
  • Tromea OD
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
Duration: 2 turns
  • Blizzard TR 50%
Xeno Cocytus gains DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
, TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
, and Divina CommediaATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Can't be removed) /
Hellgate activates when effect ends
Duration: 4 turnsLocal status effect
Deploys the BlizzardATK is modified by number of turns passed
Duration: 180Field effect
field effect.
  • Judecca TR 20%
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 3 turns
and Water DEF DownDEF is lowered for water DMG
Duration: 3 turns
Only Xeno Cocytus must be defeated to complete the battle.
Immune to ParalyzedCan't attack
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Antenora.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Caina.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Blizzard.
Unleashes True Power.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Judecca.
Durante 80 2,200,000 ◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Canticum
Xeno Cocytus and Durante gains DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
  • Hellgate TR 80%
Xeno Cocytus gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
, DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
, and TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
Durante kills itself.
Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
, SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
Takes 25% more damage
, CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
, and ParalyzedCan't attack
Does not deal normal attacks.
Casts Hellgate.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Hellgate.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Boss Stage drop table
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
100% 100% 100% 100%
Chest 5 Chest 6 Chest 7 Chest 8
100% Rare Rare Extremely Rare
Drop table last updated: 2017-05-26, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.
Drops for all stages
Wooden Silver Gold
Drop table last updated: 2017-05-26The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff., all stated drop rates are estimates.

Lvl 100 Xeno Cocytus
Cost to Host: 40 AP, Frozen Hell Prism ×3 Cost to Join: 3 EP Unlock: Clear Xeno Cocytus Extreme
Participants: 30 Vice: 2nd-3rd Elixirs: Unlimited Strike Time: YesStrike Time bonus applies for this raid.
Lvl 100 Xeno Cocytus Lv100 ゼノ・コキュートス
Phase Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Xeno Cocytus 100 81,400,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Antenora N TR 100%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked
Duration: 6 turns
and CursedCan't be healed
Duration: 2 turns
  • Platon N
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts 20% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
  • Caina N TR 80%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts FreezeATK, DEF, and multiattack rate is lowered /
HP is lowered on every turn
(Effect can be passed to ally by using a skill.
Passed effect can't be removed.)
Duration: 3 turns
  • Tromea OD
~5000 Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
Duration: 2 turns
  • Blizzard TR 50%
Xeno Cocytus gains DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
, TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
, and Divina CommediaATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Can't be removed) /
Hellgate activates when effect ends
Duration: 4 turnsLocal status effect
Deploys the BlizzardATK is modified by number of turns passed
Duration: 180Field effect
field effect.
  • Judecca N 50%-Verification needed. TR 20%
~3000 Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 3 turns
and Water DEF DownDEF is lowered for water DMG
Duration: 3 turns
Only Xeno Cocytus must be defeated to complete the battle.
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Antenora.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Caina.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Blizzard.
Unleashes True Power.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Judecca.
Durante 100 16,000,000 ◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Canticum
Xeno Cocytus and Durante gains DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
  • Hellgate TR 50%
Xeno Cocytus gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
, DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
, and TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
Heals 1% max HP to all enemies (Healing cap: 100,000 HP).
Does not deal normal attacks.
Casts Hellgate.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Hellgate.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Crystal ×50
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
100% 100% 100% Likely
Chest 5 Chest 6 Host MVP
100% Rare --
Drop table last updated: 2022-05-09, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Lvl 70 Xeno Cocytus
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: May appear after clearing Xeno Cocytus Extreme. Guaranteed to appear after clearing Xeno Cocytus Maniac.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Xeno Cocytus 70 5,170,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Antenora N TR 100%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked
Duration: 6 turns
and CursedCan't be healed
Duration: 2 turns
  • Platon N
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts 20% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
  • Caina N TR 80%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts FreezeATK, DEF, and multiattack rate is lowered /
HP is lowered on every turn
(Effect can be passed to ally by using a skill.
Passed effect can't be removed.)
Duration: 3 turns
  • Tromea OD
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
Duration: 2 turns
  • Blizzard TR 50%
Xeno Cocytus gains DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
, TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
, and Divina CommediaATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Can't be removed) /
Hellgate activates when effect ends
Duration: 4 turnsLocal status effect
Deploys the BlizzardATK is modified by number of turns passed
Duration: 180Field effect
field effect.
  • Judecca OD TR 20%
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 3 turns
and Water DEF DownDEF is lowered for water DMG
Duration: 3 turns
Only Xeno Cocytus must be defeated to complete the battle.
Immune to ParalyzedCan't attack
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Antenora.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Caina.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Blizzard.
Unleashes True Power.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Judecca.
Durante 70 600,000 ◇◇◇◇ No
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Canticum
Xeno Cocytus and Durante gains DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
  • Hellgate TR 25%
Xeno Cocytus gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
, DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
, and TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
Heals 1% max HP to all enemies (Healing cap: 100,000 HP).
Durante kills itself.
Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
, SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
Takes 25% more damage
, CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
, and ParalyzedCan't attack
Does not deal normal attacks.
Casts Hellgate.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Hellgate.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Blue Sky Crystal
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
100% 100% 100% 100%
Chest 5 Chest 6 Chest 7 Chest 8
100% Rare Rare Extremely Rare
Drop table last updated: 2017-05-26, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Lvl 100 Xeno Cocytus
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Clear Xeno Cocytus Nightmare Level 70. May appear after clearing Xeno Cocytus Extreme. Guaranteed to appear after clearing Xeno Cocytus Maniac.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Xeno Cocytus 100 16,500,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Antenora N TR 100%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked
Duration: 6 turns
and CursedCan't be healed
Duration: 2 turns
  • Platon N
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts 20% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
  • Caina N TR 80%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts FreezeATK, DEF, and multiattack rate is lowered /
HP is lowered on every turn
(Effect can be passed to ally by using a skill.
Passed effect can't be removed.)
Duration: 3 turns
  • Tromea OD
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
Duration: 2 turns
  • Blizzard TR 50%
Xeno Cocytus gains DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
, TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
, and Divina CommediaATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Can't be removed) /
Hellgate activates when effect ends
Duration: 4 turnsLocal status effect
Deploys the BlizzardATK is modified by number of turns passed
Duration: 180Field effect
field effect.
  • Judecca OD TR 20%
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 3 turns
and Water DEF DownDEF is lowered for water DMG
Duration: 3 turns
Only Xeno Cocytus must be defeated to complete the battle.
Immune to ParalyzedCan't attack
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Antenora.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Caina.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Blizzard.
Unleashes True Power.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Judecca.
Durante 100 2,300,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Canticum
Xeno Cocytus and Durante gains DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
  • Hellgate TR 25%
Xeno Cocytus gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
, DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
, and TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Duration: 1 turn Local status effect
Heals 1% max HP to all enemies (Healing cap: 100,000 HP).
Durante kills itself.
Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
, SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
Takes 25% more damage
, CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
, and ParalyzedCan't attack
Does not deal normal attacks.
Casts Hellgate.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Hellgate.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Blue Sky Crystal
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
100% 100% 100% 100%
Chest 5 Chest 6 Chest 7 Chest 8
100% Rare Rare Extremely Rare
Drop table last updated: 2017-05-26, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Lvl 120 Xeno Cocytus
Cost to Host: 0 AP Unlock: Clear Xeno Cocytus Nightmare Level 100. May appear after clearing Xeno Cocytus Extreme. Guaranteed to appear after clearing Xeno Cocytus Maniac.
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Xeno Cocytus 120 20,900,000 ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Antenora N TR 100%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked
Duration: 6 turns
and CursedCan't be healed
Duration: 2 turns
  • Platon N
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts 20% Charge CutInstantly reduces Charge Bar by 20%
Strength: 20%
  • Caina N TR 80%
Water damage to one ally.
Inflicts FreezeATK, DEF, and multiattack rate is lowered /
HP is lowered on every turn
(Effect can be passed to ally by using a skill.
Passed effect can't be removed.)
Duration: 3 turns
  • Tromea OD
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts C.A. SealedCan't use charge attack
Duration: 2 turns
  • Blizzard TR 50%
Xeno Cocytus gains DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
, TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
, and Divina CommediaATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Can't be removed) /
Hellgate activates when effect ends
Duration: 4 turnsLocal status effect
Deploys the BlizzardATK is modified by number of turns passed
Duration: 180Field effect
field effect.
  • Judecca OD TR 20%
Water damage to all allies.
Inflicts BlindedAttacks have a slight chance to miss
Duration: 3 turns
and Water DEF DownDEF is lowered for water DMG
Duration: 3 turns
Only Xeno Cocytus must be defeated to complete the battle.
Immune to ParalyzedCan't attack
  • Upon entering Overdrive
Fills all charge diamonds.
  • 100% Trigger
Casts Antenora.
  • 80% Trigger
Casts Caina.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Blizzard.
Unleashes True Power.
  • 20% Trigger
Casts Judecca.
Durante 120 3,600,000 ◇◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Canticum
Xeno Cocytus and Durante gains DEF UpDEF is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
  • Hellgate TR 25%
Xeno Cocytus gains ATK UpATK is boosted
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
, DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
, and TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Duration: 2 turnsLocal status effect
Heals 1% max HP to all enemies (Healing cap: 100,000 HP).
Durante kills itself.
Immune to GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
, SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
Takes 25% more damage
, CharmedAttacks are slightly limited
, and ParalyzedCan't attack
Does not deal normal attacks.
Casts Hellgate.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Hellgate.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Blue Sky Crystal
Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 Chest 4
100% 100% 100% 100%
Chest 5 Chest 6 Chest 7 Chest 8
100% Rare Rare Extremely Rare
Drop table last updated: 2017-05-26, all stated drop rates are estimates.
The game changes over time. If the drop tables become incorrect please notify the wiki staff.

Event Shop

The event shop sells the event summons and weapons. Items restock with higher costs when sold out.

Item Step Limit

Xeno Cocytus
1 120-1653
2 140-32128
3 195-552432
4 1128-996470

Xeno Glacial Dream Staff
1 130-20310
2 160-30515
3 1100-401020
4 1150-702035
5 1300-1505070

Dante's Harp
1 130-20310
2 160-30515
3 1100-401020
4 1150-702035
5 1300-1505070

1 1302010--
2 1804030--
3 11206050--
Verification needed. 1/month1508070--

1 120155--
2 1503020--
3 ?805040--
Verification needed. 1/month1007560--

Angel Queen
1 3010----

Half Elixir
1 2055---

Staff Stone ×10
1 52010---
2 52010-3-

Harp Stone ×10
1 52010---
2 52010-3-

Water Quartz ×10
1 52010---
2 52010-3-

Water Halo
1 46015-3-

Water Crystal
1 545205--

Water Urn
1 545205--

Indicus Centrum
1 52010---

True Water Anima
1 51510---

CP ×10
1 20103---
2 10205---
3 103010---

Champion Merit
1 330155--
2 3603010--
3 31005015--
4 31507520--

Supreme Merit
1 360-305-
2 3120-6010-
3 3200-10015-

Skill Shard
1 1020203--

Skill Jewel
1 550-203-



Many of the names and terms in this event are derived from the Divine Comedy written by the Italian poet Durante degli Alighieri, or simply known as Dante. The Divine Comedy is widely considered the preeminent work in Italian literature and one of the greatest works of world literature.

  • Canticum means "song" in Latin and is the origin of the English word "canticle." The Divine Comedy itself is divided into three canticles: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise).
  • In Dante's Inferno, Cocytus is the ninth, and lowest, circle of hell where Satan resides and chews on the heads of the three traitors. Cocytus is a frozen lake and is that special place where traitors and fraudsters are sent, according to the series.
  • Cocytus itself is divided into four concentric rings (or "rounds"):
    • Caina, named after the Biblical Cain; traitors to blood relatives.
    • Antenora, named after Antenor from the Iliad; traitors to country.
    • Ptolomea (Tromea), after Ptolemy, governor of Jericho, who murdered his guests; traitors to guests.
    • Judecca, after Judas Iscariot; traitors to masters and benefactors.
  • Divina Commedia is the Italian title for the Divine Comedy
  • Vergilius, commonly known as Virgil, was a famous ancient Roman poet who also appears as Dante's guide through Hell and Purgatory in the Divine Comedy.

This theme is also present in the original Cocytus Showdown.
