Devil's Finger (Water)

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Class Champion Weapons
Devil's Finger
Can be uncapped to 4★Can be uncapped to 5★
ID 1040111700
JP Name ガロット
Release Date 2019-09-27
4★ Date 2019-09-27
5★ Date 2019-09-27
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
This implement of dubious purpose shines faintly, its surface dulled with all the blood it has drunk over the years. The cruelly curved blade brings despair thick enough to blot out all loyalty, all rebellion, all desire—all but that for an end to the suffering.
Charge Attack
On Pins and Needles Massive Water damage to a foe.
1-turn cut to skill cooldown
Raise ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl by 1
Weapon Skills
Executioner's Nature When main weapon (MC only): Increase remaining times secret gear can be used by 1 at battle start
Executioner's Essence This is the essence of greatness. Gain its power by using emblems.
  Alternate skill 1: Use Emblem of Humanity to pick this skill:
Executioner's Humanity When main weapon (MC only): Raise ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl by 1 at end of turn if no DMG has been taken
  Alternate skill 2: Use Emblem of Divinity to pick this skill:
Executioner's Divinity When main weapon (MC only): Inflict 5% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 25%)ATK is lowered (Stackable)
Strength: 5% (Max: 25%)Base Accuracy: >100%Duration: 180 seconds
5% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 25%)DEF is lowered (Stackable)
Strength: 5% (Max: 25%)Base Accuracy: >100%Duration: 180 seconds
on all foes upon using secret gear [1]
  Alternate skill 3: Use Emblem of Devilry to pick this skill:
Executioner's Devilry When main weapon (MC only): Bonus Water DMG effect based on ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl [1]
Base Reduction Materials
Note: This is the amount you get for a 5★ uncapped weapon.
Weapon VersionsThis weapon has alternate versions.

5★ Class Champion Weapons

Gameplay Notes

Executioner's Devilry

Lvl Status Bonus DMG
1 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
2 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
3 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
4 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
5 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
6 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
7 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
8 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
9 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
10 ExecutionAttack specs are boosted based on Execution lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
