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This page is a Voice stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
See Meta:Manual of Style/Character Pages/Voice for more info.
Notes: Missing JP transcriptions for: All lines in #Character Banter, and most lines in #Holidays.
Missing ENG translations for: All lines in #Character Banter, and most lines in #Holidays.
Missing .mp3 files for: Many lines in #General, all lines in #Character Banter, and most lines in #Holidays.


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 燃えさしの身がさして役に立つとも思えんが……使いたいなら好きに使えばいい。 With a worn out body like this, I doubt I could be of any assistance... but suit yourself if you must insist otherwise.
Home Screen 例えば、あらゆるものに定めがあるとすれば、俺が死にぞこなったのも、定め故なのだろう。ならば、命が尽きるまでに果たすべき役割が、まだ有るはず。 If for instance, everything is predetermined by destiny, then my survival must have been too. In that case, it must mean I still have a purpose to fulfill until the day my life comes to an end.
ムゲン。俺の後をついて回らなくていい。痺れはあるが、左手も動かせないわけじゃない。だから自分のしたいことを……………………ついて来たいのか。 Mugen, there's no need to follow me around. There may be some numbness, but it's not like I can't move my left hand, so you're free to go do something you actually want to— Oh...... Tagging along is what you want to do...
シスを拾った男の子供か……。一族の外で親しいもの、家族を持てるなら、奴にとってはそれが一番いいんだろう。 The child of the man who took Seox in, huh... I suppose it's for the best that he has someone from outside our clan close enough to call family.
Add to Party 弾除けにもなれるかどうか怪しいが……ついて来いというならそうしよう。 I doubt I'll be of use even as a human shield, but if you insist that I come along, then I shall.
薬の調合が入り用か? それとも、先に材料の収集か? Do you need me to prepare medication? Or are we gathering some ingredients first?
用事ならば手短に頼む。ムゲンが騒ぎ出す前に戻りたい。 If there's an errand to run, let's make it quick. I want to return before Mugen gets upset.
Uncap 俺にまだ……定められた役割があるのか。 So destiny has decided that I still have a purpose to fulfill, huh...
Journal 燃えさしの身がさして役に立つとも思えんが……使いたいなら好きに使えばいい With a worn out body like this, I doubt I could be of any assistance... but suit yourself if you must insist otherwise. Same as Recruit.
内服薬が苦すぎる? 子供の舌にはそうなのか。こうなると、味がわからないのも不便ではあるな。 The oral medication is too bitter, you say? I suppose that would be the case for children. This makes it rather inconvenient that I can't taste anything.
手足や視力の不自由が俺への罰だというのなら、知らぬうちに随分と世界は手ぬるくなったものだ。 The world has gotten awfully lenient if my punishment stopped at just the impairment of my limbs and vision.
EM Lvl Up 己の生き汚さに呆れるな……。 I'm dumbfounded at how I'm still clinging onto my life...
EM Perk Lvl Up 鈍った体も、少しはマシになったか。 Looks like the reflexes of my weak body have improved...
一族の中でもひ弱な部類だ、働きで返せるかわからんぞ。 I was amongst the weakest in the clan, so I can't guarantee I'll be able to return the favor with labor alone.
入神湯でも使うか? ……いや、冗談だ。 Shall I use some Trancensia? ... No, I wasn't serious about that.

Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 邪魔だ。 You're in the way.
逃すか。 I'm not letting you escape.
そこ。 Got you!
Enemy Defeated 再装填しておくか……。 I'll reload my gun for the sake of it.
Skill 1 代償無しに成果を求めるな。 Good results don't come without a price.
Skill 2 始末くらいは手を貸そう。 I'll lend my hand in finishing our opponent.
Skill 3 何が役に立つかわからないものだ。 It's not easy figuring out what works and what doesn't.
Support Skill 1 当たらぬも八卦か。 It's just luck that the opponent missed.
C.A. Ready 少しは仕事をしなくてはな。 I have to play my part, at least.
Charge Attack どうしても無茶がしたいなら、少し手を貸そう。 If you must insist on going all out, then I'll lend you a hand.
Skip Charge Attack 少し手を貸そう。 I'll lend you a hand.
Damage Taken でぁっ! フーッ……フゥーッ…… Ugh...! Huff... Wheeze...
Red HP もう一度眠り込むほどじゃない。 This isn't enough to put me into another deep slumber.
Knocked Out 思ったよりは保ったか…。 I held out longer than I thought I would...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Is that all you've got?
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Good grief...
Healed 礼は言っておく。 You have my thanks.
Join Battle 囮程度ならできるか……。 I'm here if you need a decoy.
Victory 仕事は果たしたか……。 Looks like we're done...
Turn Start 役に立つ保証はないぞ。 I can't guarantee I'll be of any assistance.
MC Defeats Enemy 気を抜くな! まだ終わっていない。 Don't let your guard down! It's not over just yet.
MC C.A. Ready 花形は任せておく。 I'll leave it to you to finish things off.
MC Red HP 無理がきくのも不運だな。 You're holding out. How unfortunate for our opponent.
MC Knocked Out 団長が先に倒れてどうする! Get a hold of yourself!

Chain Burst

This character does not recite chain burst names with other characters.

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 ムゲン「なにする、ネハン?」
Mugen: What Nehan doing?
Nehan: Nothing interesting in particular.
Skill 2 ムゲン「みんな、ネハンたよる!」
Mugen: Everyone rely Nehan!
Nehan: They shouldn't put their hopes on me...
Skill 3 ムゲン「ネハン、くすりつくる?」
Mugen: Nehan make medicine?
Nehan: Don't get distracted. Focus on fighting.
C.A. Ready ムゲン「ネハン、なにする?」
Mugen: Nehan, what do next?
Nehan: Let's see... for instance...
Red HP
Knocked Out
Join Battle ネハン「荒事は然して得意じゃないんだが…。」
Nehan: Fighting isn't my forte...
Mugen: Mugen will help!
Victory ムゲン「ネハン、ぐあいわるい、ない?」
Mugen: Nehan not feel unwell?
Nehan: It's hard to patch you up if you're moving around so much.


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
誕生日おめでとう。 Happy birthday.
一年を生き延びたことが、お前にとって幸いであるのなら、その事実こそが幸福だ。 If having aged another year is something that brings you joy, then the fact alone is a blessing in and of itself.

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
明けましておめでとう。めでたくもないが、定型句だからな。 Happy new year. Not that there's anything to be happy about, though... I'm just saying it because it's the norm.
また一年が始まってしまうか…。 A brand new year has begun, huh...

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーバレンタイン…。これでいいか? Happy Valentine's. There, good enough?
チョコレートか…。ムゲンと街の子供たちに買っておくか。 Chocolates... I suppose I'll get some for Mugen and the children back in Stardust Town.

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーホワイトデー…。満足か? Happy White Day. There, good enough?
ホワイトデー…。カルムの里にはなかったような気がするが、どうだったか… I don't recall White Day being something celebrated in the hamlet of Karm, though I can't say for sure...

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーハロウィン。お前にしては浮かれた顔だな、シス。 Happy Halloween. You seem unusually excited, Seox.
ハロウィン、か…。ムゲンに虫歯について教えておいたほうがいいだろうな…。 Halloween, huh... I should teach Mugen about cavities before it's too late...

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
正しき人に、聖なる夜に祝福有れかし。 May the holy night's blessings reach the right people.
サンタクロースか…。その名を耳にするのも久しいな…。 Santa Claus... I haven't heard anyone mention him in a while...


This character does not have any outfits.