This article is about the Celestial Weapon. For the Eternals Transcendence item for Tweyen, see Desolation-Crown Bow (Item).
05 |
HP |
C.A.× |
Level 1 |
40 |
438 |
350% |
Level 100 |
247 |
2697 |
450% |
Level 150 |
299 |
3262 |
500% |
Obtain |
ID |
1040713600 |
JP Name |
真滅・覇王弓 |
Release Date |
2024-06-21 |
4★ Date |
2024-06-21 |
Other Sites |
gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki)GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki (Chinese wiki) |
Brandished by Tweyen of the Eternals, the arrows fired from the bow resemble meteors blazing through the blue sky. Once sighted by the dark huntress, escaping a fatal shot is futile, though some targets may take comfort in knowing that their imminent doom shall be mercifully swift. |
Weapon Skills |
Bow Voltage II |
Boost to ATK based on how many bows are equipped. |
▶ 100 |
Unlocks at level 100: |
Unlocks at level 100: |
Heaven-Eye's Light |
Boost to ATKMultiplier: EX, multiattack rate, C.A. specs, and DMG cap. (Boost to specs for bow-specialty allies.) |
▶ 150 |
Unlocks at level 150: |
Unlocks at level 150: |
Guiding Star's Splendor |
30% boost to ATKMultiplier: Normal, 25% boost to DEF, and 30% boost to max HP for all allies. |
Gameplay Notes
Bow Voltage II
- 8% boost to ATK (Max: 80%)Multiplier: EX for all allies per Bow weapon in the grid.[1]
- Multiple copies of this skill stack additively up to a maximum of 80%.
- Voltage, Wrath, and Grand Epic weapon skills all share the same cap.
- Bow weapons of any element contribute to the boost.
- Affects allies of any element.
Heaven-Eye's Light
- Boosts all allies ATKMultiplier: EX, multiattack rate, C.A. specs, and damage cap based on their weapon specialty.
- Affects allies of any element.
Specialty |
ATK UpMultiplier: EX |
DA Up |
TA Up |
C.A. DMG Up |
C.A. DMG Cap Up |
DMG Cap Up
20% |
10% |
5% |
10% |
5% |
40% |
15% |
10% |
20% |
15% |
Guiding Star's Splendor
- Affects allies of any element.
Bonus DMG Stacking Information
- The following is a curated list of how different Bonus DMG sources interact with Desolation-Crown Bow's skills. Check Bonus DMG for further information and a comprehensive list.
Stellar DemiseMassive Light damage to a foe. All allies gain 20% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 20%Duration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.. After 4★: MC also gains Flurry (2-hit)Normal attacks deal 2-hit DMG to random foes Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.. - Charge Attack
Bonus Damage Side
Skill A
Ferry (SSR) - HinrichtenAll allies gain 100% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Strength: 100%Duration: 4 turns and 30% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 30%Duration: 4 turns. Inflict ShortedCharge bar is frozen Duration: 4 turns on all allies. (Consumes 100% of all allies' charge bars.)
Utsusemi - Nightlong MelodyAll Light allies gain Nightlong MelodyATK is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted (Can't be removed)
Multiplier: NormalDuration: 3-5 turnsStacking: Special Buff, 30% Dodge Rate UpChance to dodge DMG and debuffs Strength: 30%Duration: 3-5 turns, and 20% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 20%Duration: 3-5 turns. (When a foe is in Break: Extend effect duration to 5 turns.)
Skill B
Skill C
Skill D
Sui - Scarlet RopeCaster and Light ally in the next position gain Scarlet RopeC.A. DMG dealt is supplemented / Deals bonus light DMG upon charge attacks / DEF is boosted / DMG taken is reduced / Charge bar is boosted each turn (Can't be removed)
Duration: 5 turns. (When used from 10th turn onward: Extend Scarlet RopeC.A. DMG dealt is supplemented / Deals bonus light DMG upon charge attacks / DEF is boosted / DMG taken is reduced / Charge bar is boosted each turn (Can't be removed) Duration: 10 turns's duration to 10 turns. Caster and Light ally in the next position also gain 50% Sharp ATK Up (1 time)ATK is sharply boosted Strength: 50%Multiplier: AssassinDuration: 1 turn and 50% Bonus Light DMG (1 time)Deals bonus light DMG for normal attacks (1 time) Strength: 50%Duration: 1 turn .)
Skill E
Skill Unique
Fif - ReincarnationGrant an ally Magic TorrentRecovers once from a knockout while in effect /
ATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted Deals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Charge bar is boosted on every turn (Can't be removed) Multiplier: PerpetuityDuration: 15 turns.
Nehan - EnlightenmentAll other Light allies gain ZenBoost to ATK / Bonus Light DMG effect / Supplemental DMG / Sharp hit to debuff resistance (Can't be removed)
Multiplier: PerpetuityDuration: 3 turns.
Sandalphon - Entrusted ResolveAll Light allies gain Supreme WingsDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks / DEF is boosted / 1-turn cut to debuff durations at the end of each turn (Can't be removed)
Duration: 4 turns. (While Lucent RefugeDMG taken is reduced / Buffs can't be removed or shortened (Can't be removed) is in effect: All Light allies also gain Dodge All (1 time)Takes no DMG or debuffs while in effect for a set period Duration: Indefinite.)
Self Element A
- MC skills that grant Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Ullikummi - Vogue Hymn IIWhen main weapon (MC only): 1-turn cooldown cut to all skills with over 5-turn cooldown.
All allies gain 30% Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 30%Duration: 3 turns and a random buff when using first ability.
Self Element D
Superior Element A
Anila (Yukata) - The Big Summer Stage!Normal attacks deal 2-hit damage to random foes.
At end of turn when allies deal damage 20 or more times to the current target in 1 turn: All allies gain 10% Bonus Superior Elemental DMGDeals bonus superior element DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 10%Duration: 1 turn . Raise Anila's Ewe-phoriaGains effects in order based on Ewe-phoria lvl: Deal multiattacks / Boost to ATK / Amplify normal attack DMG / Boost to DMG cap / Buffs can't be removed (Max: 5 / Can't be removed) Duration: Indefinite lvl by 1 (Max: 5).
Superior Element B
Superior Ele. Unique
Charge Attack
Futsunomitama - Fulmination BladeUnworldly Light damage to a foe.
Raise all foes' ThunderstruckMultiattack rate is lowered based on lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed) Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds lvl by 2 (Max: 10). 1-turn cut to MC's damage skill cooldowns. After 4★: All allies also gain 15% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 15%Duration: 3.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining..
AdramelechRegal Cataclysm Massive Light damage to all foes.
All Light allies gain 20% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns.
ArtemisIokheira 500% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000).
All Light allies gain 20% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 20%Duration: 1 turn , 40% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted Strength: 40%Duration: 1 turn , and 20% TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted Strength: 20%Duration: 1 turn .
ThorMjolnir Massive Light damage to all foes.
Inflict 40% ATK DownATK is lowered Strength: 40%Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds, 40% DEF DownDEF is lowered Strength: 40%Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds, DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds, TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds and 20% Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered Strength: 20%Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 180 seconds. Remove 1 buff effect. All Light allies gain 50% Bonus Light DMGDeals bonus light DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks Strength: 50%Duration: 2 turns.
Self Element Summon
Belial (Summer)Hotter than the Sun 400% Elemental damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,120,000).
All allies gain 3 random buffs. MC gains Cunning CharmLands the following on all allies in 3 turn(s): Charm effect / Sharp hit to DEF / Debuff Resistance Lowered effect (Can't be removed) Duration: 3 turns. (Inflict CharmedAttacks are slightly limited (Can't be removed) Duration: 3 turns, 70% Sharp DEF DownDEF is sharply lowered (Can't be removed) Strength: 70%Duration: 3 turns, and 100% Debuff Res. DownDebuff resistance is lowered (Can't be removed) Strength: 100%Duration: 3 turns on all allies when duration ends.)
Passive A
Damascus Knife - Elemental Hunt10% Bonus elemental DMG effect to weapon elementi.e., the same element as the weapon. allies against foes with BountyItem drop rate is boosted
Sky Piercer - Elemental Blow20% Bonus weapon elementi.e., the same element as the weapon. DMG effect to third hit of elemental allies' triple attacks.
Mugen (Halloween) - Surprise PracticeBonus Light DMG effect to Light allies when their max HP has been reduced by 30% or more. (Boost to effect based on size of max HP reduction [Max: 60%].)
Passive B
Passive Unique