Raids:Unite and Fight 2024-06 Bastet Final Rally

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Lvl ?? Bastet
Cost to Host: N/A Cost to Join: 0 Unlock: Last day of Unite and Fight
Wave Name Lvl HP Charge Mode
Boss Bastet 90 Varies ◇◇ Yes
Special Attacks Triggers and Notes
  • Kindred's Scratch TR 75%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Light DMG (270%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / ATK Lowered (All allies) / ATK Boosted (Self) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Dancing New Moon TR 50%
Targets: All allies
Deals: Light DMG (400%)
Effect: Buff Effect Removed / Charge Bar -100% (All allies) / Uplifted / Debuff Resistance Boosted (Self) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • Improvisation TR 25%
Targets: Random allies
Deals: Light DMG (10-hit / 120%)
Effect: C.A. Sealed (All allies) / Triple Attack Rate Boosted (Self) (Debuffs only inflicted on allies that take DMG)
  • 75% Trigger
Casts Kindred's Scratch.
  • 50% Trigger
Casts Dancing New Moon.
  • 25% Trigger
Casts Improvisation.
  • 10% Trigger
Mode bar is reset.
N - Normal, OD - Overdrive, TR - Trigger
First clear: Honor: Honor (solo)
Wooden Gold Red