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Game Strategy Lore Voice
This character has multiple versions.
[Vicious Three]This title is an unofficial, amateur translation.
MAX HP 1100
MAX ATK 10500
BASE DA/TAThis character's base double attack rate and triple attack rate.Characters with support skills that grant guaranteed multiattacks may have very high values.Due to a game update, base DA/TA values are no longer obtainable from in-game data files. Exact values for characters released after 2023-10-10 are currently inaccessible. 10% DA / 5% TA
RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game.
SpecialtyThis character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid.  
Exp. BonusExpedition Bonus Type in Auto-Expeditions None
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Male
Voice Actor Kishō Taniyama
How to Recruit
Premium Draw
Recruitment Weapon
Atrocious Blood
ID 3040366000
Char ID 3054
Uncap Limit
NameJP ベンジャミン
TitleJP 残虐三兄弟
Voice ActorJP 谷山紀章
Release Date 2021-11-16
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GamewithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
Graaaah! Hear that? That's the scream of sky-tearing rancor backed by explosive guitar riffs, hateful bass chords, and destructive drum beats! You better believe Vicious Three'll make you curse the world! Feast your senses on their bloody rendition of the legendary Grudge of the Scapedog, and then prepare to be murdered! So consider yourself lucky for getting your hands on this album, because Benjamin's voice will be the last thing you hear as it sends you to hell...

Charge Attack
Icon Name Effect
Grudge of the Scapedog 450%Massive Earth damage to a foe.
End cooldown for  Voice of CurseAll allies gain HypeATK is boosted
Duration: 3 turns
and Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
Strength: 10%
(Increase amount of charge bar gained based on caster's HypeATK is boosted

Icon Name Cooldown Duration Obtained Effect
Voice of Curse 8 turns
Lvl 55:
7 turns
3 turns Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 55This skill is enhanced at level 55.
All allies gain HypeATK is boosted
Duration: 3 turns
and Charge Bar +10%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10%
Strength: 10%
(Increase amount of charge bar gained based on caster's HypeATK is boosted
Bloody Rain 7 turns
Lvl 75:
6 turns
- Lvl 1
⇧ Lvl 75This skill is enhanced at level 75.
500% Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: 635,000).[1]
Inflict DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
(When Benjamin's HypeATK is boosted
is 4:
Activates twice.)
Grudge Feedback 6 turns 1 turn /
3 turns
Lvl 45
Gain Guaranteed TAGuaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs
Duration: 1 turn
and StrengthATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is
Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns
(When Benjamin's HypeATK is boosted
is 4:
Affects all allies.)

Support SkillsDoes not work from the backline unless explicitly stated.
Icon Name Obtained Effect
High-Flying Gig Lvl 1
Gain effects in order based on number of harp-specialty allies in party:
1: 30% boost to ATKMultiplier: Unique.
2: 20% boost to charge bar gain.
3: 50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap.[1]
Vi-cious! Vi-cious! Vi-cious! Lvl 1
Boost to charge bar at end of turn based on Benjamin's HypeATK is boosted
lvl (Max: 20%).
(When Benjamin's HypeATK is boosted
is at lvl 4:
Also deal 3-hit Earth damage to random foes.)
Extended Mastery Support Skill EMP Boost to skill-sealing debuff resistance.

Extended Mastery Perks
  • ATK
  • DEF
  • Double Attack Rate
  • Critical Hit
    12% chance for 12% more DMG20% chance for 20% more DMG25% chance for 25% more DMG
  • Charge Attack Damage
RaceCalled "Type" in-game.
  • ATK
  • DEF
  • HP
  • Double Attack Rate
  • Critical Hit
    12% chance for 12% more DMG20% chance for 20% more DMG25% chance for 25% more DMG
  • Charge Attack Damage
  • Charge Attack Damage
  • Charge Attack Damage Cap
  • Charge Attack Damage Cap
  • Boost to skill-sealing debuff resistance.

Gameplay Notes

Voice of Curse

Level Status Charge Bar +Instantly boosts Charge Bar by
0 - 10%
1 HypeATK is boosted
2 HypeATK is boosted
3 HypeATK is boosted
4 HypeATK is boosted

High-Flying Gig

  • Benjamin himself and sub allies count.

Uncap Materials

Uncap 1★
Uncap 4★

Awakening Materials

Facsimile Compatibility

Icon Skill Copyable?
Voice of Curse No
Bloody Rain No
Grudge Feedback No
